2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Integrated skills特色教案 牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Integrated skills特色教案 牛津版一、年级:七年级二、教学内容:7A Unit 2 My day三、课型: Integrated Skills 四、教学目标1.知识目标1) 词汇:本课时的四会单词2)词组:each student , organize the class trip , would like , look forward to3) 句型:Thank you for organizing the class trip.What do you think of your new school?2.能力目标 1)掌握本课时有关景点的信息。 2)学会将信息整理归类,听懂并能摘取相关信息。 3)运用已学知识与同学谈论校园生活。五、教学重难点: 通过听短文来获取自己所需要的信息并将其归类。第二部分 教学流程 Part One Pre-listeningStep 1 T:My students like going on a school trip. Look! They are playing in Hongshan Zoo happily. T: Do you want to go there? Here is some information about the zoo.T: How to organize a school trip?S: Location ( where to go )Price ( how much money )Open timeTransport ( how to go )Step 2 T:The Class 1, Grade 7 students will go on a school trip. Read Mr. Wus note and find out who he writes the note to? S:He writes the note to Millie and asks her to get some information.T:Answer the questions according to the note.What are the names of the three places?When will Millies class have their trip?How much can each student spend?S:The China Space Museum, the China Science and Technology Museum and Beijing Zoo. They will have their trip next Monday, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.Each student can spend 10.Step 3T:Millie gets 3 posters, lets read the posters together.Step 4T: Now, Millie wants to give the information to Mr. Wu. Help her plete the first four columns of the table. ( Page 32 Part A2 )S:Part Two While-listeningStep 5T:Listen to the radio programme and fill in the information about the opening hours in Part A2. The Beijing Zoo is open _. The China Space Museum is open_.The China Science and Technology Museum is open_.T: Can they go to the China Space Museum and the China Science and Technology Museum?S: No, because the price is high.Part Three Post-listeningStep 6T:Millie and her classmates now know where they want to go. Help Millie use the information in Part A2 to plete her note to Mr. Wu. ( Page 32 Part A4 )S: Dear Mr. WuThank you for organizing the class trip. We would like to go to Beijing Zoo in Xicheng District. The price for each student is 5. The zoo is open from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.We cannot go to the China Science and Technology Museum because its closed on Mondays. We cannot go to the China Space Museum because the price is 15.We are all looking forward to a great day out!MillieT: Read Millies note together.Step 7 T: Millie and her classmates will go on a school trip to Beijing Zoo next Monday. They all like their colourful school life. Now, Millie is talking to Tommy on the Internet. Lets read their conversation after the tape.( Page 33 Part B )T: Read their conversation in pairs again and find out what they are talking about.S: They are talking about their school life.T: Please find out all the questions in their conversation.S: What do you think of your new school?When does your school day start?Do you do morning exercises at school?What are your favourite lessons?T: Try to ask more questions about school life, then ask and answer these questions in pairs.T: I am sure that you would like to tell something about your school life to your friends too. Use Millie and Tommys conversation as a sample. Try to make a new conversation with your desk-mate. Part Four Homework1. 背诵第33页对话。 2. 选用所给词组的适当形式填空。be closed, look forward to, have a good time, be good at, have a class trip1. Our class always in spring. 2. Jane often with his friend on Sundays. 3. We are all the ing of the summer holiday. 4. You cant do the shopping in the shop because it now. 5. you English, Hobo?参考答案1. have a class trip 2. has a great time 3. looking forward to4. is closed 5. Are, good at.第三部分 说明 本节课是第二单元的综合技能课,主要目的是通过听说这两种手段,对之前的学习内容作一个总结归纳,同时扩展词汇与句型为最终的 Main task 服务。 作为一堂综合技能课,教师应把教学目标放在“听”和“说”上,培养学生通过听短文正确提取信息、运用信息的能力。

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