2019-2020年九年级英语下册 Module 5 Unit 2 You mustn’t move教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语下册 Module 5 Unit 2 You mustn’t move教案 外研版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年九年级英语下册 Module 5 Unit 2 You mustnt move教案 外研版课题Module 5 Unit 2 You mustnt move课型Reading and writing第 2 课时教学目标知识目标To get information from the reading material about the eventTo learn more expressions and new vocabulary能力目标To write some rules and suggestions about sth.情感目标提高文化素质和环保意识内容分析重 点Key vocabulary and some useful expressions.难 点The usage of “must/have to/should/can/may/ought”.教法学法Top-down approach教具学具 Multimedia教学程序教材处理师生活动时间Step 1: Have a dictationStep 2: Lead to the new point.Step 3: Look and talkActivity 1Step 4: (Activity3)Fast reading ,then choose the best answer.Step 5: Read the passage carefullyStep6:Homework for todayRecite all the phrases and important sentences in the first three paragraphs.中华一题Get the students to go over the set phrases . let them write the useful expressions down and then the teacher shows the answers.T: Please look at these three pictures .T asks: “ What are they doing?”Students answer: “ They are camping.”T says: “ Yes, they are camping. Do you like camping?”Students answer: “Yes.”T says, “Me, too. But I am afraid of something dangerous in the forest. Such as bears, tigers and so on.Now today lets see what happened to the students in the story?Look at the picture and answer1.What do you think the bear is doing?2.What do you think the people in the tent should do ?Get the students to talk about it ,and then tell it to the class.Get the students to read the passage as quickly as they can ,then do Activity 3.After 5 minutes, ask one student to show his answers. Then the teacher shows the right answers.Please read the passage one by one paragraph( Paragraphs 13)There are three tasks for the students.1. Get the students to read it.2. Get the students to translate it.3. Get the students to find out the importances.At first, the teacher will ask one student to read it.Then , T asks, “ which sentence cant you understand, please ask me.”Finally, get the students to show the importances to the calss. And the teacher will explain some important points to the students ,after that, if they have any question, they can ask the teacher to help them.教学后记课时备课表(教案)课题Module 5 Unit 2 You mustnt move课型Reading and writing第 3 课时教学目标知识目标To get information from the reading material about the eventTo learn more expressions and new vocabulary能力目标To write some rules and suggestions about sth.情感目标提高文化素质和环保意识内容分析重 点Key vocabulary and some useful expressions.难 点The usage of “must/have to/should/can/may/ought”.教法学法Top-down approach教具学具 Multimedia教学程序教材处理师生活动时间Step 1: Have a dictationStep 2: Go on learning the passage.Step 3: Answer the questions in Activity 2.Step 4: Homework for todayRecite all the phrases and important sentences in this module.中华一题Get the students to go over the set phrases in unit 2 . let them write the useful expressions down and then the teacher shows the answers.Please read the passage one by one paragraph( Paragraphs 4-5)There are three tasks for the students.4. Get the students to read it.5. Get the students to translate it.6. Get the students to find out the importances.At first, the teacher will ask one student to read it.Then , T asks, “ which sentence cant you understand, please ask me.”Finally, get the students to show the importances to the calss. And the teacher will explain some important points to the students ,after that, if they have any question, they can ask the teacher to help them.Get the students to do it first.Then ask five students to answer these questions.At last, show the right answers to the students.教学后记


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