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2019-2020年八年级英语下册Unit1SpringIsingLesson6StoriesaboutSpring同步练习新版冀教版 连词成句1. go, bush, a, to, place, is, a, sugar, popular _.2. tradition, North, a, very, just, old, it, in, is, America _.3. those, zero, snowy, drops, days, temperature, the, below, on _.4. winter, I, for, Chinese, like, name, jasmine _.5. spring, do, interesting, see, what, things, you, in _? 介词填空1. She had to stay home because _ the rain.2. Li Ming lives near school. He walks _ school every day.3. Whatsthe weather _in Shijiazhuang?4. You can go out _ shorts and T-shirt. Its hot today.5. Jenny wrote some letters _ her friends. 填空1. The snow melts _ (quick) in the sun.2. Its too crowded and _ (noise) in the busy street.3. Jenny got up much _ (early) than before. What would she like to do?4. Danny likes to play outside on _ (snow) days.5. Playing in the sun is nice and _ (interest). 英汉互译1. 现在的温度在零度以下。The temperature is _ _ now.2. 昨天直到完成工作他们才回家。They _ go home _ they finished the work yesterday.3. 放风筝很容易吗? _ _ very easy _ _ kites?4. 我可以穿连衣裙出去吗?Can I go out _ _?5. 咱们这个星期天开车去北京吧!Lets _ _ Beijing thisSunday! 选词填空从enjoy blow climb melt change1. Look! A little monkey _ up the tall tree.2. The weather _ a lot in the last few days.3. Snow begins _ when spring es.4. The park is full of trees and flowers. We can _ its beauty.5. The wind is strong. It _ all the windows and doors open.答案和解析 连词成句1. A popular place to go is a sugar bush2. It is just a very old tradition in North America3. The temperature drops below zero on those snowy days.4. I like Chinese name for winter jasmine.5. What interesting things do you see in spring 介词填空1. of 2. to 3. like 4. in 5. to 填空1. quickly 2. noisy 3. earlier 4. snowy 5. interesting 英汉互译1.below zero 2.didnt, until 3. Is it, to fly 4. in dress 5. drive to1.for telling me 2.stop running 3.its time to 4. about playing 5. like to lie


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