2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Topic 3 Welcome to our food festival Section A 教学设计 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Topic 3 Welcome to our food festival Section A 教学设计 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Topic 3 Welcome to our food festival Section A 教学设计 人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Topic 3 Wele to our food festival Section A 教学设计 人教新目标版 The main activities are 1 and 2a. 本课重点活动是1和2a。. Aims and demands 目标要求1. Learn some new words: lady, gentleman, satisfy, guest, menu, wine, bill2. Learn how to order and offer food and drinks:Heres the menu.May I take your order?Wed like Beijing Roast Duck and vegetable soup.Which kind of drink would you like, beer, wine or a soft drink?Anything else?May I have the bill, please?3. Learn some expressions about the food festival:Ladies and gentlemen, wele to Renai International School!The first Renai International Food Festival is now open!Thanks for ing.Well try to satisfy all the guests.Lets wish them success!Enjoy yourselves!.Teaching aids 教具小黑板/录音机/挂图.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 7分钟)复习学过的饮食习惯,导入新课。1. (师生互动复习饮食习惯,尽可能多地运用宾语从句。)T: We know people around the world have different eating customs. Please discuss in pairs, using object clauses as many as possible.S1:Do you know if people in the south of China eat noodles?S2:Yes, I think so. Could you tell me if people use chopsticks to eat in America? S3:2. (师生谈论美食节,导入新课。) T: The kind-hearted children got ready for the food festival two weeks ago. I think they will try to satisfy all the guests and the food for sale must be delicious.(老师尽可能慢地说出这些句子。板书并教学生词,掌握:satisfy, guest;理解kind-hearted。)kind-hearted adj.好心的 satisfy v.满足,使满意 guest n.客人,宾客T:Now lets imagine what they will serve in the food festival.S4:I think that they will serve fried rice, S5:I think they will serve Indian curries.S6:T:Well, I cant wait to see the opening ceremony of the food festival. Lets go!(过渡到下一步。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 6分钟)呈现本课1。(展示1挂图。播放1录音,抓住中心意思。)T: Boys and girls! Look at the picture. Its about the opening ceremony of the food festival. Wele to the food festival! Listen to 1 carefully and tell me what food you hear.(学生听1录音后回答问题。)S7: I heard many different kinds of delicious foods were for sale.S8: Such as fried rice, apple pies, Indian curries and so on.T:Look at the picture again. What can you see? How do people feel?S9:I can see many guests.S10:I think they are excited.T: Good! There is a boy and a girl in the center. Do you know what they say? Please listen again and try to follow it. Then find out the key sentences.(学生说,教师总结并出示小黑板。要求学生用主持人的语气齐读下面这些句子,教师解释疑难点。要求学生掌握lady和gentleman。)Ladies and gentlemen.Wele to Renai International School!The first Renai International Food Festival is now open!Thanks for ing.Well try to satisfy all the guests.Lets wish them success!Enjoy yourselves!Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 8分钟)巩固练习1。1. (再听1录音,并跟读。)T: Listen to 1 again and follow it.2. (分角色朗读) T: Read 1 in roles. Boys as the boy in the centre. Girls as the girl in the center.3. (给两分钟时间准备,选几组学生上台表演。)T: Practice in pairs. And Ill ask some pairs to act it out.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 15分钟)练习2a并完成2b。(美食节上来了许多客人。假如你是服务员,你会怎样给客人服务呢?)T: The first Renai International Food Festival is now open. Many guests are ing. Suppose you were one of the waiters or waitresses. How will you serve the guests?(鼓励学生积极思考,搜集服务用语。)S1:Wele to the food festival! May I take your order?S2:Let me see. Id like some dumplings.T:Id like Beijing Roast Duck and vegetable soup. Id like a bottle of Tsingtao beer, too.S1:OK.(待学生完成后,教师用图片教学生词。)(板书并教学生词,掌握:menu, wine, bill;理解beer和soft drink。)menu n.菜单 wine n.酒 bill n.帐单 beer n.啤酒 soft drink n.(不含酒精)的清凉饮料T:May I have the bill? (做掏钱动作。)S1:(提醒学生回答: Its¥ Thanks for ing!)(表演结束,将菜单及重点词句巩固一遍。)(出示小黑板,并解释句意。)Here is the menu.May I take your order?What would you like to eat/drink?Anything else?May I have the bill, please?Thanks for ing!T: We have got ready to serve the guests. Now, Mr. and Mrs. Yang e to the food festival. Do you know what you should serve them? Listen to 2a and tell us.(播放2a录音,学生回答问题。)S3:We should serve them Beijing Roast Duck and vegetable soup.S4:Mr. Yang would like a bottle of Tsingtao beer, and Mrs. Yang would like a cup of Chinese tea.(读2a,然后三人一组表演2a。)T:Great! Now lets read the dialog and practice it.(再读2a,并独立完成2b。注意一般过去时的用法。核对答案。)T:Good! Lets learn more about Mr. and Mrs. Yang. Read 2a again, and fill in the blanks in 2b. Then Ill check the answers.T:S5, would you please read the passage in 2b for us?S5:Sure!(教师核对答案后,学生圈出一般过去式的动词。)T:Thanks! Now please circle the verbs with the past tense. Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 9分钟)组织学生操练如何点菜。1. (小组活动。)(方案一)(将全班分成几组。每组抽一名学生扮侍者,带上菜单到其他组服务,将点菜结果记录下来。)S1: May I take your order? / What would you like to have?S2: Let me see. Id like S3: Id like (表格采用表1或表2,基础较差写不了菜名的学生可采用表2,打“”即可。)(表1)NameFoodDrink(表2)NameRiceChickenPizzaRoast Duck Vegetable soup TeaCoffeeJuiceBeefBeerWineWater(最后随机抽几名扮侍者的学生向大家汇报结果。 )S4:A would like B would like S5:(如果时间允许,可以请几组较好的学生,到前面表演整个就餐过程。)(方案二)(假设班内正在开展美食节。让学生56人一组,用自己的话表演小型美食节,串演全部对话。最后找几组学生到台前表演。)T:Now suppose we were having a food festival in our class, please make and act out a dialog about food festival in groups. Then Ill ask several groups to act it out in the front.2. Homework: (1)(收集所有学过的表示食物和饮料的单词,并做一个食物分类表。)(2)(写一段就餐的对话,要求至少10个句子。)

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