2019-2020年九年级英语上册 Unit 4 What would you do 学案 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语上册 Unit 4 What would you do 学案 人教新目标版新课预习:1.捐献给. 2.加到 3.和分享 4.医学研究 5.其他的一些人 = 6.仍然紧张 7.如果会怎么样 8.不知道要做什么 9.不知道要去哪里 10如果我是你 Use the new words to plete the sentences1. One m sheep are kept on this farm . 2. Bill Gates gives lots of money to c .3. He is wearing a black shirt and a pink t . 4. If I had a million dollars , Id give it to m (研究)5. I get p before exam because Im afraid to fail it .Grammar Focus 虚拟语气(the subjunctive mood )概念 表示与事实相反或根本不可能实现的事, 而是一种愿望、可能、猜测、建议、要求或假设等。结构:主句用would+动词原形;if 引导的从句用动词过去时,如果是be动词,则用were. Fill in the blanks according to your study about the subjunctive mood :1. I (give) it to charity if I (have) a million dollars.2. If I (be) you, I (wear) a shirt and a tie.3. If I (be) you, I (take) a small present.4. If she (be) a little fatter, she (look) more beautiful.点拨1. Medicine n. 药e.g.: Take medicine on time . 按时服药。 medical adj. 医学的, 医疗的medical help /research 医疗帮助/研究2. 表确数:5 hundred/thousand/million trees表概数:hundreds/thousands/millions of treesGrammarWhat if +一般现在时从句e.g.: What if he doesnt e ?要是他不来怎么办?What if it rains tomorrow ?要是明天下雨怎么办?Translation 1. 如果我有100万 ,我会把它捐给医学研究。If I one dollars , I it .2. 如果我是你,我会把钱存入银行。 If I you , I the money the .3. 如果我有很多钱,我会把它捐给慈善事业。 If I much money , I it to .4.如果我是你,我会晚点。 If I you , I a little late .5. 如果我是你,我会穿衬衣打领带。If I you , I a shirt and .6. 如果我是你,我会带个小礼物。 If I you , I a small present . Group study .Fill in the blanks 1. If I (be) a bird , I (fly) to the south in winter .2. If I (be) you , Id have a small present .3. What would you do if you (win) a million dollars .4. He isnt at home now , if he (be) at home , I (see) him .5. If I had lots of money , I (help) the poor people .Multiple choices :1. If I were you , I study harder . A. had B. would C. did D. do2. -e and join us , Jimmy ! Im sorry , but Im really busy now . If I time , I would certainly go .A. will have B. have had C. had D. have 3. children in Africa have little to eat , and you can help them if you want to .A. Million of B. Millions of C. Five millions D. Million4. If it rained now , we go out .A. shant B. wouldnt C. wont D. didnt 5. If I you , I harder at math .A. were , would work B. were , will workC. was , would work D . was , will work第二课时3a新课预习:1.用什么吧连接起来 2.变得焦虑 3.长粉刺 4.看起来糟糕 5.参加大考 6.做得好 7.帮助某人做某事 8.看起来友好 .Read 3a on p28 and answer the questions following :Note: “What If” means “what will happen if or what shall I do if ” 即“如果怎么办/将会怎么样What if I dont know what to say or do at the party ?If I were you , Id .What if I get nervous and pimples before big parties ?What if I cant sleep the night before I take a big exam ?考点透析:1.动词 + 疑问词 + to do e.g.: I want to know where to go . Please tell me what to take at the party .2. get nervous / look terrible (系动词+形容词)常见系动词:be类;感官系动词look/feel/sound; 变得系动词get/bee;保持系动词stay/keep .3. tooto 太而不能Im too nervous to say anything. (简单句) Im so nervous that I cant say anything .复合句5. help (sb.) with sth. = help (sb.) do sth.e.g.: He often helps me study English ./with English .6. Doing 在句首做主语。Eating lots of vegetables is good for your health .plete the sentences using the pharses in the article :1. 我不知道说什么或做什么。I know what .2. 在聚会前我会紧张并且起青春痘。很难看。 I and before big parties . They .3. 在进行大考前我睡不着觉。I cant before I a big .4. 我太累了以至于做不好。 Im tired do well .5. 你吃的事物可以帮助这个问题。 The food you eat could this problems .6. 多散步应该能帮你放松。 a long should you .Consolidation: 1. My mother let me at home and study yesterday . A. stayed B. staying C. stay D. stays 2. He doesnt know when he will start tomorrow .(改为简单句) He doesnt know tomorrow .3. What will happen if it rains tomorrow ? (同义句) it rains tomorrow ?4. - I dont know anyone ? Just talk to Tom . A. How if B. What if C. How do D. When if5. Im too nervous to know say . A. what to B. how to C. what D. how6. If I (be) you , I (have) a first-aid book on nearby shelf .7. They never knew what (happen) to the world in the future.8. (take) a long walk should help you (relax) before going to bed .9. If I were you , I the job ; you know , its not easy to fine one nowadays . A. would take B. would refuse C. can accept D. will take 10. Ill go to Anns party , but I have no idea what to . A. put on B. wear C. dress D. have on 11. - I happen to leave the present at home ? - Just explain if to your friend . A. How if B. What C. How do D. When if 12. The little girl was too nervous (meet) new people .Test and ments1. If I a lot of money . I would buy a new car . A. has B. have C. had D . having 2. If I you , Id take a small present with some nice Words on it .A. was B. were C. am D. be3. The girl won dollars in the lottery(抽奖).A. million B. millions C. million of D. two millions4. If I were hurt(受伤),I would get (medicine) help .5. If I (be) you , I (wear) a pink tie .6. He said he had two (million) dollars .7. If I w you , Id talk to your friend about the danger of smoking .8. I wish I (be) 20 years younger .9.(xx 江苏中考) How much does it cost to build the school library ? - Four yuan . A. million B. millions C. millions of D. million of 10. Who will play football next Sunday ? A. other B. another C. the other D. else 11. He didnt know what he should do at that time .(同义句) He didnt know what at that time .12. We would be very happy if Miss Green here tomorrow . A. e B. es C. will e D. came 13. Would you please tell me this camera ? Yes . Its very easy . A. where to use B. how to use C. when to use D. what to use 第三课时 section B-4Learn by yourselves(自学):新课预习:1对有信心 2.做演讲 3.全校 4没有经过允许 5请求的允许 6介绍自己 7邀请某人去做某事 8根本不 = 9许多,大量 10与相处 11而不是 12宁愿也不愿 对应习题1 What would you do if you had a m_ millions.2 If I had money Id give it to m_ research.3 I get n_ before big parties and then I get pimlples4 You should eat lots of fruits and v_and drink a lot of water. 5 C_ means people arent afraid of to speak in public.6 E_means people are hardly ever tired.7 I would start borrowing his clothes without p_.8 Id wait for him to I_ himself to me9 Id I_ him to have dinner at my home.10 Sometimes you might a_ people because youre so confident.11 You have p_ of friends ,and you enjoy the pany of other people.12 What would you do if you cut yourself by a_.13 You must always h_ medicine from children.Phrases and sentences:1 What would you do if you _( 有一百万美元)2 He doesnt know _(穿什么衣服)3 _(如果我是你),I would wear a shirt and tie.4 _(如果别每一个人)brings a present?5 I dont know _(说什么和做什么)6 They _(看起来很可怕)7 I _(太累以至于做不好)8 My parents dont _( 让我有一条)9 Id wait for him _(介绍他自己给我)10 What would you do _( 如果有人让你演电影)11 Your brother borrowed your clothes_(未经允许)12 Social situations _( 根本不会影响你)13 People say that you are _(容易相处)14 You like talking to one or two people _(不愿意和一群人)15 You _宁肯在家)and read a book _(不去参加聚会)16 She doesnt _(让他朋友失望)17 I cant think of _(任何好建议) to give her.18 What do you think of I should tell_(剩余的学生)19 Why would it be dangerous to_(自己见网友)20 I _(匆忙打电话给医院) first.Group Work(小组学习)1 Now ,China has _(数百万) cars.2 _( 如果我不是你), I would give money to charity.3 _( 如果他是你),she would put it in the bank.4 _( 如果我没有来),youd tell the teacher.5 I would help you ,_( 如果我有空)6 They didnt know _/_/_/(何时走/到哪儿/怎么做)7 She is too young to go to school(同义句)She is _ young _ she cant go to schoolShe is _ _ _ to go to school.8 用tell, say , speak , talk 的正确形式填空 Who can _ me the way to our school?Now ,many people begin to _ Chinese in the world As a student , youd better often_ your parents “ Go back to school quickly”_ Mary.9 Jack has bought a new pen, I want to have_ . A it B one C ones 10 选择“put on ,wear ,” Its cold outside , youd better _ your coat. Today my teacher _ a red shirt.教师点拨1 invite v. invite sh to do eg. We often invite her to have dinner invitation n. I wont go without your invitation.2 without +n./ving/人称代词宾格 We wont go _(没有你) We cant live _(没有空气) They have got many books _( 没有买)3 advice 不可数名词,a piece of advice / some advice 。方面建议 advice on.4 hurry n. in a hurry 匆忙地 He has breakfast in a hurry. v. hurry to do He hurries to have breakfast. Hurriedly adv.=in a hurry.5 虚拟语气:肯定句 if +主语+were/动词过去式, 主语+would do+其它 If 引导为从句,从句中的were 不受主语限制, 主句中肯定句必须是这个结构If she were I , she would do that .If she werent I ,she wouldnt that.6 one or two hours = an hour or two Three or four days = three days or fourWe will have one or two weeks holiday.= We will have one week or two holiday.7 everyone else 是不定代词/疑问词+else; else的所有格形式为elses Is there anything else? Where else do you want to go?8 refuse to do / refuse +n I wont refuse any help . The boy refuse to help me 9 in public=in the public place 经典考题1 (xx.贵州) Every year _ people in this country lose their jobs. A many millions B millions of C millions D two millions 2 (xx.石家庄)We must _ a plan to improve our English .A pick up B catch up with C e up with D make up 3 (xx.泰安) -What would you do if you _ a million dollars. - I would buy many many things A have B has C had D having4 I work very hard because I dont want to _(08,天津)A let my parents down B let down them C let my parents to be disappointed5 Lucy is very friendly to her friends ,she is easy to _(08 北京)A begin with B get along C talk about D get along with6 I would rather _ the chance than_her.A not to take , to hurt B not taking , hurting C not take ,hurt 7 _ it rains tomorrow? Will you still go there?A What B How C What if D How if 8 _the TV with a cloth , or the TV will get dirty /A Clean B Set C Cover D Wash9 We have _ time to do our homework. A a lot B plenty of C many D a lots of 10 We are going to visit Canada and will stay there for _A one or two days B one and two days C one or two days 11 ZhangLis work is better than_A anyone else B anyones else C anyones D anyone elses 12 Jenny refused _ my question when I asked her.A answer B answers C to answer D answering 13 Confident people arent afraid to speak_A on public B in public C in the public D at public 巩固性练习:一、单词1 HuoYingdong gave a lot of money to medical r_2 Every year m_ of trees are planted in spring.3 Kate introduced h_ at the beginning of the class this morning.4 Dont take away anything from her without p_5 YaoMing is an e_ player , he never feels tired.6 He went _( 楼下) to open the door 7 He put all the books on these _(架子)8 A friend _( 提供) you tea and drink at the party.9 He rushed out of the room and took the boy to _(安全)10 He fell down and _(受伤)his left leg badly.二、根据汉语意思完成句子1、这件事一点也没有打扰他。It didnt _ him _ _ _2 你不会让我失望对吗?You _ _ _ _, will you?3 你不应该在未经允许的情况下拿父母的钱You should not take your parents money _ _.4 他的新书下月出版His new book will _ _ next month.5 任何人不得把书从阅览室带出Nobody can_ _ the books out of the Reading Room.6 他不知道是否应该带礼物He doesnt know _ he should _ _ _7 你是个什么样的人?What_ you _?8 你长相怎么样?What _ you _ _?第四课时 习题巩固Self-study一.根据句意及字母提示写出单词1.He is an e_basketball player and he never feels tired.2.Kate introduced h_at the beginning of the class this morning.3.She is pretty outgoing. So she has a large c_of good friends.4.Dont take away anything from her without p_.5.When others are speaking in public, we should be a good l_.6.Dont b_your brother, hes doing his homework.二.句型转换1.I would buy a present if I had lots of money.(划线提问)_would you_if you _lots of money.2.I dont like coffee at all.(同义句)I dont like coffee_ _ _.3.He is getting along well with his classmates.(划线提问) _is he _ _with his classmates?4.She is outgoing and creative.(划线提问) _ is she _?5.I dont know what I should say or do?(改为简单句) I dont know _ _ _ _ _?6. Mr Wang has a lot of experience.(同义句) Mr Wang has _ _experience.Groupstudy一.用所给单词适当形式填空1 You shouldnt wear my shirt without my _(permit).2 I would rather stay at home doing nothing than_(go) to the movies.3. Im really shy and I dont enjoy_(go) to the parties.4. I dont know how_(get) along with such a bad boy.5. Your friends would probably say you are a good_(listen).6. You have a big circle of friends , maybe you are_(fair) outgoing.7. If you are more_(friend) to people, youll have more friends.8. If I had another ten minutes, I would do it much_(well).9. Jim is introducing _(he) to us now.10. Id rather stay at home than_(go) shopping.二.汉译英1.我宁愿呆在家里,也不愿出去。 I _ _stay at home _go out today.2.你应当和你的同学相处好一点。 You should _ _ _ _ your classmates.3. 这件事一点也没有打扰到他。 It didnt _him _ _ _.4.不经允许,任何人不得把书带出图书馆。 Nobody can_ _the books from the library_ _.5.你们国家雨水充足。 There is _ _rain in your country.6. 如果你想走的话,必须得到他的允许。 You must _ _ _if you want to leave early.7.他喜欢晚上去公园,而不喜欢早晨去。 He went to the park in the evening _ _in the morning.8. 这个男孩不怕在公共场所讲话。 The boy is not afraid _ _ _ _.9. 他不知道怎样使用MP4。 He doesnt know _ _ _the MP4 player.10. 你的工作进展怎么样? How are you _ _ _your work?Test and ments一. 单项选择1.You did it for yourself _for me.A. instead B. than C rather than D. more than2.Its dark. I would rather _in bed than _a walk outside.A. lie, take B. to lie, to take C. lie, to take D. to lie, taking3.He would rather _a good book than _out to play.A. to read, to go B. reading, going C. read, go D. to read, going4.”Hello, everyone! Please let me _.”A. to introduce myself B. introduce myself C. introduce me 5.If someone said _about you, what would you do?A. bad something B. something bad C. bad anything D. nothing bad6.We have _time to do our homework.A. a lot B. many C. plenty of D. a lots of7.-Would you like to play table tennis with me ?(xx,上海) -I dont feel like it. I would rather _at home and watch TV. A. stay B. to stay C. staying D. stayed8. Id rather than die_ him for his photo.(xx,江苏) A. ask B. to ask C. asking D. will ask9. _people like to meet new people. A. Confident B. Shy C. Creative D. Outgoing10. Do you think Jim is easy to _. A. get along B. get along with C. get well D. get well with11.-Why not turn to your friend for help? - I dont want to _her at the moment. She is ill in hospital. A. ask B. stop C. bother D. interrupt 12. I dont like staying at home. I have a lot of friends and I enjoy the _of them. A. pany B. advice C. offer D. help13. Please give us _ on how to learn English well. A. an advice B. some advices C. a piece advice D. some advice14. He would rather _the train than _by plane.(xx,天津) A. take, travel B. to take, to travel C. taking, traveling D. to take, travel15. There are some trees _the house. A. in front B. at front C. at front of D. in front of16.You have _friends in your school. A. a lot B. a plenty C. plenty of D. lot of 17. My friend is a person _.(xx,辽宁) A. to get along B. to get along with C. getting along D. getting along with18. -Would you please tell me _this camera? -Yes. Its very easy. A. where to use B. when to use C. what to use D. how to use19.-Who taught _French? -Nobody. She learned all by _.(xx,天津) A. herself, her B. she, herself C. her, herself D. her, she20. -Didnt Bob get ready for his English speech? -Yes, he did. During his speech he was very_.(xx,山东) A. excited B. worried C. nervous D. confident第五课时 selfcheck-reading新课预习:1对更加友好_2实际上_3代表某人_4使失望_5不敢做某事_6想出_7解决问题的方法_8剩下的学生_9在架子上_10以出名_11作为出名_12大量的经验_13出版,开花_14关于的建议_15在不同的情况下_16意外地_17用盖住_18压紧_19看医生_20摔下楼梯_21匆忙去做_22使某人保持状态_23和某人呆在一起_24自来水_25感觉到痛_26多于_27提供某物给某人/提供某人某物_28拒绝去做_29的危险_30叫某人去做_31同意去做_32在公共场所_33独自去_34问要建议_根据单词首字母或者汉语意思提示完成单词。1)He reads a lot of books, so he is k .2)If a friend o you cigarettes at a party, you should (拒绝) 3)Why is cold running water h to treat a small burn?4)What would you do if you b yourself by accident?5)If my knee h for more than a few days, I would see a doctor.根据汉语提示完成句子1)她不想让她朋友失望。She doesnt want to her friends .2)他总能想出解决问题的好方法。He always good solutions to peoples problems.3)它给出了在很多不同的场合下做什么的建议。It what to do lots of different situations.4)如果我奶奶从楼梯上摔下来不能动了,我会赶紧先给医院打电话。If my grandmother and wasnt moving, I would call the hospital first.1) 你不应该拒绝帮助他。You shouldnt him.翻译下列句子1如果你无意切着自己怎么办?2如果你无意烫伤自己怎么办?3如果我是你,我也会跟你的朋友讨论吸烟的危害性。阅读课文,回答下列问题1What does the author(作者)talk about in this passage?2What would you do if your grandmother fell


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