2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 7 Food Festival Topic 2教案 仁爱版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 7 Food Festival Topic 2教案 仁爱版课程目标导航教学目标:1.Learn to use the adverbs:carefully,finely,lightly,slowly,immediately,finally,gently2.Learn the new words:add,cooker,ham, minute3.Talk about the ways to cook:(1)First, slice some cooked meat very finely.(2)Next, put some oil in the pan.(3)Then, add the rice slowly.(4)After that,add some soya sauce.教学重点1. Know how to cook several kinds of Chinese food.2. Learn the adverbs of sequence.3. Learn the adverbs of manner. 教学难点Talk about the ways to cook:(1)First, slice some cooked meat very finely.(2)Next, put some oil in the pan.(3)Then, add the rice slowly.(4)After that,add some soya sauce.教学情景导入1.(检查作业,复习海报与邀请函。)T:Lets check the homework. Find out whose poster is the best.(将较好的贴在黑板上,看是否规范。)T:Who will try to read the invitation?(请两个学生将邀请函读出来,看语句是否通顺。)2.(复习食物名,呈现目标语言。)T:Theyll prepare many kinds of foods for the food festival.If you e to the food festival,what will you prepare?(让学生说出要准备的各种食物名称。)T:Can you tell me how to cook the food?Please work in groups,and then write down the ways.(分组讨论如何做好一种菜,将步骤记录下来,如果用英语表达不出来可用汉语,准备2-3分钟。)T:Are you ready?(请几个同学将记录读出来,老师将其中的一份记录在黑板上,并补充完整。)T:When you cook, you must work very carefully. You may add salt slowly.(呈现在黑板上,注意carefully与slowly,解释这两个词的用法。这些词就是教学生如何将菜做得更好。)T:“Carefully” tells how to cook, or how to cook well. “Slowly” tells how to add salt.(用动作加以说明。)教学过程设计教学过程:Step 1 Review1. Brainstorming: Let the students say the words of Chinese food and write down these words on their notebooks. 2. Talk about “Do you like cooking? Why? What do you like to cook?” in groups. For example: A: Do you like cooking?B: Yes, I do.A: Why do you like it?B: Because cooking is fun.A: What do you like to cook?B: I like to cook noodles. Step 2 Presentation1.Read 1a. Find out the new words, guess their meanings and answer the question “Whats Kangkang doing ?”. Then, the teacher gives the meanings of the new words and the answers to the questions. Pay attention to forming of “adverbs of manner”. Notes: careful l+ lycarefullyLight + ly lightlyFine + ly finelySlow + ly slowly2. Ask the students to follow the tape and then underline the adverbs of sequence.3. The teacher writes down the adverbs of sequence on the blackboard. Ask the students to practice the conversation with these key words. First.Next.Then.After that.Step 3 Consolidation1. Work alone in 1b. Put the pictures in the correct order according to the conversation in 1a.2. Work alone in 1c. After finishing the exercises in 1c, the teacher asks the students to summarize the usage of the adverbs of sequence and the adverbs of manner.3. The teacher acts and lets the students describe his/her action with adverbs. For example: The teacher moves the desk lightly.Then, ask the students to act and describe in pairs like this. Step 4 Practice1. Finish 2: plete the instructions with the right form of the given words, then number the correct pictures.2. The teacher asks a student to stand up, go to the front of the blackboard, and return to his seat. Then help the students to describe this action with the proper adverbs. First , Li Wei stands up. Next, she es out here in front of the class.Then, she returns to her seat.Finally, she sits down.Then, ask the students to act and describe in pairs like this.3. Finally, finish 3. Step 5 ProjectStudents say their favorite foods in class. The teacher writes down the words on the blackboard.Students work in groups to discuss how to cook them. Report the cooking procedure to the class. 课堂板书设计单词:carefully,finely,lightly,slowly,immediately,finally,gently, add,cooker,ham, minute制作步骤(1)First, slice some cooked meat very finely.(2)Next, put some oil in the pan.(3)Then, add the rice slowly.(4)After that,add some soya sauce.作业 Write a passage about the cooking procedure of your favorite food with the adverbs of sequence and manner. Section B课程目标导航教学目标:1.Learn to cook western foods.2.Learn to have meals:Help yourself to some soup.3.Talk about table manners in different countries:(1)Well,in Cuba you cant eat so noisily.(2)Its polite to drink soup noisily and finish all the rice in Japan.(3)Its impolite to eat with your arms or elbows on the table in America.(4)Eat with right-hand in India. No need for knife,fork,spoon or chopsticks.(5)People use a large spoon and a fork to eat in Thailand. They dont use knives at all.(6)Its not impolite to smoke during a meal in France.4.Go over infinitives used as logical subject:(1)Its impolite to eat noisily in Cuba.(2)Its not impolite to smoke during a meal in France.5.Talk about the process of cooking:FirstNextAfter thatFinally教学重点1. Know how to cook western food.2. Learn the different eating customs in different countries.3. Review the grammar of “to do” as logical subject.教学难点1.Learn to cook western foods.2.Talk about the process of cooking:FirstNextAfter thatFinally教学情景导入1.(复习Section A做菜方式,呈现做甜点的方式。)T:Lets check your homework.(检查作业,检查学生对知识的掌握情况。)T:Who can tell me how to make fried rice?(老师呈现步骤中的关键词。)FirstNextThenAfter thatT:Can you tell me how to make a bowl of noodles?(请1位同学陈述步骤并表演动作,提醒动作表演要到位,体现slowly, lightly, finely, immediately, carefully, gently, 复习副词的用法。)T:How do you make Jiaozi?(请位同学介绍包饺子的步骤。)T:Well done!2.(出示面包和苹果的甜点,引出本课的目标语言。)Shall we make a snack with a piece of bread and an apple?(学生可能会感到惊讶,但又想知道怎样做,引起学生的注意。接着老师演示制作的过程,并加以解说,解说词呈现在小黑板上。)1.First, take two pieces of bread and then spread butter on them.2.Next, cut up an apple into small slices and put them on one of the pieces of bread.3.After that, pour some honey over the pear.4.Finally, put the other piece of bread on top.T:Now, look at me carefully and listen. Ill show you how to make it.(做完一遍,操练一下黑板上的步骤,让学生对制作过程有个完整的概念。)T:It looks easy. It may be very delicious. Would you like to have it?(引导学生自己动手学做一个,但动手前要学好理论。因此就一起操练黑板上的步骤。)T:Follow me please.教学过程设计教学过程:Step 1 ReviewReview the words of western food. Discuss in groups with the following sentences. For example:A: Whats your favorite western food?B: Its pizza.A: Which country is it from?B: Its from Italy.Step 2 Presentation1. The teacher says: Last class we learned how to cook Chinese food. Today we are going to learn how to cook western food.Let the students read the conversation. Underline the new words and guess their meanings according to the context. Then the teacher gives their correct meanings and writes them on the blackboard: snack, butter, spread. Ask the students to repeat them one by one.2. The students read the conversation in 1a after the tape. 3. The teacher writes the key words on the blackboard. Ask the students to retell the cooking procedure of sandwich with them. Finish 1b. First, take. and spread.Next, cup up. and put.After that, pour.Finally, put.Step 3 Consolidation1. Brainstorming: Do you like to eat a hamburger? Do you know how to cook a hamburger?The teacher shows the picture of a hamburger. Ask the students to give their answers, open the books to finish 2 and learn the correct way to cook hamburgers. Step 4 Practice1. Listen to the tape in 3a and answer this question:Do people eat noisily in Cuba?2. Read after the tape. And then practice 3a with the tape.3. In pairs, discuss the questions below:Is it polite to eat noisily or quietly in Cuba?What about in Japan?4. Listen to the tape in 3b and learn the different eating customs in different countries.课堂板书设计 重点句型(1)Well,in Cuba you cant eat so noisily.(2)Its polite to drink soup noisily and finish all the rice in Japan.(3)Its impolite to eat with your arms or elbows on the table in America.(4)Eat with right-hand in India. No need for knife,fork,spoon or chopsticks.(5)People use a large spoon and a fork to eat in Thailand. They dont use knives at all.(6)Its not impolite to smoke during a meal in France.作业 1. Discuss how to eat politely in different countries in groups.2. Write a short passage within 3050 words. The title is “I like to cook western food ”. Choose one of the western food. Write the cooking procedure of this kind of western food with proper adverbs. Section C课程目标导航教学目标:1.Learn table manners to a formal western dinner.(1)Take your napkin,unfold it and put it on your lap.(2)You should keep the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left when you cut up your food.(3)Dont take more food than you need.(4)You should try to speak quietly and smile a lot.(5)Raise your glass and take only a sip when you drink to someones health.(6)Never drink too much during a dinner.(7)Its polite to finish eating everything on your plate.2.Review the eating customs in different countries: Its polite to smoke during a meal in France.3.Review the object clause:I want to know if/whether it is polite to put lots of food on ones plate in western countries.4.Learn to sing the song: Pat a Cake.5.Learn the names of the tools:spoon,glass6.Learn words:unfold, lap, sip教学重点1. Learn the table manners for a formal western dinner.2. Review the grammar of “to do” as logical subject.3. Continue to learn the object clause.教学难点1. learn object clause.2.Learn the table manners for a formal western dinner.教学情景导入Ask and answer:T: Whats your favorite food?S1: I like dumplings best.T: Can you cook it?S1: Sorry. I cant.T: Do you like cooking?S2: Yes, I do.T: Can you cook dumplings?S2: Yes, I can.T: Can you guess what my favorite food is?S3: Is it bread?T: No.S4: Is it sandwich?T: No.( The teacher show a picture of hamburger. )T: Look at the picture. Whats this?Ss: Its a hamburger.T: Thats right. This is my favorite food. Today I want to make some hamburgers for my friends, but I dont know how to make it? Can you help me?Ss: Yes, we can.S5: First, cut the bread into two halves.S6: Then, add beef or fried chicken, cheese and vegetables to the bread.S7: Next, put the two pieces of bread together.S8: Finally, heat the bread for one minute. The hamburger is ready.T: Oh, I can make it. Thank you very much.how to cook, or how to cook well. “Slowly” tells how to add salt.(用动作加以说明。)教学过程设计教学过程:Step1 Presentation1. Lead-inT: Last lesson we have learnt something about eating customs in different countries. Could you tell me more about it?Ss: Sure.T: Is it polite to put lots of food on ones plate in western countries?S9: No, it isnt.T: Is it impolite to use knives in Thailand?S10: Yes, it is.T: Today well learn how to use object clauses to ask these questions.For example:- Is it polite to smoke during a meal in France?- Yes, it is.( Use object clause )- I want to know whether/ if it is polite to smoke during a meal in France.- I think it is polite to smoke during a meal in France.2. Pair worksUse the object clause to discuss eating customs and finish 3.(Show some pictures)Look at these pictures. Then ask and answer with your partners. (Using object clauses)Step 2 DiscussionUse object clauses to discuss the eating customs in China.Could use these sentence patterns:Its polite to in China.Its impolite to in China.Step3 Listening1. T: Different countries also use different eating tools. In China, we use chopsticks. And do you know some eating tools in western countries.Show some pictures of eating tools and learn the new words:spoon fork glassnapkin plate knifeRead the new words together.3. Listen to the tape and finish 2. And learn how to set the table.Step 4 Read and understand1. Listen to 1a and answer these questions:1) What will you do when you sit down at the table?2) What does the dinner start with?3) What should you do when you start eating?4) Is it polite to speak loudly at the table?5) What should you do when you drink to somebody?2. Check the answers and explain the passage.3. Listen again and read after it4. Read by themselves.Step 5 Practice1. Brainstorming: Ask the students to answer the question “What do you know about the eating customs in foreign countries?” 2. Discuss the eating customs in different countries, using object clause.For example:Teacher: Do you know if it is polite to use a large spoon and fork to eat in Thailand?Student 1:Yes. I think that its polite to.Teacher: I dont know if it is impolite to eat with your arms or elbows on the table in America.Student 2:I think its impolite to.3. Practice 2 in pairs.4. Learn to sing the song “Pat a Cake”.课堂板书设计重点句型(1)Take your napkin,unfold it and put it on your lap.(2)You should keep the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left when you cut up your food.(3)Dont take more food than you need.(4)You should try to speak quietly and smile a lot.(5)Raise your glass and take only a sip when you drink to someones health.(6)Never drink too much during a dinner.(7)Its polite to finish eating everything on your plate.作业 1.Group work. One student in the group acts as a foreigner, let the others guess “Where is he from? Is it polite to do like this during the dinner?”2. Write a passage on the table manners about a formal western dinner party within 30-50 words.Section D课程目标导航教学目标:1.Learn different eating habits around the world:In Europe,there are two or more courses for every meal and people use knives and forks to eat. In Korea, people use a spoon or chopsticks to eat, but it is not polite to use both of them at the same time.2.Review the object clause:I ask him what the most popular food in his restaurant is.I ask him if he likes Chinese food.3.Review useful expressions in this topic:Help yourself to some soup.Finally,put the other piece of bread on top.4.Review how to cook a kind of food.5.Review how to describe a process.教学重点1.Review how to cook a kind of food.2.Review how to describe a process.教学难点Know some eating habits by skimming.教学情景导入1.(请学生们演唱上节课所学的歌曲作为本节课的开始。)T:Boys and girls,lets sing the song we learnt yesterday.2.(复习本话题所学,为运用本课2a,2b,3,4a,4b知识打好基础,并引出本课目标语言Eating habits。)(1)T:We learnt how to cook noodles,fried rice,and we also learnt to make Jiaozi,butter sandwiches and hamburgers.I wonder whats your favorite food,and could you tell us how to cook it?Discuss in groups and Id like some of you to have a try in front,OK?(引导学生在描述制作食物时,尽量用上firstnextthenafter thatfinally.,给予鼓励,并告诉学生在家里要多做一些力所能及的事。)T:Im very glad that you can cook food. I think most of you often help your parents with housework.Its very nice of you/Its quite good (right) to help your parents with housework at home.You should take good care of yourself and try your best to do your things all by yourself at home.Do you agree with me?(2)(复习table manners。)T:There are many tools people use to have their food, arent there? Can you tell me the names of the tools?Ss:They are knife,fork,spoon,chopsticks, etc.T:I wonder if you remember how to start a formal western dinner. Would you please tell me something about it?Ss:When you sit down at the table(3)(导入本课阅读内容,呈现目标语言,激发阅读兴趣。)T:What else do you know about the eating customs? Please discuss in groups and give me a short report.(请几位来说说,其他学生注意听并补充,形成较系统的餐桌礼仪、就餐习俗的认识,全面复习本话题的内容。)S1:Its polite to/Its impolite to/I dont thinkS2:Its impolite to/I think its impolite toT:I think people around the world have different eating habits.教学过程设计教学过程:Step 1 ReviewAsk the students to review the table manners for a formal western dinner:Teacher: Could you tell me something about a formal western dinner party?Student: When you sit down at the table,.Let the students talk about the eating customs using object clause.A: I want to know if it is polite to smoke during a meal in France.B: I think it is polite to.Step 2 PresentationRead 1a. Fill in the form.AreaEating habitsNorth America/Australia/EuropeChinaParts of IndiaKoreaStep 3 consolidation1. Read 1a again. And then work in pairs.2. Let the students talk about “Eating habits in different parts around the world.” Try not to look at the text.For example: A: What do people eat in the south of China?B: I remember that people eat rice.A: What do they use to eat it?B: Chopsticks, I think.Step 4 Practice1.Read 2a,2b. The teacher answers the questions that the students raise.2.Read the interview note, then work in pairs to act out the interview in 3.For example: Beth: Whats the most popular food in your restaurant?Tom: Hot dogs.3.Read 3 again. Work in pairs to act it out with object clause.For example: A: What did you ask Tom?B: I asked him what the most popular food was in his restaurant.4. Brainstorming: The teacher asks the students to think over the following questions:Do you know chicken soup?Whatre the materials for the chicken soup?Write the answers on the blackboard: chicken bones, onionTeacher asks, “Do you know how to cook chicken soup?”Then discuss in groups. At last, report their answers to the class.5. Play the tape. Let the students correct their answers.Then play the tape again. Finish 4a.6. Written work in 4b. Let the students try to use proper verbs and adverbs. Begin like this:First, chop and wash chicken bones. Step 5 Project1. In pairs, make two conversations.Discuss how to cook a kind of Chinese food or western food.Discuss the different eating customs in foreign countries.2. Work in groups of four. Each student goes over one section of Topic 2. Summarize the language points and main cultural information. At last, report to the whole class and share the key language points and cultural information with them.课堂板书设计风俗习惯In Europe,there are two or more courses for every meal and people use knives and forks to eat. In Korea, people use a spoon or chopsticks to eat, but it is not polite to use both of them at the same time.重点句子Would you mind if I learn to make it from you? Do you know whether or not its polite to smoke during a meal in France? Help yourself to some soup.作业 分5-7人一组,每组设计一个谈话类节目或美食制作类节目。全组共同参与节目的设制和表演,用上本话题目标语言。方案一:“厨师”和“主持人”为大家介绍一道菜的做法以及与这道菜有关的饮食文化/习惯或相关的国家的饮食背景知识。方案二:厨师为大家介绍一道菜的做法的同时,用动作来表现做菜的过程。在讲解做法的过程中加入饮食背景知识的介绍。)T:Now, Id like you to make a talk show or a cooking show. The host and the chef will tell us how to make a dish and also tell us eating customs or cooking culture you know about the dish. Would you mind working in groups and then give your talk show or cooking show one by one?常见的烹饪动作:chop(切、剁),slice(切片),dice(切丁),carve(割开),sift(筛),wish(搅),mix(拌匀),drain(滤),peel(削),grate(磨碎),knead(揉),roll out(擀),crush(压碎),mash(捣泥),squeeze(挤),skewer(串),sprinkle(撒),dip(浸蘸),spread(涂),snip(剪)常见调味品:sugar(糖),vinegar(醋),salt(盐),gourmet powder(味精),garlic(蒜),green Chinese onion(大葱),shallot(小葱),mash garlic(蒜泥),flour(面粉),paste(面糊),soda(苏打),butter(黄油,酥油),salad(色拉),oil(油),sauce(酱油)常见烹饪手法:stew(炖煲),stirfry(炒),fry(炒,烧,煸),quickfry(溜,熘),roast/toast(烤),quick frywith vinegar(醋溜),steam(蒸),cook(烧,煲,煮)


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