2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Module 1 Hobbies备课教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Module 1 Hobbies备课教案 外研版 第一课时 听说课教案题目Module 1 Hobbies Unit 1 Do you collect anything?教材分析本模块以爱好为题材,内容主要谈及个人兴趣和爱好及原因。通过听对话,介绍了集邮、弹琴以及听音乐等爱好,并且通过爱好这个话题,介绍了爱好在休闲娱乐以及个人成就等方面的作用。学情分析本节课的授课对象是初二学生,他们已具备一定的听说能力,对于所授内容有一定的知识储备,大部分同学思维活跃,乐于表现,但是语言准确度有待提高。教学目标知识目标1. New words:Collect, collection, tidy , tidy up, fan, stamp, take up, all the time等。 2Drills and phrases. 3. grammar: The structure of the sentences. 能力目标通过听不同人的各种爱好,来辨别各种爱好,以提高同学们的听力能力和听力技巧。情感目标通过谈论爱好和培养对他人的不同爱好的尊重,维持良好的人际关系, 教学重点1. New words:Collect, collection, tidy , tidy up, fan, stamp, take up, all the time等。 2Drills and phrases. 3 Listening skills. 4. The five kinds of structures of the sentences.教具 课件PPT, 录音机文化意识 了解不同国家不同人群的不同的兴趣和爱好,尊重对方的兴趣和爱好,接纳对方的各种兴趣爱好并能更好的理解他人。教 学 过 程Warm-up教师活动Step1 : The teacher tells the students that her hobby is listening to the English songs, then plays the songs for the students. T: Class, do you know my hobby? S: No. T: My hobby is listening to English songs. Would you like to listen to my favorite songs? S: Yes. Then show them the teachers favorite songs.学生活动 Listen to the English songs, enjoy the music.目的 通过给同学们展示老师的爱好-听英语歌曲,以活跃课前气氛,激发兴趣,同时,也是导入新知的一部分。Pre-listening教师活动Step 2: Have a Free Talk Teacher talks with the students about their hobbies.T: What is your hobby? / What do you like?S: .T: Why do you enjoy your hobby?S:.T: When do you start your hobby?S: T: How often do you?S:学生活动Talk with the teacher about their hobbies, they can answer the teachers questions.目的 通过Free Talk的形式,和同学们讨论他们的爱好。 由于本模块的语法是五种基本句型,此五种基本句型在初一和初二上学期的学习中早已见过用过很多,只是没有进行系统的归类和讲解,在听力中不会造成太大的障碍,所以,在语法课中再进行系统讲解,不在此进行“呈现新知和机械性操练”的活动和训练了。直接导入听力。While-listening教师活动Step 3:Lead in the listening and show them the questions, then let them pare the hobbies with their hobbies: T: Now, class, I know your hobbies, but do you want to know Tonys hobbies? S: Yes. Then the teacher show them the questions: Listen and plete the chart:whoToy car Dolls Fans Stamps Tickets TonyTonys mumTonys dad学生活动 Listen to tape and then finish the chart. 目的 通过听力训练,提高同学们的听力能力,能准确的听辨不同人的爱好。并且通过和自己的爱好进行比较,进行说的训练。教师活动Step 4:Lead in another listening.T: Class, you have known the hobbies about Tonys family, do you want to know the hobbies about Tonys friends?S: Yes.Then play the tape for them. And show them the questions.Listen and answer their hobbies:Linglings hobbyDamings hobbySallys hobbySallys plan学生活动Listen to the tape and answer the questions.And talk about their hobbies.目的通过听力二的训练,加大难度,进一步的练习同学们的听力技巧和策略,以提高听力能力。 听完后进行一个说的练习,以提高同学们的口语表达能力。Post-listening教师活动Step5: Read the materials and find their hobbies and why they have such hobbies. Then try to retell the dialogue :hobbies DamingSally whySallys plan学生活动 Read the dialogue and find the sentences about their hobbies. Try to retell the dialogue.目的通过朗读对话,寻找含有他们爱好的句子,读熟。再读对话,尝试复述对话。练习读说能力。教师活动Step 6: Group workLead the students to talk about their classmates hobbies, and have an activity “I am a reporter”. T: Class, now lets have an activity “I am a reporter”. Suppose you are a reporter, then you stand up and ask your classmates about their hobbies.NameHobbies Why he she likesWhen to start the hobbiesHow oftenthey do 学生活动Have an activity “I am a reporter”, stand up and ask about their classmate about their hobbies.目的通过“我是小记者”活动,练习本课所学的话题“爱好”,通过对本课所学知识进行输出练习,已达到提高同学们口语表达能力的目的。Homework1. Remember what we have learnt this class.2. Ask about your parents hobbies.教学反思 第二课时 读写课教案教学目标知识目标1 new words:volleyball, sailing, lazy, useful, develop, skill, camp, as well as , such as 等。 2Drills and phrases. 3. grammar: The structure of the sentences.能力目标通过对本课的学习,做到能辨认文章中所介绍的爱好,能转述爱好信息,能理解作者所要传达的信息。提高阅读能力和技巧。能利用as well as, such as等介绍同学的爱好,以提高同学们的写作能力。 情感目标通过谈论爱好和培养对他人的不同爱好的尊重,维持良好的人际关系。教学重难点1 New words:volleyball, sailing, lazy, useful, develop, skill, camp, as well as , such as 等。 2Drills and phrases. 3Improve the students reading skills and writing ability.教具 多媒体、彩笔、素描纸等教 学 过 程Warm-up教师活动Step1: Show the students some videos about sailing, climbing, dancing, writing, skating ,skiing, and so on. T: Class, I want to show you some videos , can you tell me what they are doing,? and can you guess why they like do these special things? 学生活动Watch the videos and think about the questions. Can you tell me what they are doing,? and can you guess why they like do these special things?目的通过给同学们播放录像,讨论所给的问题,以活跃课前气氛,激发兴趣,同时,也是导入新知的一部分。Pre-reading教师活动Step 2: Talk about the videos and lead in the reading.T: Class, what are they doing?S: T: Can you guess why they like ?S: T: Do you think the hobbies are special?S: Yes.T: Do you like the special hobbies?S: T: Do you want to know Davids special hobbies?S: Yes. T: So lets look at page 4, .学生活动Talk about the videos with the teacher. And answer the teachers questions.目的通过讨论录像,讨论special hobbies, 然后很自然的导入文章。While-reading教师活动Step 3: Lead the students to read the text and answer the questions.1. Fast-reading: Read the whole text fast and answer the questions:(1) How many hobbies does David have?_(2) When did David bee a successful writer?_ 2. Careful-reading: (1) Read paragraph 1and finish the question: What can hobbies do?_(2) Read paragraph 2 and finish the questions:True or false questions:. David Smith likes sailing. ( ). David is a teacher and writer. ( ). David learned writing during a summer camp of xx.( ) (2) Read paragraph 3-5 and finish the questions: When did Davids book e out? _ What is his book about? _Why is David very lucky? _What is Davids plan about his main hobby? _学生活动1. Read the passage fast and answer the questions.2. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions.目的1 通过fast-reading训练同学们速读、略读和扫读的能力技巧。2 通过careful-reading训练同学们精读的技巧和能力。Post-reading教师活动Step 4: Lead the students to read the passage and :1. Find the difficulties they dont know.2. Teach them the important language points.Lead them to read and try to retell or say something about the passage.学生活动1. Read and find the difficulties they dont know.2. Learn the important language points.3. Read and try to retell or say something about the passage.目的1. 通过朗读,寻找不明白的问题,小组讨论解决。2. 再读学习重点知识。3. 朗读试着复述或概述文章内容。教师活动Step 5: Writing Write a poster, one group, one big piece of a paper, each student finds a place on the paper to write hisher special hobby, and write: 1. What is your special hobby? 2. when and where do you start the hobby? 3. What has it brought to your life? 4. What is your plan about your hobby? 5. Try to use as well as, such as and as a result, etc.学生活动Finish the poster and then show them to the other groups.目的通过制作海报,宣传自己小组内成员的special hobbies,以练习同学们的写作能力。Homework1. Remember what we have learnt this class.2. Write something about your friends or parents special hobbies.教学反思 第三课时 语法课教案教学目标知识目标学习五种基本句型结构能力目标 理解五种基本句型并能运用这些句型进行交流。情感目标运用这些句型和所学知识,与他人进行交流和沟通,增进同学友谊,与他人维持良好的关系。教学重难点 五种基本句型的学习和运用。教具 多媒体教学教 学 过 程Warm-up教师活动Step 1: Play the song Bingo Teacher show them a song Bingo, and let the students try to remember some of the sentences of the song. e.g. There was a famer. Bingo was his name. 学生活动 Watch and listen to the song, try to remember the sentences of the song. 通过歌曲,活跃气氛,同时也是导入的一部分,为下文导出要学句型做铺垫。Lead in 教师活动Step 2: Talk about the sentence of the song. Talk about the sentences about the song, and let them talk what kind of sentences they are. There was a famer. Bingo was his name.学生活动Talk about the sentences about the song, and talk what kind of sentences they are.There was a famer. Bingo was his name.目的呈现例句,让同学们讨论、总结、归纳其用法。Specific structureteaching教师活动Step 3:After they talk about the sentences, the teacher shows them the structure of the sentences: There was a famer. There be + 主 Bingo was his name. 主+ 系 + 表Then ask the students: T: Do you like the song? S: Yes, I like the song. . .So the teacher writes the sentences on the blackboard: I like the song. He likes the song. We like the song. You like the song. They like the song.Ask the students to talk about the sentences, talk about the structure of them . Then teaches them the structure: I like the song. He likes the song. We like the song. You like the song. They like the song. 主 + 谓 + 宾 。 。Use this kind of method to teach the students the grammar学生活动Look , think, and talk about the sentences, ask the teacher for help, listen to the teacher carefully, remember and understand the structure of the sentences.目的呈现句型,让同学们观察、思考、讨论、询问,认真听,仔细记,深入理解。Consolidationpractice教师活动Step 4:1. The teacher shows them some basic exercises.2. The teacher shows them some consolidation exercises.3. Use what we have learned to make a dialogue .学生活动Finish the exercises that the teacher gives.目的通过基础训练、巩固训练和应用训练,以练习和巩固所学句型结构,在语言应用过程和写作过程中不要出现句子结构错误。Homework1 Remember what we have learned this class.2 Finish the exercises on the workbook.教学反思第四课时 复习课达标课教学目标知识目标1. New words2. Phrases and drills3. Grammar4. Useful expressions 5. listening methods, reading methods and writing methods能力目标Use the new words, phrase, drills, listening methods, reading methods and writing methods to do exercises and talk in the daily life.情感目标From the learning, the students can learn how to help each other, and how to learn from each other.教学重难点1.New words2. Phrases and drills3. Grammar4.Useful expressions 5.listening methods, reading methods and writing methods教具导学案、笔记、粉笔、黑板等教 学 过 程Warm-up教师活动Step 1: Let the students read the words together before the class学生活动 Read the words together loudly.目的课前读词,营造良好的学习气氛。Remember the notes教师活动Step 2: Let the students take out their notes , read and remember them by themselves.学生活动Take out their notes , read and remember them by themselves.目的复习笔记限时记忆。Basic practice教师活动Step 3: Show the students basic exercises and let them finish the exercises by themselves.学生活动Finish the exercises by themselves.目的 效果检测,专项训练,对笔记等基础知识进行考察。Ask and answer教师活动Step 4: After the basic exercises, the students can ask the teacher some questions that they dont know. And the teacher explains them for the students. And teaches them some of the important language points.学生活动After the basic exercises, the students can ask the teacher some questions that they dont know.目的专项训练后,进行疑难解答。 TestHave a test or exam.Homework Remember what we have learned this class and the difficulties that the teacher explained.教学反思 学生使用材料一(听说课)1. Have a free talk. 讨论自己的爱好: _2读对话,根据下列提示,尝试复述对话。DamingSally whySallys planhobbies 3学习语言点: (1)take up 占据e.g. The job takes up all my time. This table takes up too much time. 拓展:讨论并列出含有up的短语或者句型: _. (2)a bit & a little 两者都可以用作副词词组,用来修饰形容词,副词(原级或者是比较级)或动词。做定语时,a little 后面可以直接接不可数名词;a bit of + n./ Not a bit = not at all; not a little = very 拓展:讨论a little & little; a few & few 的区别:_. (3)All the time 总是, 一直 e.g. He studies English hard all the time.讨论:小组讨论含有time的短语或者句型:_.(4)play 后接乐器时,乐器前面加定冠词the;后面接球类名词时,名词前不加任何冠词。Play the piano play basketball(5)四看三使动词后面长接不带to的动词不定式。 四看:look at, make, watch, observe 三使:have, make, let 两听:hear, listen to 一感觉:feel 半动词:help 即可接带to的动词不定式也可接不带to的动词不定式 (help sb to do sth/ help sb do sth) 注意:see sb do sth 指看的全过程 See sb doing sth 指看的时候正在进行的一个动作4. 听后说:“我是小记者”活动, 调查你们班同学们的爱好。 NameHobbies Why he she likesWhen to start the hobbiesHow oftenthey do 5作业:1 Remember what we have learnt this class.2 Ask about your parents hobbies. 学生使用材料二(读写课)1看录像,讨论special hobbies. 1)Do you like these special hobbies? Why ? _. 2) What is your special hobby? _.2读中读:(1)Fast-reading: (速读全文,回答问题) 1. How many hobbies does David have?_2. When did David bee a successful writer?_ (2) Careful-reading:(分段阅读,回答问题) 1. Read paragraph 1and finish the question:What can hobbies do?_2. Read paragraph 2 and finish the questions:True or false questions:. David Smith likes sailing. ( ). David is a teacher and writer. ( ). David learned writing during a summer camp of xx.( ) 3. Read paragraph 3-5 and finish the questions: When did Davids book e out? _ What is his book about? _Why is David very lucky? _What is Davids plan about his main hobby? _3学习语言点:1. Look after = take care of = care for e.g. He spent years (in) caring for his sick mother. 拓展:讨论并总结含有look的短语和句型: _2. Make sb do sth 使、让某人做某事Make sb + adj 使某人.(处于某种状态)Make sb + n (表示职位,头衔等名词) e.g. My dogs death made her sad. We all made her our monitor. 拓展:讨论并总结含有look的短语和句型:_3. Spend moneytime on sth Spend moneytime (in) doing sth It takes sb some time to do sth 表示某人花费多少时间做某事Sb + pay + money for sth Sth + cost + money 或者 sth + cost + sb +money e.g. This chair costs too much. This meal costs us $40. 拓展:分别用spend, cost, pay, take造句: _4. It is + adj + to do sth It is + adj + of sb to do sth (此类形容词是可以修饰人的) It is + adj + for sb to do sth (此类形容词是不可以修饰人的) 翻译:1. 你真是太好了,来帮助我。 _ 2. 学好英语对于我们来说很重要。 _4写作训练 Writing :1. What is your special hobby? 2. when and where do you start the hobby? 3. What has it brought to your life? 4. What is your plan about your hobby? 5. Try to use as well as, such as and as a result, etc._5作业: 1. Remember what we have learnt this class.2. Write something about your friends or parents special hobbies. 学生使用材料三(语法课)1. 听儿歌,记歌词: _2. 观察、归纳、总结句子结构: There was a famer._ Bingo was his name._3. 专项训练:判断下列句子分别属于哪种句型: A. 主+谓 B.主+谓+宾 C. 主+系+表 D. 主+谓+宾+宾E. 主+谓+宾+宾补 (1) We must keep our classroom clean. _ (2) My father bought me a new bike. _ (3) Now youd better have the bill. _ (4) Uncle Li helped me fix the machine. _ (5) The cakes taste very sweet. _4. 巩固训练:(见课本workbook)5作业:1Remember what we have learned this class.2Finish the exercises on the workbook. 学生使用材料四(复习课)1.检测效果,专项训练: 翻译单词和词组1.进来_ 2.坐下_ 3.整理_ 4火车票_5.拉小提琴_ 6.听音乐_ 7.一直_ 8.对音乐感兴趣_ 9.这个学期期末_ 10. 八年前_ 11.比如_ 12.种植蔬菜_13.照顾动物们_ 14.发展某人的兴趣_15. 占用_ 16. 帮助某人学习新技能_ 17. 在xx年夏天期间_ 18.花费1小时在作业上_19.并且,还_ 20.

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