2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 4 Wild Animals(IV).doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 4 Wild Animals(IV)Teaching aims: 1、To recognize and use conditional sentences to talk about possible situtation.2、To recognize and use conditional sentences to talk about repeat and predictable situations events.3、To use conditional sentences in a report about conservation issues.Teaching Procedures:1、Ask some questions to elicit the conditional structure. We can also revise the reading at the same time. 1)What will the hunter do, if they catch a giant panda? They will kill it for its fur. 2)What will happen to pandas, if farmers cut down trees and forests Giant pandas will have nowhere to live. 3)What will people do, if they find baby pandas anlone. They will take them away. 2、Encourage students find out the rules,then ask students to open their books read the rule and the example seutences at the top of the page. 3、Ask some questions in Part A1, encourage students to think out more interesting answers on the board with their own experience. 4、Explain the contexe of Part A2, and ask students to pete the sentences individually and pare their answer with their partners. Check answers with the whole class and ask students to find out the rule at the bottom of the page. 5、Work out the rules and conditional sentences. 由if引导的条件状语从句要点 1)谈论可能出现的情况(主句将来时,从句现在时) If we dont prefect giant pandas, they will die.2) 谈论可预测的,反复出现的情况 ( 主、从句都可用一般现在时 )If giant pandas have no food, they die.3) 在条件状语中,后为从句,另外一个为主句,当从句放在前面时必须用逗号隔开。4) 由引导的从句必须用一般现在时表示将要发生的动作,而主句用一般现在时表示可能出现的情况。If I will arrive tomorrow, I will call you. (误)If I arrive tomorrow, I will call you. (正)5) 如主句为祈祷句或含情态动词句,if 从句也用一般现在时表示将来。 You can call me, if you have trouble.Exercises about it一、填空1、If it (be)fine, we (walk) to the zoo.2、If it (rain), we (go) by bus.3、If you (be)late, you (miss) the trip to the zoo.4、If the guide (tell) you something useful, you (have) to listen carefully.5、If he (need) to have a break, you (let) him do it.二、翻译1、如果猎人来了,虎妈妈(mother tiger)会保护他们的孩子。2、如果你不动,蛇是不会伤害你的。3、如果参加野生俱乐部,你会了解更多有关于野生动物的信息。4、如果下雨,请带上伞。5、如果你想通过考试,你必须努力学习。三、Homework完成“当”第四教时P9799。教后感

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