2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Module 10 Computers教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Module 10 puters教案 外研版I. Teaching objectives 模块教学目标技能目标听Recognise parts of the puter, recognizing question words说Ask and answer questions about puters读Read about puters 写Write about putersUse conjunction: but语言目标功能句式How to use puters.First, open a new document. So, use the mouse and click “new document”.Next, you write your homework in the new document. Use the keyboard. How do I save the document? You click “save”, and write a name for it.Click “print” and “OK”.Ask about how often things happenDo you usually use a puter at school? Do you often go online?How often do you use a puter?词汇1. 重点词汇puter, keyboard, monitor, mouse, print, printer, connect, switch, finally, first, document, use, click, next, save, box, then, again, online, travel, download, Internet, grandchild, sometimes, check, train, timetable, laptop, weekend, website, London, information2. 认读词汇document, box, online, download, timetable, laptop, website, kind3. 短语switch on 重点句子1. How do I write my homework on the puter?2. What do I do next? 3. Where do I write the name? 4. What do you usually do on your puter?5. I usually play games and I download music from the Internet. 6. I dont use the Internet or send emails. 7. I also get information for my lessons on the Internet. 语法Wh-questions in present simple. .II. Teaching materials analyzing教材分析模块10以puters为话题,内容涉及如何使用电脑完成作业、世界不同地方的人们对电脑的利用程度等。通过3个单元的学与练,旨在让学生通过这一学习与体验的过程,激发学习兴趣, 并且通过听、说、读、写等语言实践活动加深对计算机知识的了解和应用, 为以后鼓励学生使用英文软件、上网阅读英文埋下伏笔。Unit 1要求学生通过听、读、说的练习,掌握有关电脑的词汇以及如何使用电脑等初步知识。Vocabulary and listening包括7部分。Part 1要求学生根据录音内容,将方框中的词语排序。通过这一部分练习,可以使学生在复习已有知识的基础上,进一步熟悉本单元所要学习的语言知识,为相关语言技能的训练奠定基础;Part 2 要求学生在书中电脑旁标上各个部件的名称,进一步掌握有关电脑的词汇;Part 3要求学生用所给词语完成句子,初步了解如何使用电脑;Part 4要求学生听、读一段对话,借以掌握如何询问电脑的使用以及应答方式;Part 5要求学生在文章中找到所给的词语,并找出与这些词语相搭配的词语,进一步掌握对电脑的初步操作;Part 6要求学生把所给句子按照电脑正确操作顺序排列,掌握正确的操作方式;Part 7要求学生根据Part 3回答下列问题。Pronunciation and speaking 包括3部分。Part 8 帮助学生掌握辅音t的发音规律;Part 9 要求学生听录音,然后重复下面的问题;Part 10 要求学生俩俩合作,展开对话,检验同伴是否掌握了对电脑的了解和使用。Unit 2 围绕“电脑的使用率”展开,介绍电脑的作用以及使用频率。Reading and vocabulary 包括3部分。Part 1要求学生把所给问题与对这些问题作出回答的人物搭配起来,来激活学生已有的相关知识储备,并熟悉本单元基本的语言知识;Part 2要求学生把两个方框中的词语搭配起来,进一步来掌握这些词语;Part 3 要求学生根据短文内容选择正确答案。 Writing 包括3部分。Part 5 要求学生把Part 3中的错误信息改正过来;Part 6 要求学生阅读所给的两组句子,然后根据例句,用but把相应的句子匹配起来;Part 8 要求学生使用连词but把自己使用电脑的情况写出若干句子。Unit 3 是一个复习单元,对学生在前两个单元中已经掌握的知识技能进行总结与综合性的练习。Language practice包含5部分。Part 1要求学生俩俩合作,通过问答练习,掌握一般现在时的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句,并要求使用副词usually和often;Part 2要求学生对同伴进行写作,同时使用副词usually和often;Part 3要求学生用所给词的适当形式填空,掌握实意动词的一般现在时的肯定形式和否定形式;Part 4要求学生用所给词语,完成“单词图”。Around the world 介绍了美国青少年对因特网的使用情况。Module task 包括3部分。Part 6要求学生利用所给的问卷进行调查。Part 7要求学生使用调查问卷中的问题,写出人物名字并把答案记录下来;Part 8要求学生通过小组活动就调查问卷的答案进行谈论。III. Class types and periods 课型设计与课时分配Period 1 Listening and reading Period 2 Integrating skills (I) Period 3 Reading and speaking Period 4 Reading and writing Period 5 Integrating skills (II)IV. Teaching plans for each period分课时教案Period 1 Listening and speakingLanguage goals 语言目标Key vocabulary 重点词汇和短语puter, keyboard, monitor, mouse, print, printer, connect, switch, finally, first,switch onAbility goals 能力目标Enable students to talk about puters.Teaching methods 教学方法Listening and speaking. Teaching aids 教具准备A tape recorder and a picture of a puter. Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式 Step I Warming upMake the students familiar puters. If possible, show students a real puter and tell them the parts of it. Or show students the following picture.A. mouse B. puter C. printer D. monitor E. keyboardT: Hello! Boys and girls! Do you know what it is? Do you have a puter at home? Now look at the picture. Do you know these parts of the puter? Now please match the words with the pictures in activity 1.Give students enough time to do this. Then ask some students to tell the parts of the puter. Step II Speaking and listening Get the students to talk about the puter above. T: Nobody really knows when the first puter was invented. It has many inventors. It is very useful. We must learn to use puters. Now look at the pictures in activity 1. What is this? (pointing to Number 1) Do you know?S: Its a printer. Put the students into pairs and tell them to talk about the puter. Then ask some pairs to present their dialogues to the class. Ask students to listen to the tape and number the words given in Part 1. Play the recording and have them listen. Check the answers with the whole class. Step III Writing Ask students to do activity 3. T: Well. Weve know the parts of the puter. How to use it? Now look at activity 3. There are two words in the box. Do you know their meaning?Ask students to tell the class what the words mean in Chinese. Read the words and have students read the two sentences and then fill in the blank with the two words. Give students one or two minutes to do it. And then check the answers. Step IV Homework1. Ask students to remember the words learnt in this period. 2. Ask students to finish Exercise 4 in the workbook.Period 2 Integrating skill (I)Language goals 语言目标1. Key vocabulary 重点词汇和短语document, use, click, next, save, box, then, again 2. Key structures 重点句式 How do I write my homework on my puter?First, open a new document. So, use the mouse and click “new document”.Next, you write your homework in the new document. Use the keyboard. How do I save the document?You click “save”, and write a name for it? Ability goals 能力目标Enable students to ask and answer questions about how to use puters. Teaching methods 教学方法Listening, reading and talkingTeaching aids 教具准备A tape recorder and some slides.Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式 Step I Revision Show a picture of a puter and do some revision before the new class by asking them to answer some questions as follows. What is this/that?Its a/anIs there a?Yes there is.No, there isnt.Is it a?Look at the picture, is it?Step II Listening and reading Ask students to listen to the tape. T: You are going to hear a conversation between Lingling and Daming. They are talking about how to use a puter. Listen and answer the following questions. Show students the two questions. (1) What does Lingling ant to do on the puter?(2) Who is good at using the puter?Make sure the students understand the two questions. Play the recording and have them listen and write down the answers individually.Check the answers with the whole class. Then ask students to listen to the tape and then repeat. T: Well done. I will play the tape twice and you just listen. But you have to pay attention the pronunciation, the stress and the intonation. Play the tape twice. Ask students to read the conversation fluently. After a few minutes. T: Work in pairs and practise the dialogue. Change the role each time. Then ask some pairs to read to the class. Step III Speaking and writingTalk about how to use a puter. T: Now I want to open a new document. What should I do?S: Use the mouse and click “new document”.T: What part of a puter should I use if I want to write my homework in the new document?S: The keyboard. T: How do I save the document? S: Click “save”, and write a name for it in the box. T: How do I print my homework?S: Click “print” and “OK”.Ask more students to answer these questions to make them familiar with the usage of a puter. Ask students to write a short passage about how to use a puter. T: Now one of your friends doesnt know how to use a puter to write his homework, please write a short passage to tell him. After students finish writing, ask some students to read their passage. Sample writing: First, use the mouse and click “new document”. It can open a new document. Next, use the keyboard to write the homework in the new document. Finally, click “save” and write a name in the box for the document to save the document. If you want to print the homework, click “print” and “OK”.Step IV Reading, writing and talkingAsk students to read the words in activity 5 and try to find these words in the conversation and then write the words that go with each other. Then call back the answers in a whole-class setting. Suggest answers: 1. open a new document2. use the mouse / keyboard3. write your homework in the new document / write a name in the box4. save the document5. print the documentThen go on with activity 6. T: Can you number the instructions in the correct order?Give students one or two minutes to do it. Then check the answers. Let students to do activity 7.Explain by saying “This activity is designed to check if you have understood the main ideas of the activity. Now you have to answer the questions.Play the recording and call back the answer in a whole- class setting.Ask different students to ask and answer the questions.Step V Listening and speaking Get students to pronounce the phonemes correctly. Play the tape recorder. Add more words as follows: t chchair, chips, China tchswitch, watch, kitchenDo activity 9. Play the recording and ask students to listen to and read the sentences.Play the recording again and pause after each sentence, asking students to repeat chorally and individually.Ask students to work in pairs and do activity 10.Sample conversation: S: Whats this?S: Its the mouse.S: How do you open a new document?S: Use the mouse and click “new document”. Step VI HomeworkAsk students to finish exercises 1, 2 and 3 in the workbook.Period 3 Integrating skills (II)Language goals 语言目标1. Key vocabulary 重点词汇online, travel, download, Internet, grandchild, sometimes, check, train, timetable, laptop, weekend, website, London, information2. Key structures 重点句式 When do you use a puter? What do you usually do on your puter?How many emails do you send?What games do you play?Do you often go online?I download music from the Internet. I also get information for my lessons on the Internet.Ability goals 能力目标Enable students to talk about puters.Teaching methods 教学方法Reading and speaking. Teaching aids 教具准备Multi-Media (Tape recorder, video, OHP, handout)Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式 Step I Revision and lead-inCheck the homework and then talk about puters by asking and answering questions in activity 1 with students. T: Lets talk about something about the usage of a puter. Do you have a puter at home?S: Yes, I do. T: When do you use a puter?S: On Saturdays or Sundays. T: And what about you?S: Usually in the evening. T: Do you usually go online?S: Sometimes. T: What do you usually do on your puter?S: Download music from the Internet.T: Do you play games on your puter at home?S: Yes, I do.T: What games do you play?S: FIFA xx.T: Do you send emails?S: Yes. T: How many emails do you send? S: One or two emails a week. Ask students to work in pairs and practice asking and answering the questions in activity 1. Then ask some pairs to e to the front to act the dialogue. Step II ReadingAsk students to read the questions and the passage and do the match work. T: Do you know how people in other parts of the world answer these questions? Read the passage and find out. And then match the questions with the people who answer them. Give students enough time to do it. Call back the answers from the whole class, having individuals read out the answers. Ask students to match the words in the 2 boxes.T: Read the passage again and then match the words in the 2 boxes individually.And then ask students to check their answers with their partner.CheckingAsk students to read the passage again and then check the true sentences in activity3. Give students several minutes to do it. First ask some students to give their answers. Then check the answers with the whole class. Step III Listening and speakingAsk students to do activity 4. T: Lets go on with activity 4. You have to correct the false information in activity 3. But I think youd better listen to the passage again before doing this. Play the recording but pause after each paragraph. Ask students to correct the false sentences one by one. If students cant get the right and proper information, play the recording again. Step IV Match workIn this procedure, ask students to learn the usage of “but”. Put up the following pictures on the blackboard. Ask a student to answer questions as follows. T: Do you know who they are?S: Yes, they are Li Lianjie and Jou Xingchi.Ask a student to answer questions.T: Do you like Li Lianjie?S: Yes, I do.T: Do you like Jou Xingchi?S: No, I dont.T: He likes Li Lianjie. He doesnt like Zhou Xingchi. So we can say, He likes Li Lianjie but he doesnt like Zhou Xingchi. Write the following sentence on the blackboard.He likes Li Lianjie but he doesnt like Zhou Xingchi.Tell students that if the two ideas in a sentence are different, we use “but”.Give students more examples with but and then ask them to do activity 5 on page 63 individually. Call back the answers from the whole class, and write them on the board.Step V WritingAsk students to write sentences about what they do and dont do on their puter, using but.Show the following on the blackboard. Dos on your puterDonts on your puterT: Suppose everyone in our class has a puter or a laptop. What do you want to do? And what dont you want to do? Please make a list of things you do and dont do on your puter. And then fill in the chart above. After they finish, ask students to change their work with their partner. And then ask some students to present their work to the class.Step VI HomeworkAsk students to finish the exercises 5, 6, 7, 8, 11 and 12 in the workbook. Period 4 Integrating skills (III)Language goals 语言目标1. Key vocabulary 重点词汇kind2. Key structures 重点句式 Wang Dong has a puter at home. He usually uses the puter in the evening.American teenagers often use puters.They usually go online and use the Internet to do their homework. Ability goals 能力目标Enable students to talk about puters and how to use them. Teaching methods 教学方法Speaking and writing.Teaching aids 教具准备A tape recorder. Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式 Step I Revision and lead-inAsk students to run through the examples in activity 1 on page64. Then ask students to read them. T: OK. Now work in pairs like that. But you have to use usually and often. Move around and listen in. Then ask some pairs to present their dialogues in class.Sample dialogues: 1. Do you usually do homework on your puter? Yes, I do. 2. What games do you often play on your puter? I often play FIFA xx. 3. Do you often send emails? Yes, I do.4. Who do you often write to? My parents. 5. Do you often use a puter at school? No, I dont.6. Do you usually download music from the Internet? Yes, I do.7. What kind of music do you often download? Pop music. Step II WritingAsk students to do activity 2. T: OK. Lets go on with activity 2. Write something about your partner according to activity 1. Do remember to use often and usually. Go around the class, offering help if necessary. Ask some students to present their work to the class. Sample writing: Wang Tao has a laptop at home. He doesnt use the laptop to do homework. He often plays FIFA on it. He usually use the laptop to send emails to his brother. He often uses a puter at school. He often downloads music from the Internet. He likes pop music. So he often downloads pop music from the Internet. Ask students to do activity 3. After students finish, ask them to change their answers with their partner. Then check the answers with the whole class. Step III Vocabulary Ask students to look at the map and ensure that the students know what to do. T: The map is about words about puters. The first letter is given. You have to finish it. They are all about parts of puters. Do it, please. Then ask students to check the answers with their partner. After this, go on with activity 5 on page 65.T: There are many verbs in the box. You have to put them in the right blanks under the box. Clear?Enough time should be given. Move around the class, offering help as they work. Then show the answers on the blackboard. Step IV ListeningAsk students to listen to Around the world. T: Do you want to know how puters and the Internet are used in other parts of the world? Now books closed! You are going to hear a passage. And you have to find out the answers to the questions on the blackboard. Show the following questions on the blackboard. 1. What is the passage about?2. How do American students do their homework?3. Do they send emails and play puter games? Play the tape twice. And then ask students to answer the questions. T: Now answer: What is the passage about?S: It is about American Teenagers and the Internet. T: How do American students do their homework?S: They usually go online and use the Internet to do their homework. T: Do they send emails and play puter games?S: Yes, they do.T: Well done. Step V Module taskGet the students to plete the Module task. T: Lets look at activity 6. There are eight questions here. Make a questionnaire like this. After they finish, ask students to ask the questions in the questionnaire and then write the names of the person. Then ask students to work in groups and talk about the answers. Then ask some groups to present their work to the class. Step VI HomeworkAsk students to finish the rest activities in the workbook.Teaching resources 教学资源库I. 文化背景知识 How to Use puterMany people can use the puters, but few of them know how to use them properly. Remember the following when you use your puter.1. Keep your puter in a cool, dry room. Too much or too little heat is bad for puters. Damp (潮湿) is also bad for them.2. Do not smoke near your puter. It is bad for many parts of a puter.3. Do not eat or drink when you are near your puter. Pieces of food and a little water in the keyboard are also bad for a puter.4. Make sure that the keyboard and the screen are not too high or too low for you.5. Make sure the screen is not too far from or too near to your eyes. Some people use different glasses when they use a puter.6. Keep your screen clean and do not have it too bright. A dirty screen and a very bright screen are bad for your eyes.Rules to Make the Net Safe Everybody knows that the Internet has bee an important part of teenage life. Many would find life difficult without it. Most teens use the Internet to get useful knowledge and information, and to relax in their free time. But some teens are not using it in a good way. It is important that you use the Internet in a proper manner. Teenagers should learn how to use the Internet for study and keep away from bad websites, according to the National Internet Civilization Convention for Teenagers (全国青少年网络文明公约) Teenagers should make sure that surfing the Net doesnt take the place of their homework or being with friends. Here are some tips to make sure you are safe and have fun on the Internet.1. Never give out personal information (including your name, home address, phone number, age, school name, or friends names).2. Never share your password with others, even your friends.3. Never arrange a face-to-face meeting with someone you ha


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