2019年七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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2019年七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag教案 (新版)人教新目标版本课教材分析:Title:Wheres my schoolbag?Topic: Things around the house Functions:Talk about where things areStructures:Where questions Yes/No questions and short answersPrepositions on,in,under,behind,next本课的词汇:table,bed,dresser,bookcase,sofa,chair,backpack,books,keys,baseball,drawer,plant,where,wheres=where is,table,bed,dresser,bookdase,sofa,chair,drawer,plant,under,theyre,on,behind,next,next to,dont =do not know bag, math, math book alarm, alarm clock alarm alarm clock,CD ,video,cassette,video cassette,hat,take,thing,soccer,soccer ball, ball, can,bring,some,need,floor,ideal,room,TV,desk,picture,between,too,wall语言目标:Wheres my backpack? Its under the table.Where are your books? They are on the chair.Where are the books? I dont know.Is it under the table? No, it isnt. Its on the table.The math book is on the dresser. 重点词汇: things in the room and some prepositions: on in under behind next to 语言结构:Where is/are.?It is/They areon,in,under,behind,next to 学习策略运用实物、图片理解介词的意义,利用对话,学习讨论物体的位置。语法功能1 辨认位置,并描述物体所在位置。2 物体所在位置的问答。跨学科学习美术、绘画、方位知识。本单元可分为7课时(Seven periods)。Period One Section A 1a 1b 2aPeriod Two Section A 1c 2b 2c Grammar FocusPeriod Three Section: a ,3b,3c,4 Game Find the DifferencePeriod Four Section B 1a, 1b,1c,2a,2b,Period Five Section B 3a,3b,3c,4 GroupworkPeriod 1教学内容:单词(房间里的物品名称)Section A 1a 1b 2a教学目标:学习掌握新单词教学步骤:1复习句型Whats this in English? Its a /an,利用句型引出单词,在学习是尽量少用或不用汉语。2.利用实物或图片(图片可从素材库中查找),认读单词(table,bed, dresser ,bookcase , sofa, backpack, books,keys,plant,chair, drawer, baseball )。3.看课本图片,找出单词所对应物品的字母,继续学习单词。(Look at the picture on Page 19 and finish 1a Match the words with the pictures.)Here are the answers to 1a.table e bed j dresser c bookcase a sofa i chair h backpack g books a keys b baseball f drawer l plant k4. 听录音,按听到的顺序在正确的物品上排号(1-5),巩固单词,练习听力。(1b Listen and number(1-5)the things in the picture when you hear them).5. 检查单词掌握情况。可采用多种方式。如:教师听写,学生听读,小组检查,同桌互相检查等。6通过2a(Listen and number these things when you hear看图,听录音,根据录音排序。)复习单词。7.补充表示房间内其他物品的单词。如:wardrobe,light,puter,fish bowl,TV and so on8.Homework.:画出自己的房间,为其中的物品标上英文,物品越多越好。 Period 2学完单词,引入句型。教学内容:Section A 1c 2b 2c Grammar Focus学习方位介词 on in under behind next to句型:Wheres the packback? B.Its under the table.Is it/Are they? Yes,it is./they are. No,it isnt./they arent.教学目标:1) Can use :on in under behind next to 2) Make a dialogue with the sentence:Where is?Its/Where are? Theyre3) 区分:my,your,his,her教学重点:prep: on in under behind next to Pattern:Where is/are? It is/They areIs it/Are they? Yes,it is./they are. No,it isnt./they arent.教学难点:the use of my your his her教学步骤:1 学习介词。Watch the video and understand the meaning and the use of prepositions.(直观形象)2 介绍介词短语(利用图片/静止动画或周围物品的摆放):in the box, on the box,under the box, behind the box and so on.3 通过活动,复习介词。活动一:教师将一物品放在不同的位置,让学生用介词短语表达,练习说;活动二:教师说短语,学生表演动作。活动三:1c Pairwork(结队活动)Make your own conversations. Use the words in the box.(可发掘课程资源)A. Wheres the backpack?B. Its under the table.on in under behind next to4 引出Where questions及其回答。(可让全班同学闭上眼睛,将某一物品藏于某处,,让学生猜测。提问时自然引出where 句型,便于学生理解,水到渠成。学生猜测时,引出句型:Is it .? 及肯否定回答)eg:Where is the eraser?5 看图片,据情景,练习句型。(为激发学生兴趣,可假设情景,画面中的男孩,就要去上学了,可自己上学需要的物品却因为到处乱扔找不到了,你能帮帮帮他吗?他的爸爸、妈妈、妹妹是怎么说的?) Wheres my backpack? Its under the table.Where are my books? Theyre on the sofa.Wheres my baseball? Its in the backpack.6 分角色进行上述对话表演。7.听力训练。Listen.判断Where are the things from 2a? Number the picture(1-6).(2b 听录音,判断2a中的物品出处,并在图中标出序号。8.2c Pairwork 结队活动Ask and answer questions about the things in the picture.(st,ss)9.Sum up (Grammar focus ):Questions AnswersWheres the baseball? Its in the backpack.Where is my puter game? Its under the bed.Where are your books? Theyre on the chair.Where are his keys? Theyre on the dresser.Where are her keys? Theyre on the table.10. Guess and guess(Revision):Ask:Wheres my ?(Pointing to myself)Wheres your.?(Pointing to a student and questioning)Wheres his?(Pointing to a boy and asking the other students)Wheres her? (Pointing to a girl and asking the other students)Answer:Its +介词短语Period 3教学范围:Section A: 3a ,3b,3c,4 Game Find the Difference教学重点:一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的问与答。教学内容:I dont know.Wheres the packback? B.Its under the table.Is it/Are they? Yes,it is./they are. No,it isnt./they arent.教学目标:自由谈论物体的所在位置(Can make a dialogue with what we have learned and talk about Where the things are freely)。为达成这一教学目的,我是这样安排本课教学的。a) 看图,了解对话的内容。-Where are my books? -I dont know.Are they on the bed?-No,theyre not.b) 完成3a。3a Put these sentences in order to make a conversation.2 I dont know.3Is it on the dresser?4No,it isnt.1Wheres the bag?3. Pairwork 分角色练习对话。3b Practice the above conversation.4. Pairwork 分角色问答,看图编写对话。3c Look at the three pictures below.Then ask and answer questions about the keys,the pencils,the baseball,the pencil case,and the ruler.eg.-Where are the books? -I dont know.4.Playing a game Find the DifferencePairwork(互相问答,发现的不同之处越多越好)Student A.look at the picture on page 19.Student B,look at the picture on the right.A and B ask and answer.eg:-Wheres the backpack? Is it under the table?-No, it isnt. Its on the table.Period 4教学范围:Section B 1a, 1b,1c,2a,2b 教学内容:New words:math book alarm clock CD puter game video cassette hat教学目标:Learn all the new words by heart and copy the sentences according to the tape.教学重点:单词和句型的听与写。教学难点:听录音,写句型。教学方法:多听多练。教学步骤:1 利用实物学单词。math book alarm clock CD puter game video cassette hat2.Section B 1a Match the words with the things in the picture.1.math book b 2.alarm clock d 3.CD a 4puter game e 5.video cassette f 6.hat c3.1b Look at Tommys room for three minutes. Now close your books and write down all the things you remember.eg.math book bed bookcase books puter games clock and so on (The more,the better.)4.1c PairworkStudent A,ask questions. Student B, keep your book closed. eg.Wheres the notebook?-Its on the bed.5.2a Listen and circle the things Tommy wants from his room.book pen pencil CDs ruler notebook video cassette puter games math book6.2b Listen again.Where are Tommys things? Write notes.eg.The math book is on the dresser.The video cassette is on the table.The hat is on the bookdase.The pencils are in the backpack.The alarm clock is next to the puter .The bookcase is behind the door.Period 5教学范围:Section B 3a,3b,3c,4 Groupwork教学内容:句型的实际应用(阅读与书面写作)。教学目标: 能够熟练读写教学重点:Writing a note.教学难点:How to write a note.教学方法:动动手,做一做,画一画,写一写。教学步骤:13a Read the note and draw the missing things in the picture.Dear Sally, Please take these things to your brother:his math book, baseball, notebook, CDs, and video cassette.The math book is on the dresser.The baseball is under the bed.The notebook is next to the baseball under the bed.The CDs are in the drawer.The video cassette is behind the puter.Thanks, Mom3b Look at the picture and fill in the blanks.Dear Tommy,Can you bring some things to school? I need my hat,my ID card,my pencils,and my notebook.My hat is on the chair. My ID card is in the drawer.My pencils is under the book/in the pencil-box and my notbook are on the desk.Thanks,Sally3c PairworkWrite a note to a friend asking for four things from your room. Say where they are.4.Group workDraw your ideal(理想的) room. Then describe it to the class.eg.Here is my ideal room. My TV is on the desk. My telephone.Period 6Self Check 1,2,3 Just for fun1. Key word check.Check the words you know.table bed dresser bookcase sofa chair backpack books keys pencilcase baseball hat math book alarm clock CD video cassette puter games2. Add five new words to your Vocab-builder.3. Read the note and draw the room.4. This is my room. There are books in the bookcase. There are pictures on the walls. My backpack s on the chair.And I have a baseball.Its on the floor,between the bookcase and the desk.There is a puter on my desk, and a video cassette behind the puter. And theres my hat. Its on the floor, under my bed!Just for fun!Wheres my backpack? Is it in the bedroom? No ,it isnt.Is it in the kitchen? No, it isnt.Where is it/ Its on your back.Unit 4 Wheres my backpack?Self-check (Revision) I.教材分析:这是第四单元的第三部分: Self-check,即本单元的复习部分。这一部分的课本是由以下几部分组成的。1. Key word check. Check the words you know. 2. Add five new words to your Vocab-builder. 3. Read the note and draw the room. Just for fun! Wheres my backpack?Language topic: Wheres my backpack? Its under the bed. Is it on the chair? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. Language strategies: Talk about things around the house and where they are. Main vocabulary: table, bed, dresser, bookcase, sofa, chair, drawer, backpack, CD, plant, alarm clock, math book, video cassette, hatII. 语言结构: 一般现在时be, 方位介词in, on, under, behind, next to。语言功能: 询问物品在哪里及怎样回答.跨学科学习:空间思维能力; 品德:养成良好习惯,物品要摆放有序,不能到处乱扔。III. 活动设计:1. 猜谜游戏(Guessing game)Put a soccer ball or a baseball or a puter game in the classroom, let the students guess where it is. 2. Remembering game. Read the passage and remember where the things are. IIII. Teaching steps:Step 1:Greetings and song: Fishes, fishes, where are you?Step 2: Key word check. Ask the students to read the words and remember them. Review these words according to the picture in Page 19, ask the students to find the things and write down.table, bed, dresser, bookcase, sofa, chair, backpack, book, key, pencil case, baseball, hat, math book, alarm clock, CD, video cassette, puter game.可以根据图片或实物来检查提问。Step 3: Phrases 复习方位介词(先用实物来演示位置关系) Then do it like this:(先口头后笔头)1. 在桌子下面 under the table My hat is under the table.2、在沙发上 on the sofa My books are3、在门后面 4、在旁边5、在背包里Step 4: Pair work: guessing game Review WheresIs it Put a soccer ball or a baseball or a puter or a backpack or something else in the classroom, let the students guess where it is. Wheres the soccer ball? Can you guess? Is it ? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. Where is my pencil case/backpack/pen/bag? Can you guess? Is it on the desk/under the chair? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. Step 5: Just for fun. (Ask the students to read it in a strange voice to make the dialogue fun or interesting)Wheres my backpack? (P24) 养成良好习惯,物品要摆放有序,不能到处乱扔。Step 6 Talk about the picture in pairs in Page 23.Wheres/are? Its/TheyreStep 7 PractiseRead the note for 3 times and draw the room. This is my room. There are books in the bookcase. There are pictures on he wall. My backpack is on the chair. And I have a baseball. Its on the floor, between the bookcase and the desk. There is a puter on my desk, and a video cassette behind the puter. And theres my hat. Its on the floor, under my bed. Ask and answer questions about the picture you drew, try to remember where the things are.Where are the books? TheyreWhere is the backpack? ItsWheres the baseball? Wheres the puter and the video cassette?Wheres the hat? Step 8: Lets sum what weve learned from Unit 4.Words:Phrases:Sentences:Something else:Questions:Step 10: Homework:1. Remember the words in Unit 4.2. Practise the dialogue in pairs. 3. Write a note to your friend sally, asking for four things from your room. Say where they are. Dear Sally,Can you bring some things to me? I need my _, my _, my _ and my _. My _ is _. My _ is _. My _ is _ and my _ are _. Thanks, TomRead the note in your group.


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