九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla Section B 1a-1e教案 人教新目标版.doc

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九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla Section B 1a-1e教案 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla Section B 1a-1e教案 人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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Unit 8 It must belong to Carla 教学 目标知识与技能:1. 能掌握以下单词和短语:UFO, alien, run after, suit 2. 提高听说能力。过程与方法:阅读,感受,模仿,实践。情感态度价值观: 培养学生对英语学习的兴趣,增强其学习自信心。教学方法兴趣活动教学策略,充分调动学生的积极性。学习方法Individual learning method, Cooperative learning method教学准备Sound recorder, tape, textbook, PPT教 学 过 程设计意图Step 1 GreetingsGreet the students as usual.Step 2 Warming- up and revision Let students recall the ideas of strange things. Step 3 Lead in Show some pictures of the UFO and aliens. Step 4 WritingWork on 1a 1. Students look at the pictures in 1a. Try to understand whats happening. 2. Let students write a sentence about each picture.Work on 1b1. Play the recording and number the pictures 1-3. 2. Let students try to write more sentences to finish the story. Then discuss with their partners. e.g. Finally, the alien caught the man and took him to the UFO. But luckily, they let him go back to the earth. The man was scared. 3. Let some students write their sentences on the blackboard. Step 5 Listening Work on 1c1. Tell students to read the sentences in 1c and try to understand the meaning of them. 2. Play the recording for the students. students just listen for the first time. Play the recording again and check the sentences they hear. 3. Check the answers. Step 6 Pair work Work in pairs. Divide two people into a group. Give a conversation example. Let students read it together. Then role-play the conversation between the man and the woman.A: Why do you think the man is running?B: He could be running for exercise.A: No, hes wearing a suit. He might be running to catch a bus to work.B: Well, he might be late for work.A: He looks kind of afraid.Step 6 HomeworkMake conversations with friends in English.Make students be interested in and get involved in the topic of this class.By speaking and listening, students speaking and listening abilities can be improved.板书设计Unit 8: it must belong to Carla. Section B:1a-1dA: Why do you think the man is running?B: He could be running for exercise.A: No, hes wearing a suit. He might be running to catch a bus to work.B: Well, he might be late for work.A: He looks kind of afraid. 教后反思


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