2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Lesson 4 A Visit to Lanzhou教案 (新版)冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Lesson 4 A Visit to Lanzhou教案 (新版)冀教版一、概述本节课继续讲述李明和詹尼旅游团沿着丝绸之路旅游的第二站-兰州。他们坐火车到达兰州之后沿着黄河散步,同时了解到了丝绸之路在兰州横穿黄河,黄河又叫母亲河,故在黄河河畔有一个著名的雕塑-母亲河雕塑。黄河上的第一座桥也在兰州,名为兰州中山桥。课文讲解时运用了配套教参附带的教学光盘(方直金太阳光盘),充分使用了光盘中的歌曲导入第四课,利用简笔画初步带学生了解第四课主要内容,也为最后一个环节-活用提升做铺垫。学习单词也是利用教学光盘中的有声资料,有发音、有讲解、有词性、有汉译。为了巩固学习成果,活跃课堂气氛,接下来仍然使用光盘中的单词连连看游戏,在学中玩,在玩中学。扫清单词障碍后进行课文学习,听录音并处理课本第9页第1,2,3题。最后小结本节课知识,并让学生利用黑板上的简笔画,做一次导游,给各位游客英语介绍兰州。总之在完成本节课学习任务的同时,也能培养学英语兴趣。二、教学目标知识与技能 (1)掌握词汇及短语:group, bridge, cross, wide, cheese, go for a walk, take a picture。(2)熟练运用新句型与同桌进行相互问答;(3)学会用英语描述路线,学会用英语描述物体的长度、宽度等。(4)能够根据多媒体课件和卡简笔画资料自主听说英语句子、段落。过程与方法(1)能够通过师生说、两两说和自主听读体验交际式英语教学的一般过程,掌握英语说听的基本方法;(2)能够通过两两说和综合说体验合作学习的过程和方法;(3)能够仔细倾听老师和同学的发言,有语言表达和与同学交流的愿望。3情感态度与价值观(1)乐于用英语问路、指路进行交流;(2)在学生两两交流和小组合作交流中,培养学生合作意识和合作精神,能够相互配合完成一段通顺流畅的说话训练。三、教学资源1冀教版七年级英语(下)教材;2配套教学光盘:河北教育音像电子出版社3简笔画:行李箱、火车、车票、黄河上的中山大桥、地图。四、教学过程Step1 Class openingT: Nice to meet you, everyone! This is the first time to teach you English. Guess What! A present for you! (让几位学生猜是什么礼物)T: Yes. Its an English song. Please look at the screen. Enjoy it and remember as many English words as you can. 活动一:用一首英语歌曲导入新课。让学生欣赏歌曲的同时,尽可能多地记忆歌曲中的英文单词。(Packing for a trip) (歌曲用时1分钟) T: Do you like this song? Li Ming is packing for a trip. Please look at the blackboard and guess what it is. (教师黑板简笔画)Step2 Presentation 活动二:猜测简笔画内容 train ticketsuitcase take a traingo on a trip from Xian to LanzhouT: If you want to take a train, you must have a ticket.T: This is Li Mings ticket. Can you tell me where Li Ming wants to go?S: Lanzhou. T: You know Xian is the first stop, and Lanzhou is the second stop. So today we are going to learn Lesson Four A Visit to Lanzhou. (板书,本节课题目)T: Do you know why the group visits Lanzhou? (板书group)S: -T: Good. (老师简笔画兰州中山大桥)the Yellow River(the Mother River)about 5400 kilometres longmore than 200 metres widethe Lanzhou Zhongshan BridgeIt was the first bridge over the Yellow River.(让学生英语描述黄河的长度和宽度,进而练习第二课所学知识以及数字的表达法)T: By the way, if you are in Lanzhou, how can you find the Yellow River?S: With the help of a map. 活动三:教师简笔画地图,让学生描述地图。T: According to this map, if I want to go for a walk along the river, how can I get there?S: Go down this street and turn left at the traffic lights. This road will lead you to the river.T: Good for you! A map is useful. It can tell us where we will go. mapT: Li Ming and Jenny also have a map like this. They are having fun in Lanzhou. Do you want to know more about Lanzhou? Lets learn this lesson together. First, we will learn some new words of this lesson. (使用教学配套光盘中的单词学习)T: Do you remember these five words? Why not play a game? Do you want to have fun?活动四:学习单词,并使用“连连看”游戏复习第一单元单词。T: Lets have a word petition. Girls are one group. Boys are the other group. Remember, each group has only one minute. (黑板上记录最终成绩)每队中派一位电脑操作手,其他队员帮助寻找。例如:这位队员点击dish, 他的队友就说“横五竖三,菜肴”。每一组限定时间为1分钟,最后看每一组在一分钟之内能成功连的单词或词组数。(两分钟后查看两队的最终结果)T: Lets see the result. Oh, boys are better than the girls. Lets clap for them. Girls, dont worry. It isnt the final result. Lets go on our petiton. Open your books, turn to Page 8. Lets listen to the text and try to choose the better answer.活动五:听课文录音,处理课后练习题。(9页)(录音听一遍即可)回答问题时,男女同学抢答,记录分数。扩展讲解:(必要时使用简笔画解释)walk along this street 沿着这条街道 = walk down this street cross the street 横穿这条街道 = walk across the street over the river 河上(垂直上方) beside the river 河边 = by the river in front of 在物体(外面的)前面 in the front of 在物体(内部的)前部T: Here are some questions for you. Can you answer them?扩展讲解:照相 take a picture = take a photo; take pictures = take photos; take a picture of sb. 给某人照相茄子 eggplant (可数名词)T: What about next exercise?扩展讲解: stream n. 小溪流Step3 Consolidation活动六:竞聘兰州之旅的导游 (凭借黑板上的简笔画或英文信息,英文介绍兰州)S: Hello, everyone. Im your guide, XXX. We are in Lanzhou now. Let me tell you something more about Lanzhou. First, Lanzhou Noodles are famous. They are delicious. Second, the Lanzhou Zhongshan Bridge was the first bridge over the Yellow River. Third, there is a statue beside the Yellow River. We call the Yellow River the Mother River, so the statue is called the Mother River Statue. You can take a picture in front of the statue. Thats all. Wish you a good trip.Step4 Summary活动七:学生讨论这节课所学的重点知识。 学会了单词group, cross, bridge, wide, cheese 学会了词组go for a walk, take a picture 知识得以延伸:eggplant, stream cross = walk/go across, along和cross的区别,in front of和in the front of 的区别, beside, over的用法 如何用英语指点路线。 了解了更多关于兰州、黄河的事情。Step5 Homework写一篇介绍兰州的文章,要求涵盖下列参考词汇或词组。字数不少于50. take a train, go for a walk, the Lanzhou Zhongshan Bridge, the Yellow River, wide, the Mother River Statue, take a picture 五、教学反思本节课主要围绕着简笔画和教学光盘进行教学,在讲练活动中,充分体现教师为主导,学生为主题的地位,培养学生自主学习的能力。需要注意的是因为所用班级比较陌生,课堂教学不能最大程度做到有的放矢。正因为学生不熟悉,课堂分层教学体现的不明显。另外,学生听英语、说英语、运用英语在这节课中体现的都很好,应适当加一些笔头练习。

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