2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Unit11 Could you please clean your room导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Unit11 Could you please clean your room导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版学习目标1. Key vocabulary: Chore, dish, sweep, meeting, trash, fold, do the chores dishes, sweep the floor, take out the trash, make ones bed, clean the living room, have a meeting, fold ones clothes, stay out late, have to, get a ride, work on (重点)2. Sentences: Peter, could you please take out the trash?3. Grammar: 情态动词could 表示有礼貌的请求许可或提出要求的用法(难点) 学习导航一、预习感知翻译下列短语:do the chores do the dishes get a ride have a meeting sweep the floor have to stay out late fold the clothes take out the trash make ones the bed clean the living room work on 二、合作研讨:词义辨析:写出划线部分的意思1) dish: I often do the dishes after meals. Id like two dishes. One is fish, and the other one is chicken. 2)ride: I often ride my bike to school. Steve, could you give me a ride?3)have to must I have to look after my mother because she is ill. Her bike is broken, so she has to walk home. Peter had to study for the test last night. We must study hard for the future.(未来)读上面的句子,找出have to 与must 的异同点: 语法探讨:1)Could you please + v. ? 以Could 引导的疑问句,表示有礼貌地提出 。应答: 肯定式: Yes, sure. 否定式: Sorry, I cant. 2) Could I + v. ? 表示有礼貌地 。应答: 肯定式: Yes, sure. 否定式: Sorry, you cant. 知识拓展:用英语写出其他的请求别人或请求许可的句式:For example: Will you please ?问 题发 现霍山县初中英语导学案年级八学科英语课题Unit11Section A(1a2c)主备崔达霞孟庆方审查 李晓静 时间 xx.7能力聚焦1根据句意和首字母补全单词。1) Mother tells me to s the floor once a week.2) I often help my mother do the d .3) Our teachers are having a m .4) Theres a piece of new furniture(家具) in the l room.5) I often take out the t when I go to work in the morning.2.选择动词并用其适当形式填空:Do, need, take, make, have, get, give, go, leave, work6) Could you please us some coffee? - Sure. Here you are.7) When will Peter Nanjing for Shandong? - The day after tomorrow.8) Thanks for care of my pet dog. - Youre wele.9) David cant play with us. He to do his homework.10) We tired after a long walk yesterday.11) I dont want to for a walk. 12) Does she often help her mother dinner? - Yes, she does. 13) I dont like chores because its boring.14) We some drinks. Could you please buy some?15) I m going to on my English project and then meet my friends.3.从栏中选出与栏对应的句子。 16)Could I speak to Sam, please? A. Good idea!17)Would you like to e to my party tonight? B. Yes, please.18) May I e in? C. Certainly. Hold on, please.19) What about going fishing? D. Id love to.20) Shall I open the door? E. Sorry, Im afraid not. 21) Will you (please) lend your pen to me? F. e in, please. 我的收获霍山县初中英语导学案年级八课题Unit11 Section A(3a-4) 主备崔达霞 孟庆方 审查 李晓静 时间 xx.7 学习目标1. Key vocabulary: hate, laundry, do the laundry, do chores, make breakfast 2. Try to understand the words“make” “do”.3. Learn to talk about the chores you like and dislike.学习导航一、点滴积累 1头脑风暴:在下面列出你所知道的家务活,并用表示喜欢,用表示不喜欢,再想一想理由:For example:do the dishes2. 用法探讨:1)读下面的句子,查找hate的用法及其区别:(温馨提示:可参照like的用法) I hate to be away from my family. I hate fighting with my classmates. 2) 归纳agree 的用法: I agree with you. I agree to his plan. She agrees to go hiking with us tomorrow.3)近义词辨析:先列出do 与make 的短语,再找其异同。For example: do the laundry Make breakfast相同点: 不同点: 二、活学活用用do 或make 的适当形式填空1)She often her homework at her aunts.2) Let me show you how to popcorn.3) “What are you ?” - “A birthday cake.”4) He is too lazy to anything at home.5) Uncle Wang enjoys model planes.问题发现霍山县初中英语导学案年级 八 课题Unit11 Section A(3a4)主备崔达霞 孟庆方 审查 李晓静 时间xx.7能力聚焦1根据首字母提示及英文解释写出单词。1) L a room on a place for doing the washing.2) T rubbish3) H dislike sth. Very much4) C housework5) S to clean away with a broom or brush2. 句型转换: 6)Could you please wash the clothes? ( 改为同义句) Could you please . 7) He likes making the bed.( 改为反义句) He making the bed. 8) I dont like doing the dishes because its boring.( 对划线部分提问 ) you like doing the dishes?3. 翻译句子,每空一词: 9)我能和朋友们去看电影吗? I with my friends? 10) 你能帮我打扫一下起居室吗?Could you please me the living room?11) 我妈妈一周购物两次。 My mother a week.12) 我喜欢做饭,因为它有意思。 I like because its interesting.13)- 我能用一下你的自行车吗?我的坏了。 - 当然可以。 - Can I your bike? Is broken. - .14) 我讨厌擦汽车,因为它脏。 I because its dirty.我的收 获霍山县初中英语导学案年级 八 课题Unit11Section B(1a2c)主备崔达霞 孟庆方 审查 李晓静 时间 xx.7 学习目标1.Vocabulary: snack, teenager, borrow, invite, player, care, feed, mine, take care of (重点)2. Learn to make polite request and ask for permission. (难点)3. Learn the usage of the Modal Verbs.(情态动词的用法) (难点)学习导航一、点滴积累预习单词,翻译下列短语1) borrow some money 2) teenager 3) invite to 4) go to the store 5) CD player 6) drinks and snacks 二、合作研讨: 举例辨析三个“借“的用法: Could I borrow some money from you? Could you please lend your bike to me? How long can I keep your dictionary?(1)“borrow”意为 “借进”,是短暂性动词,“从 处借” 应为 (2) “lend” 意为 “借出”,是短暂性动词,“把 借给” 应为 (3)“keep” 意为 “借” ,表借某物一段时间。三、能力培养认真阅读1a中的短语,判断谁将请求谁做这些事情,将你的答案写在横线上。四、 口语练习: 请你和同伴分别以孩子和家长的身份,向对方提出自己的请求,并应答。问题发现霍山县初中英语导学案年级 八课题Unit 11 Section B(1a2c)主备崔达霞 孟庆方 审查李晓静 时间xx.7能力聚焦1. 根据汉语提示补全单词。1)Could I (借)your new dictionary, John?2) You can (邀请) your good friends for dinner.3) Students shouldnt take (小吃) to the class.4) I think (青少年)should learn to do chores when they are free.5) Could you (借给) me some money? 2. 补全对话根据对话内容,从下面方框中选择恰当的单词have to could I could you Ill cant dont doDad: Jack, please clean your room?Jack: Sorry, I clean it right now. I study for a test tomorrow. Do it a little later.Dad: All right. But forget.Jack: Ok. Oh, Dad, borrow some money for the movies tonight?Dad: I guess so. How much you need?3. 编排对话( )Well, you know Im going to Guilin next week for a holiday.( ) Paul, Could you do something for me, please?( ) I cant take my cat with me.( ) Certainly. What would you like me to do?( ) Yes, sure. With pleasure. ( ) Could you please look after her for me?我的收 获霍山县初中英语导学案年级八课题Unit11SectionB(3aSelfcheck)主备崔达霞孟庆方 审查 李晓静 时间xx.7 学习目标1.Vocabulary:care, feed, mine, take care of, take for a walk, forget to do, play with, e over to (重点)2. Writing: Learn to write an e mail message to ask for help.(难点)3. Grammar:Modal verbs(情态动词)(难点)学习导航一、点滴积累1. 预习单词,完成下列各词forget (反义词) mine (形容词性物主代词) care (n.) ( adj.) (adv.)Take care of ( 近义词组) e over to (中文意思)2. 温故知新:复习人称及物主代词,完成下列表格:人称第一人称第二人称第三人称主格Ishe宾格usit形容词性物主代词yourtheir名词性物主代词yourshis二、 合作探讨:1)Thanks for taking care of my dog.Thanks for 后接名词,接动词时变为 ,表示 意思。2)Give him water and feed him. My grandmother keeps a group of chickens. I often feed them after school.Feed 和 keep都表示“养”,想一想它们的不同点:3) Dont forget to clean his bed. I forget watering the flowers already, because the soil (泥土)is wet.辨析 Forget to do 和 forget doing三、 阅读思考:认真阅读邮件,将事务分类填入书中的表格,并思考Thomas 如何表达自己的要求,划出关键词。问题发 现霍山县初中英语导学案年级 八课题Unit11SectionB(3aSelfcheck)主备崔达霞 孟庆方审查 李晓静时间xx.7 能力聚焦1同义句转换,每空一词1) We are going to take good care of my pet birds. We are going to your pet birds . 2) I want to ask my friends to go to the school party.I want to my friends the school party.3) They enjoyed themselves in the aquarium yesterday.They in the aquarium yesterday.4) He came over to my house three days ago.He my house three days ago.5) Lets go for a walk with the dog.Lets the dog .2.情态动词大聚会:(should, need, must, will, can, could, have to, may, would) 认真辨析这些情态动词,然后选词填空。6) If you answer the question, please put up your hand. 7) - we go now, Mr li. - Yes, you can. 8) -Is this blue bike yours? - No, my bike is black. I guess it be Lucys. 9) You have tried your best(尽最大努力),so you (not) worry about it. 10) - Remember to e here on time. - I .11) There is something wrong with the door. I (not) get out. 12) you please make your bed, Tom? - Yes, sure. 13) - I have a toothache and I dont want to do anything. - You see a dentist. 14) - you like a cup of tea? - No, thanks. 15) - I arrive here at 8:30 a.m. tomorrow? - No, you neednt. 我的收获霍山县初中英语导学案年级 八课题Unit11单元检测主备崔达霞 孟庆方审查 李晓静 时间xx.7 . 单项选择( 共10小题,计10分)( ) 1. Can you buy some snacks me, Mom? A. to B. with C. for D. at( ) 2. Could you please give me help? I cant move the heavy box. A. some B. much C. any D. a ( ) 3. - Must I finish all the math exercises this afternoon? - No, you . A. cant B. mustnt C. shouldnt D. neednt( ) 4. - Could you please out the trash, Peter? - Yes, sure. A. bring B. take C. give D. get( ) 5. - Kate, when shall we go out for a walk? - After I finish the clothes. A. wash B. washed C. washing D. to wash( ) 6. - Hi, Jack. Did you go to Jims birthday party? - No, I felt so sad. He didnt me. A. invite B. have C. find D. visit( ) 7. I people who talk much but do little. A. enjoy B. like C. hate D. agree( ) 8. Dont play puter games. I need to it now. A. work on B. work at C. work in D. work out( ) 9. - do you make your bed? - Every day. A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How much( ) 10. She often helps her mother after dinner. A. fold the clothes B. do the dishes C. watch TV D. do the cooking。完形填空(1.5 分每小题,计15分) In the United States, people enjoy entertaining guests ( 招待客人)at home. So they often 11 friends over for a meal, a party, or just for coffee. People often 12 their invitations by saying, “Would you e over 13 dinner this Saturday night?” or “ Hey, were having a party on Friday. Could you 14 us” If people accept (接受) the invitation,they often say, “ Yes, thank you.” If not, they say, “Im sorry,” and give a(n) 15 . Sometimes, people use some other expressions. They 16 like invitations, 17 they arent the real invitations. For example: “Please e over for a drink sometime.” “Why dont you e over and see us sometime soon?” In fact, they are not real invitations 18 they dont have a specific( 明确的) time or date. They just shoe that the person is trying to be 19 , and he is trying to end a conversation in a polite ( 礼貌的) way. Then people can answer like these, “ Sure, that would be great.” Or “ OK, thanks.” So Next time when you hear something like an invitation, 20 carefully to make sure if it is a real invitation or the person is just being friendly. ( ) 11. A. have B. invite C. let D. make( ) 12. A. send B. take C. give D. hold 霍山县英语课堂教学导学案年级 八 课题Unit11单元检测 主备崔达霞 孟庆方审查 李晓静 时间xx.7 ( ) 13. A. to B. at C. for D. with( ) 14. A. join B. e C. Play D. meet( ) 15. A. letter B. answer C. excuse D. way( ) 16. A. think B. hear C. sound D. feel( ) 17. A. however B. but C. though D. so( ) 18. A. because B. before C. after D. until( ) 19. A. free B. traditional C. serious D. friendly ( ) 20. A. look B. listen C. know D. learn。阅读理解(2分每小题,计10分) Some parents do almost everything for their children these days. They look on their older children or sometimes even adults (成年人) as babies! It can be a very mon problem in China, because most parents only have one child. Some parents dont let children do chores or go anywhere by themselves. As a result(结果是),their children cant do anything by themselves and only go to depend more on them. (更依赖他们)。 In fact, no children really enjoy being looked after by their parents all the time. No parents would be happy to know that. As a result of too much care, their children dont know anything about the world! Children need their own time to grow into adults and to learn how to deal with problems. Too much care spoils(破坏) their fun when they are growing up. And when suddenly(突然地)they cant depend on their parents, these children may be in great trouble. It is nice that parents show their care to their children; it is nice that children know that their parents love is out of love, and it will be nicer if the children let their parents know how much love they really need, and how much love is too much. ( ) 21. In the passage, the mon problem in China is .A. parents in China only have one child. B. older children or even adults look like babies. C. parents do almost everything for their children. ( ) 22. Children cant do anything by themselves because . A. they are too lazy to learn anything. B. they like to depend on their parents. C. they have no chance (机会) to do anything by themselves.( ) 23. What does “deal with” mean in this passage in Chinese. A. 处理 B. 面对 C. 提出( )24. What does the writer want to tell us?A. Children should depend on their parents. B. Parents should teach their children everything. C. Too much love of parents is not good for their children.( ) 25. Whats the best title for the passage? A. Help Your Children B. We Dont Need Love C. Children Are No Longer Babies.书面表达(15分) 请你根据本单元所学内容,写篇日记,介绍周末在家一整天,从早晨到晚上帮父母做了哪些家务活, 并写出自己和父母的感受。(80词左右)

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