2019-2020年九年级英语上册 Unit1 Topic 2 section A教案 仁爱版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语上册 Unit1 Topic 2 section A教案 仁爱版Has Maria called kangkang?(1) .Read 1a and answer the following questions:(2) Has kangKang ever been to a shopping center?(3) Why doesnt KangKang want to go to a shopping center?(4) Does Maria hate to go shopping?.Translate the following into Ehglish.(1)你曾到过哪里?(2)我以前从未到过日本。(3)他已经吃过早饭了。(4)你曾参观过长城吗?(5)我们刚刚找到这个小孩。. Read 3a and answer the following questions.(1) What can you see in the picture?(2) Whats the difference between the two photos?(3) What about their living conditions in the first photo? What about the other photo?(4) Which country had the largest population in the world at that time?(5) How many children do most families have now? How many children did most families have in the past?.Translate the following into English.(1)多么漂亮的照片!(2)看上去可爱。(3)他们的生活条件(4)我父亲的一张家庭照(5)至少(6)世界上人口最多(7)我国的独生子女政策(8)独生子女(9)对某人要求严格(二)教案The main activities are 1 and 3a.本课活动重点是1和3a。 .Teaching aims and demands教学目标1.Master some new words and useful expressions:Probably European ,because of ,neither ,greatly ,recent ,increase .2.Go on studying the present perfect with“just, already, yet, ever, never”.(1) Ive just called you.(2) Have you found him yet?(3) He has already gone home.3.Talk about the changes of economy and population in China.4.Develop the emotions of valuing the present life.Teaching aids教具录音机/ 两张全家福照片(一张现在的,一张60年代的)/幻灯片或小黑板。.Teaching periods :.Five finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习 (时间:12分钟)(通过复习有关过去和现在的生活情况,训练学生归纳总结能力和口语表达能力,并引出新话题。)T: From Topic 1, we have known a lot about the lives of the past. Lets retell it. First, you can talk about it in groups, and then I will ask some of you to show yourselves.(一分钟后。)T: Please stop here. Next, lets share your opinions.S1: Most people had a hard life.S2: They had no chance to go to school.S3: Some of them had to work and make money to help support their families.S4: Many kids used to be child laborers.S5: The roads used to be narrow and the houses used to be too small and dark.(教师总结,引出本节课中心话题。)T: Youve done very well. But do you know why the life used to be like that?S6: Because at that time, there were too many children in almost each family.S7: Chinas economy grew slowly.T: Yes. Youre right. Also China has the largest population in the world.(板书)populationT: Who can tell us what the life is like now?S8: The living conditions are fortable.S9: The roads are wider and the buildings are taller and brighter.S10: Everyone has a chance to go to school.T: Well. Our lives have changed better and better.We are so happy. China has developed a lot.Chinas population grows more slowly than before because of Chinas one-child policy.(板书)One-child policy(让学生围绕“one-child policy”展开讨论。)T: Lets talk about “one-child policy”and “the only child in China”.S11: One-child policy means there is only one child in a family.S12: One-child policy makes the population of China grow more slowly.S13: Im the only child. I feel lonely.S14: In many families, the members of the families treat the only child as “Little Emperor”.T: Yes. Our living conditions get better and better. But we mustnt be “Little Emperors”. Its too bad. Lets go on talking about “one-child policy”.S15: We can study in a modern school.S16: We have a chance to go to school now.Now lets read the words on the blackboard and make your own sentences with them. First, you can do it in groups, then please choose some of the best sentences and write them down on the blackboard.(两分钟后,小组可能选出很多好句子,教师选出最好的写在黑板上。)population: China has the largest population.increase: The cows on the farm increase rapidly.policy: We should know about the policy of our country.(让学生练习这些句子,使其基本掌握新词,为听1对话排除障碍。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:6分钟)(教师播放录音,并给学生布置听力任务。)T: China is a country with the largest population. It brings lots of troubles. Now lets listen to 1 and know about what has happened to Kangkang and Michael.(教师用小黑板或幻灯片呈现下面命题,让学生判断正误。)T:Lets listen carefully and mark (T) for True or (F) for False. 1. Kangkang likes to go shopping.2. They got lost and couldnt find each other just now.3. There were too many people in the shop.Ss: 1F 2.T 3.T(如果学生不能正确回答上面的问题,可听第二遍。) (过渡到3a。)T: Kangkang and Maria e to Kangkangs home. Now theyre talking about Kangkangs family photos.Please listen to 3a and work alone about 3b. (教师在黑板或幻灯片上呈现3b。)(学生听完后,核对答案,如果一遍听不懂,可以再听一遍。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 (时间:12分钟)(核对答案后,让学生自读对话,为表演对话做准备。)T: Excellent. Next, please prepare 3a for two minutes with your partners. Then try to perform it well.(教师在黑板上写出3a的关键词,并在黑板上张贴康康家的近照和60年代家庭人多条件差的全家福。)a nice photo, love their living conditions at least the largest populationgreat changesone-child policyLittle Emperorsbe strict with(请几组同学到前面看着黑板上的关键词及照片进行表演,看哪一组同学的表现好。) T: Please stop. Which group can e to the front and perform the dialog. Lets wele the volunteers.(本段对话较难,鼓励学生不要怕犯错误,可让一些优生先做示范。)G1: G2: G3: (总结各小组表现。)T: I think you had a wonderful performance. GA is the best. GC has made rapid progressStep 4 Practice 第四步 练习 (时间:10分钟)1.T: Weve just talked about Kangkangs family photos. Next, lets practice the present perfect. Please do 2 by yourselves. You can do it in groups.(两分钟后,核对答案。)T: Lets check your answers.(板书重点词汇。)just already yet ever neverT: Now please make sentences with these words.S1: I have just made a sentence.S2: He has already done his homework.S3: Have you heard from him yet?S4: Have you ever driven a car?S5: I have never been abroad.(小组讨论人口多带来的问题,并与同伴准备进行对话表演。)2.(教师用上面的词造一个句子,引出下文。)T: China has already been a country with the largest population. So it has already brought lots of problems. Do you think so?Ss: Yes.T: Now lets talk about the problems because of too many people. For example: shopping, traveling.(教师用小黑板或幻灯片展示不同场合的对话开头或关键句。)dont again, too many people, Its difficult topopulation problem, find out some waysWork out the problem, one-child policy(两分钟后。)T: Stop here. Which group can e here and perform your dialog?G1: .G2: .(学生遇到表达上的困难,教师可适当给以帮助。)(教师总结。)T: You did excellently. G2 is , G3 isStep 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动 (时间:5分钟)(小组讨论本课出现的主要话题。)1.T: Today we know great changes have taken place in China. You can discuss these topics: the population problem, economy of China, one-child policy and Little Emperors.(讨论完毕,学生汇报结果。)T: I think you have prepared well. Who can make a report about one of the items?S1: .S2: .S3: .(教师点评。)T: S1 talked about the population problem, its wonderful. S2 talked about economy and living conditions; its a good job. S3 made a report about“Little Emperors”. We shouldnt be “Little Emperors” at home(不同的学生发表自己的见解,教师要尊重学生个性发展,并体现激励机制。)2.Homework:(1) Find out your family photos of the past and the present. Talk about them and write an article of 100 words.(2) Talk about the problems around you because of too many people.(三)练习题用所给动词适当形式填空:(1)I (not be)to Japan I know little about there.(2)My brother (pass)the exam already. Hes very happy.(3) you (speak)to a foreigner? No, I .(4)I wont go to see the film tonight because I (lose) my ticket.(5)Great changes (take)place in China recently.附答案:(1) havent been(2) has passed(3) Have spoken, havent(4) have lost(5) have taken

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