2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Chapter 7 A New Newspaper Period 2教案 牛津上海版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Chapter 7 A New Newspaper Period 2教案 牛津上海版Teaching Objectives:Knowledge objectives:1.To help the students know that newspapers have different sections.2.To help the students know that to make a newspaper we need a chief editor, a secretory and some other editors.Ability objectives:To develop studentsspeaking and listening abilities.Moral objectives:1.To encourage students to read more and learn more.2.To cultivate studentslove for our country.Language focus and difficult points:1.To grasp the main phrases in the text.2.To grasp the main idea of the text.Teaching Methods:1.Task-based approach2municative approach3.Situational approachTeaching procedure:I.Pre-task preparation 1. To enjoy a nice English song2. To have a daily talk: What do you usually do after supper?T: Do you like the music?Ss: YesT: Me,too. In fact, I like music very much. I listen to music every day after supper. Thus, I can relax myself very well. How about you? What do you do after supper?S1: I do my homework.S2: I watch cartoons.S3: I take a walk. T: Do any of you read newspapers?( To present the title: A new Newspaper )T: I think it is very good to read newspapers after supper. You can not only relax yourself but also know more about our country and the outside world.3. To ask students to name some newspapers.( To show the slide )T: We know there are different kinds of newspapers. Can you name some?Ss: WenHui Daily; JieFang Daily; XinMing Evening Newspaper; Times; Shanghai StudentsPost; 21st Century Teens; FengXian Newspaper; LiangYou Newspaper; Technology Newspaper; Family Education Newspaper; the Young Master; China Daily; Sports Newspaper; Shenjiang Guide Newspaper; TV Guide Newspaper; Labor Daily4. To ask students to list the different items one can find in a newspaper.T: ( To point at the picture ) You see, each newspaper has different sections. Which items can we find in a newspaper?Ss: Local news; world news; letters; people; sports; weather forcasts; advertisements; announcements; tourist guides; pictures; stories; TV schedules; business information, etc.II.While-task procedure1.To deal with Reading A.T: ( To show the slide ) Here are some pictures and headlines from a newspaper. Tell me which sections they e from? ( Keys: Picturea: Sports; Pb: World news; Pc: People; Pd: Letters; Pe: Local news )2. To deal with the text.T: We usually only read newspapers. Have you ever thought about making your own Newspapers?Ss: No.T: But some students of Grade Eight at Mayfield School want to publish a new newspaper. Now lets listen to their stories. Youll meet some new phrases in the text. Before listening, lets go through them.A.To have them learn some main phrases in the text.1. hold a meeting 开会2. be at a meeting 在开会3. vote for sb. 投票选举某人4. elect sb. to be the chief editor 选某人为主编5. take charge of 负责主持6. ought to = should 应该7. ask for suggestions 征求建议8. take notes 做记录9. be responsible for 对负责10. talk over =discuss 讨论11. be free to readers 对读者免费12. make a decision 作决定13. agree to conclude 同意结束14. in one weeks time 在一周的时间内B. To listen to the recording of the first five paragraphs.(Twice):To tell whether the following statements are True or False*.1. Some Grade8 students at Mayfield School wanted to publish a newspaper at the end of the term. ( F )2.They elected Tony to be the chief editor because he had experience.( F ) 3.Joyce took charge of the meeting. ( T )4. Arthur was secretary of the Drama Club last year.( T )5. A secretarys job is to take charge of the meeting.( F )6. Usually we need only one editor to publish a newspaper.( F )C. To listen to the rest parts of the text. ( Twice )Answer the questions:1. Who were at the meeting?( Pansy, Tony, Joyce, Millie, Arthur )2. Who was elected to be the chief editor? Why?( Joyce. Because she had experience.)3. Pansy didnt take charge of the meeting, did she?( No )4. Who am I in the text? ( Arthur )5. What didIstart doing after I was elected to be the secretary?( Taking notes )6. Did they decide on the name of their newspaper?( No )7. How soon will they have the next meeting ?( In one weeks time. )D. To do C Find the facts( To show ) Keys:1. Pansy: Im an editor.2. Tony: Im an editor.3. Joyce: Im the chief editor4.Millie: Im an editor.5.Im the secretary. I take notes during the meeting.III.Post-task activity1.To have a discussion: A. If you were in the group, which job would you be interested in? Why?B. What would you like to call your new newspaper? Give us some reasons.C. What do you think of newspapers?IV.ConclusionToday weve learned Chapter7 A new newspaper. Weve known therere many kinds of newspapers and each newspaper has different sections such as local news, world news, people, letters, sports, advertisments and so on. Weve also known to publish a newspaper, we need at least a chief editor, a secretary and some other editors. In addition, weve talked about the good of reading newspapers. It is true that reading newspapers can broaden our mind. We can know what is happening in our country. As young teenagers today, we should care more about our country. Lets all work hard from now on to make our country stronger and more beautiful in the near future.V.Assignment: 1. Oral work: 1) To learn the main phrases by heart. 2) To read the text fluently and try to ask more questions about it. 3) ( For advanced students): To retell the text. 2. Written work: 1) To copy the main phrases.2) To do P93 Ex. E板书设计:To show all the main teaching contents on the screen.教案设计说明:本课是牛津教材Book8B Chapter7的第二课时。在第一课时,我已对本课中出现的所有生词作了处理,这一课时中我要处理的教学内容主要是Reading部分的A、 C以及Text的Main idea. 这里学生们将进一步了解报纸的种类;报纸通常分哪些部分;出版一份报纸一般需要哪些人负责,他们的具体工作是什么?他们还将讨论看报纸的利与弊。因为是初夏下午的第一节课,学生易产生困倦,因此,在准备阶段,我特意选择了一首节奏欢快的英语歌曲(中文名为剪羊毛)。然后从这首歌曲自然引出话题:What do you do after supper?(具体环节见Warming-up.) 让学生谈论这一话题的目的在于引出本课时的主题-Newspapers. 之后,通过Brainstorming, 让学生去想、去了解各种各样的报纸。为了帮助学生更好地了解和熟悉报纸,我利用多媒体向学生展示了各种报纸的图片,让他们仔细观察后,告诉我,他们通常在报纸上可以看到哪些项目?并请他们To list the different items one can find in a newspaper. 层次好的同学会回答pictures; sports; world news; weather forcasts; advertisments; stories; local news等等,这将为While-task过程中的Reading A作很好的铺垫。因为Reading A要求学生根据所给的每一段信息判断它们分别属于哪一类的新闻。(具体见While-task的第一个环节)在While-task过程中的另一个教学重点是处理课文。在处理课文前,我先让学生初步熟悉和理解课文中出现的重点词组,如:hold a meeting; vote for sb.; elect sb. to be the chief editor等,我基本上是按它们在课文中出现的顺序整理的。这样的安排有助于下一步的“听课文录音,并判断T或 F”。借助于这些词组,学生能更好地理解和掌握课文的大意。因为课文较长,我将它分成了两次让学生听,第一次,先请他们听前五节,并根据这五节的内容做六个是非题;余下的三节,在第二次让学生听完后简单地回答七个问题。在他们掌握了课文的主要内容,了解了出版一份报纸一般需要哪些人去负责,具体分工又如何时,我才让学生做Reading C Find the facts. 即写出Pansy, Tony, Joyce, Millie and Arthur的工作分别是什么。(因为他们的工作分别是什么,只有学习了整篇课文后学生才会知道。)在Post-task这个环节中,我设计了二个问题让学生讨论:1.If you were in the group, what job would you be interested in? Why? 2. What do you think of newspapers? 既复习了前面学到的chief editor, secretary等工作的名称,同时也复习了他们分别具体做些什么,如: secretary: to take notes.等。让学生谈论报纸的利与弊,既是对学生“说”的能力的培养,也是为下一课时的Listening“Correcting mistakes in an article”作准备。(这一听力练习正好展示了报纸的“弊端”之一,那就是:报纸上说的不完全是对的或是真实的。)在Conclusion阶段,我不仅帮助学生回顾了在本课时所学习的重点,还不失时机地对他们进行了德育的渗透,我希望他们能多看报纸,关心国家,了解国家大事,并从现在起努力学习,准备好肩负建设祖国的重任。教学反思:本课时是本人在本校组内上的一堂公开课。准备阶段时,我请学生举例各种报纸的名称及在每份报纸上常可以看到哪些项目,如:信件、广告、当地新闻、天气预报等。因为在课前作了布置,学生作好了充分的准备,因此课堂反应很不错,学生的回答涉及的面很广,开了一个好头,使下面的教学环节能顺利地进行下去。从同事们的评课来看,她们认为教学环节设计得不错,各环节流畅,教学重点也突出,关于课文内容所设计的那些题目也很好,很有层次性,也能有效促进学生对课文的理解。另一优点就是在家作的布置上,我体现了“分层”,让每个学生都有事情可做。结合她们的看法,我认为需要在以下几个方面作改进。如:在While-task这一环节中,在要求学生Answer questions后,我又安排了“Find the facts”这一环节,本来这一环节不仅能进一步检查学生对课文的理解程度,也能帮助学生更好地归纳和总结出版一份报纸所需要的工作人员及他们的具体分工,但我在这一环节中花得时间太少,只是简单急促地带过了。这一环节该好好利用才是。另外,对于“Main phrases”的解释,我采用了中文,最好改为英文。因为现在的考题中往往要求学生根据英文注解来写出或找出相应的单词或短语。在Post-task这一环节中,我本来设计了三个问题请学生讨论。在课堂上我也确实要求学生一一讨论并汇报了。但因为讨论内容过多,安排学生讨论的时间就相对应地给得少了些。且学生交流看法的时间也显得太仓促了。因此,设计这一环节的意义就显得没了。课后,经过反思,我觉得可把第二个问题:What would you like to call your new newspaper? Why?留到家作中去。当然,除上述缺点外,肯定还有很多地方值得改进。我将在今后的教学中博采众人之长,并刻苦钻研,努力备好课、上好课,更好地提高四十分钟的课堂效率。

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