2019版七年级英语上册 满分冲刺 第13讲 任务型阅读练习 (新版)牛津版.doc

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2019版七年级英语上册 满分冲刺 第13讲 任务型阅读练习 (新版)牛津版.doc_第1页
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2019版七年级英语上册 满分冲刺 第13讲 任务型阅读练习 (新版)牛津版题一: Cindy is my friend. She likes sports very much. She runs (跑步) every morning. Cindy is healthy and she eats well. For breakfast, she likes eggs, bananas and milk. For lunch, she has chicken, tomatoes and vegetables. She likes fish, salad and carrots for dinner. She eats oranges, pears and apples, too. 水果和蔬菜是健康食品。She doesnt like ice-cream. And she doesnt eat hamburgers or French fries (薯条). They are not healthy food. 1. Cindy runs _ . 2. Cindy likes _ for breakfast. 3. 将文中画线部分翻译成英语。_4. What does Cindy eat for dinner?_5. Does Cindy like ice-cream?_题二: The Greens have a new house. Its big and beautiful. There are six rooms in the house. This is the living room. Its wide. The furniture is new. The sofa is on the left. The table is in front of the sofa. There are two chairs on the right. One is Mr. Greens. His is very big and beautiful. The other is Mrs. Greens. Hers is small, but its (also, too) beautiful. The floor lamp is on the right. 它在两把椅子之间。The TV is at the back of the room and the children, Tom and Lily, like watching it best. The Greens like their new house very much. 1. 选出合适的词填入空白处。2. 将文中画线的汉语句子译成英语。_3. 从文中找出下列各词的反义词。left _ ; big _ ; back _ 4. 根据短文内容,完成下列小题。How many rooms are there in the Greens new house?_5. 根据短文内容,完成下列小题。Who likes watching TV?_任务型阅读题一: 1. every morning 2. eggs, bananas and milk 3. Fruit and vegetables are healthy food. 4. Fish, salad and carrots. 5. No, she doesnt. 解析:1. 根据第一段第二句She runs (跑步) every morning. 可知,Cindy每天跑步,故填every morning。2. 根据第二段第一句For breakfast, she likes eggs, bananas and milk. 可知,Cindy早餐吃鸡蛋、香蕉和牛奶,故填eggs, bananas and milk。3. “水果和蔬菜”译为fruit and vegetables,因为主语为两个东西,谓语用are,“健康食品”译为healthy food。故译Fruit and vegetables are healthy food. 4. 根据第二段第三句She likes fish, salad and carrots for dinner. 可知,Cindy晚饭吃鱼肉、沙拉和胡萝卜,故答案为Fish, salad and carrots. 5. 根据第二段第六句She doesnt like ice-cream. 可知Cindy不喜欢冰激凌。故答案为No, she doesnt. 题二: 1. also 2. Its between the two chairs. 3. right, small, front 4. Six. 5. Tom and Lily. 解析:1. also通常位于be动词之后,实意动词之前,too通常位于句末,前有逗号,或位于句中,前后加逗号。因位于its之后,故选also。2. “它”译为it,“两把椅子”译为the two chairs,“在之间”译为between,故译为Its between the two chairs. 3. left意为“左边的”,从第九句There are two chairs on the right. 找到right意为“右边的”为left的反义词,big意为“大的”,从第十三句Hers is small, but its (also, too) beautiful. 找到small意为“小的”为big的反义词,back意为“后面的”,从第八句The table is in front of the sofa. 找到front意为“前面的”为back的反义词。4. 根据文章第三句There are six rooms in the house. 可知格林新家有六个房间,故答six。5. 根据文章倒数第一句The TV is at the back of the room and the children, Tom and Lily, like watching it best. 可知,Tom and Lily爱看电视。


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