2019-2020年八年级英语下册Unit 1 Will people have robots?(I).doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语下册Unit 1 Will people have robots?(I).doc_第1页
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2019-2020年八年级英语下册Unit 1 Will people have robots?(I).Teaching Aims and Demands1.Knowledge Objects(1)Self check.(2)A reading passage.(3)Writing practice(4)Just for Fun.2.Ability ObjectsTo train students self check skill.To train students reading and writing ability.To train students prehension ability.3.Sensibility and ValueStudy hard and have your dreams e true.Teaching Key PointsKey vocabulary.Reading passage.Teaching DifficultyWriting practice.Teaching MethodsSelf check method.Reading and writing methods.prehensive method.Teaching AidA projector.Teaching ProceduresCStep Greet the class as usual.CStep Show the new words on the screen and ask students to read them first.Then correct their pronunciation. CStep Self CheckThis activity focuses on vocabulary introduced in the unit.First ask students to check the words and phrases students know.Then let them write five new words and phrases in their Vocab-builder.Ask students to make their own sentences with the words,preferably sentences that are meaningful.Write a number of students answers to each word on the board.Underline any mistakes and ask students to suggest how to correct the mistake.Answers1.I want to work for myself when Im older.2.My friends keep a pet pig in their house.3.I need to look smart for my job interview.4.We have to wear a uniform to school.5.One day people will fly to the moon for vacations.CStep 3This reading passage introduces some humorous predictions.Ask students to read the passage and then circle the inventions.Ask students to plete the work on their own.And then check the answers.Ask students to make predictions about other inventions,such as robots.Answersmovie,puter,paintingCStep This activity focuses on the new vocabulary introduced in this unit.First ask four students to read the following.Sa:A place to live in space.Sb:Something kids will use to study at home.Sc:These will be in every home.Sd:There wont be any paper money.Everyone will have a.Then have students find these words from this unit.After students finish,ask students to tell the class the answers.Answers1.space station 2puters 3.robots 4.credit cardCStep Just for Fun!This activity provides reading practice with the target language.Ask two students to read the conversation to the class.Sa:What do you think your life will be like next month?Sb:My life will be a lot better than it is now!Help students understand that some caterpillars turn into butterflies.CStep WorkbookSection B1.Circle the correct words in these conversations.(1)A:What is her job?B:Shes an(apartment/astronaut).(2)A:Does she work every day?B:Yes.Shed like more(leisure time/pollution).(3)A:Where does she live?B:She lives in(a rocket/an apartment).(4)A:What is that in the sky?B:Its a(space station/robot).(5)A:How does she get to the space station?B:She takes a(credit card/space shuttle).(6)A:Whats a space shuttle?B:Its a big(rocket/apartment).2.Read the story from the Fairfield High School News.Then look at the short answers and plete the questions using more,fewer,or less.Sport Lineby Lee SbinThere are going to be some big changes in sports program at Fairfield High School next year.First of all,the soccer team will play four more games.At the same time,the school is taking away four games from the baseball schedule.The baseball team will play only twelve games next year.This year there was a baseball game every Friday.Next year there will be two weeks between games.The number of basketball games will also be smaller.There will be only eight games next year.And next year the team cant use the gym every day.They will practice only four hours a week.But there is some good news.The school is giving the basketball team $500 for new uniforms.This year they only got $100.See you at the games!(1)Will there be more soccer games?Yes,there will.(2)Will there be_baseball games?Yes,there will.(3)Will there be_time between baseball games?No,there wont.(4)Will there be_basketball games?Yes,there will.(5)Will there be_money for basketball uniforms?Yes,there will.(6)Will there be_time for basketball practice?Yes,there will.3.Think about your school.How will it be different in the future?Write about several changes that will take place in the next 50 years.Key to Workbook1 2.free time 3.an apartment4.space station 5.space shuttle 6.robot2 2.fewer 3.less 4.fewer 5.more 6.less3 Answers will vary.CStep Summary and HomeworkThis class weve done some exercises of workbook.We reviewed some target language in this unit.Preview the new words in reading passage.CStep Blackboard DesignUnit 1 Will people have robots?Students sentences for five words1.

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