2019-2020年九年级英语全册 Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad单元整理教案 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语全册 Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad单元整理教案 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年九年级英语全册 Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad单元整理教案 人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年九年级英语全册 Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad单元整理教案 人教新目标版Teaching Aims and Demands1Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabulary:sad, energetic, stressed out, soft(2) Target LanguageId rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while Im eating.Oh, really? Loud music makes me energetic.Not me! Loud music makes me stressed out.2Ability Objects(1) Improve students listening ability.(2) Help students to express their opinion freely.3Moral objectsIt is important to choose a suitable place. It is good for your study and life.Teaching Key Point:Target LanguageTeaching Difficult Points1How to improve students listening ability.2How to help students to express their opinion freely.Teaching Methods1Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through with the listening material.2Pairwork to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids:1A tape recorder 2The blackboardTeaching ProceduresStep RevisionT: Yesterday we finished Unit 12. In this unit, we learned how to tell what we are supposed to do. Now tell me some things that are good to do in school and that are not good to do in school.From now on, well learn Unit 13. look at the following list of activities on the blackboard: parties, exams, school vacations, gym class. How do you feel about parties? Happy? Excited? Nervous?Step 1aThis activity introduces new vocabulary and provides oral practice using the target language.Go through the instructions and look at the two pictures. Ask, Who can describe the interior of each restaurant? Say, Which restaurant would you rather go to? Talk about it with your partner.Let students work in pairs, and tell each other which restaurant they would like to go to and why. When students work, go around the classroom offering help as needed. When they have finished talking to each other, call out several pairs to say their conversations to the class.Step 1bThis activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Ask students to read the instructions. Look at the chart and point out the two headings: The Rockin Restaurant and The Blue Lagoon. Look at the sample answer. Let a student read the pleted sentence, and then say, You will hear the missing words on the recording. Fill in the blanks with the words you hear on the tape.Play the recording the first time. Students only listen carefully. Play the recording again. This time fill in the missing words. Check the answers with the whole class.Step 1cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. Look at the example in the box. Invite a pair of students to read it to the class.Go through the instructions with the class. Tell students they will he talking about their own opinions with a partner. Look back at the chart in Activity 16. Make up a conversation with a partner using words from the chart.While students are working in pairs, walk around the classroom, and listen to some pairs. Then ask some pairs to act out their conversations in front of the whole class.Step SummaryIn this class, weve learned some important words, such as sad, energetic, stressed out. Weve also learned the target language Id rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while Im eating. Oh, really? Loud music makes me energetic. Not me t Loud music makes me stressed out.Step HomeworkReview the target language.Step Blackboard DesignUnit 13 Rainy days make me sad.Section AThe First PeriodTarget languageA: Id rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while Im eating.B: Oh, really? Loud music makes me energetic.A: Not me! Loud music makes me stressed out.Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.Section AThe Second PeriodTeaching Aims and Demands1Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabulary:tense, have fun, angry, cry.(2) Target LanguageLoud music makes me tense.Loud music makes me want to dance.That movie made me sad.2Ability Objects(1) Train students listening ability.(2) Train students speaking ability.3Moral ObjectsEnjoying yourself is very important. But no matter what hobbies you have, do remember they must be good for health and study.Teaching Key Points1Key Vocabulary:tense, angry, cry.2Target LanguageLoud music makes me tense.Loud music makes me want to dance.That movie made me sad.3StructuresLoud music makes me tense.Loud music makes me want to dance.Teaching Difficult Points1The target language2How to train students listening ability.Teaching Methods1Listening method to improve the students listening ability.2Pairwork.Teaching Aid:A tape recorderTeaching ProceduresStep RevisionCheck homework. Invite a pair of students to read the conversation in Activity 1c. Then let some pairs act out their conversations according to the pictures in Activity 1a and Activity 1c.Step 2aThis activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Look at the pictures. Ask, What are they doing? Please guess.Go through the instructions with the class. Say, You will hear Tina and John talking about what Tina and Amy did last night. The four pictures show something that Tina did last night.Point to the boxes. Say, Use the number 1 through 4 to show the order you hear Tina and John talk about these things in the recording. Play the tape for students. The first time, students just listen. Play the tape again. This time, ask students to number the pictures when they listen.Correct the answers with the class.Step 2bThis activity provides guided listening practice using the target language. Go through the instructions and point to the list of statements.You will hear the same recording again. This time listen carefully to what each person says. Put a checkmark in front of the statements you hear. Ask students to say the reasons why they check them. Check the answers with the class.Step 2cThis activity provides oral practice using the target language.Look at the sample conversation between Tina and John. Invite a pair of students to read it to the class.Go through the instructions with the class. Get students to make up a conversation using information from Activities 2a and 2b. Let students work in pairs. While they are working, go around the class room checking the progress of the pairs and offering help as necessary.Call out a pair of students to say their conversation to the class.Step Grammar FocusLook at the grammar box. Invite a student to read the sentences to the class.While the student is reading, write the three sentences on the blackboard. Then ask. What verb do you see in all three sentences in the Grammar Focus (make in the present and in the past tense) Let students underline the verb in all three sentences. Then underline the word that es right after that verb (me) . Ask, What does this word tell us? (It tells who had the feelingme, her, etc.) Circle the ending of each sentence. Get a student to e to the blackboard and point to the circled words that are adjectives and read these words to the class (tense, sad) . Other students repeat. Then let students make up similar sentences with the verb make that talk about feelings and have an adjective at the end. Write on the black board: _ makes me _ . Let students work alone. Then ask some students to read their sentences.S1: A quiet place makes me sleepy.S2: Loud noise makes me tense.Pay attention to the sentence with wanting to dance at the end. Say, Sometimes there is a phrase like want to dance at the end instead of an adjective. For example, Loud music makes me want to leave, Ask students to make up sentences with the following sentence starters: Long movies make me _ . Hot weather makes me Give students two minutes to finish the sentences. Then ask some students to read their sentences.Let students make up any other sentence using the verb make to talk about how things affect them.Step SummaryIn this class, weve learned key vocabulary tense and the target language Loud music makes me tense. Loud music makes me want to dance. That movie made me sad.Step HomeworkGet students to write some sentences according to the target language.Step Blackboard DesignUnit 13 Rainy days make me sad.Section AThe Second Period1Target languageLoud music makes me tense.Loud music makes me want to dance.That movie made me sad.2makes meLong movies make meHot weather makes meUnit 13 Rainy days make me sad.Section AThe Third PeriodTeaching Aims and Demands1Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabularyowner, scientific, pink, knowledge, serve, unfortable, endangered.(2) Target LanguageHow do you feel about pollution?It makes me kind of angry. How about you?It makes me want to join a clean-up campaign.2Ability Objects(1) Train students integrating skills.(2) Train the ability of expressing students own opinions.3Moral Object:In our lives, we should express what we feel clearly.Teaching Key Point:Train students integrating skills.Teaching Difficult Point:How to improve students integrating skills.Teaching Methods:1Fast-reading method. 2Groupwork and pairwork.Teaching Aids:1A projector. 2The blackboard.Teaching ProceduresStep RevisionWe learned the target language. The structure is makes me Now who can make sentences using the structure?Step 3aThis activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.Show the key vocabulary words on the screen by a projector.Read the words and get students to repeat again and again until they can pronounce the words fluently and accurately.Point to the picture and ask, What can you see in the picture? Ask some students to describe the picture. Offer help if necessary.Read the instructions and the questions below the article aloud. Make sure students understand what to do. Read the title“Restaurant Science” and ask, What do you think “Restaurant Science” means? Get students to read the article on their own. Let students underline any words or phrases they dont understand. Go through each word or phrase and ask some students to explain what they think it means. Be sure students know what the article is about. Ask students to read the article alone again and answer the questions. Have students work individually. Ask three students to answer the questions orally in class. Correct the answers if necessary. Check the answers with the whole class.Step 3bThis activity provides oral practice using the target language. Ask three students to read the sample conversation in the box to the whole class.Go through the instructions with the class. Say, First take a few minutes to think of a place and how you will describe it. You can write down some words that describe the place.Step Part 4This activity provides reading, writing, listening and speaking practice using the target language.Ask a good student to tell students how he/she feels about pollution. Get students to read the instructions by themselves. Have students plete the work in groups of three. As they work, go around the classroom offering help as needed.Review the task. Ask a few students to share the results of their surveys.Step SummaryIn this class, weve learned some key vocabulary words such as owner, scientific, knowledge, unfortable. Weve also done a lot of reading, writing and speaking practice using the target language.Step Homework1Finish off the exercises on pages 5355 of the workbook.2Ask students to choose, some places they know and talk about how they feel about the places.Step Blackboard DesignUnit 13 Rainy days make me sad.Section AThe Third PeriodTarget languageA: How do you feel about pollution?B: It makes me kind of angry. How about you?A: It makes me want to join a clean-up campaign.Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.Section BThe Fourth PeriodTeaching Aims and Demands1Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabulary:mysterious, shiny, silky, skin, cream, toothpaste, keep out(2) Target LanguageHave you ever had a Twisty Treat?Yeah. And it made me sick.2Ability Objects(1) Train students speaking and listening ability.(2) Train students ability to understand the target language in spoken conversation.(3) Train students ability to use the target language.3Moral ObjectNot all the most expensive things are the best ones. Sometimes we shouldnt believe all of ads.Teaching Key Points1Key Vocabulary:mysterious, shiny, silky, skin, keep out2Target LanguageHave you ever had a Twisty Treat?Yeah. And it made me sick.Teaching Difficult Points1How to train students speaking and listening ability.2How to use the target language.Teaching Methods1Listening method2Groupwork to make every student works in class.Teaching Aids:1A tape recorder 2The blackboardTeaching ProceduresStep RevisionCheck homework. Get some pairs to act out their conversations about how they feel about a place. Collect their conversations and help students correct any mistakes.Step 1aThis activity introduces new vocabulary. Pay attention to the four pictures. Ask, Who can tell me what each thing is? Get a student to answer. Look at the four slogans. Have a student read each one to the class and make sure students can guess what it means. If the students cant guess, explain the meaning to them. Go through the instructions with the class. Ask them to write the number of each slogan, with the correct picture.Check the answers with the class.Step 1bThis activity helps students apply the ideas in the unit to their lives outside the classroom.Go through the instructions with the class. Make sure students know what to do. Get students to make lists individually. Ask some students to read their lists to the class. Have other students put up their hands if they have the same item on their own lists.Step 2aThis activity provides listening practice with the target language and introduce new vocabulary.Go through the instructions and make sure students understand what to do. Now you will hear about some more products and what people think of them. Write Yes in front of the product if the person likes it. Write No in front of the product if the person doesnt like it.Read out the name of each product. Get students to repeat it. listen to the conversation and finish the task.Play the tape the first time. This time students only listen. Play the tape again. Let students write Yes or No in front of each product to show whether or not the people on the tape liked it. Check the answers.Step 2bThis activity provides guided listening practice using the target language.Go through the instructions with the whole class. Look back at the two lists in Activity 2a. Get students to put up their hands if they dont understand ANY of the words. If necessary, explain new vocabulary. Read each item to the class. Look at the sample answer and invite a student to read the matching parts to the class.Draw a line from each product to the sentence that describes that product. Now, listen to the tape. You will hear the same recording again. This time listen carefully and draw lines to match up items in the two lists.Play the recording again. Let students draw lines individually in their books.Step 2cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. Read the instructions for this activity aloud to the class.Get students to look back at the list of products they made for Activity 1b. Invite a student to read his/her lists to the class.Now work with your partner. Make up conversations like this one, using the products on the list you made for Activity 1 b.Ask students to work in pairs. While they are working, walk around the classroom offering help as needed. Call out several pairs to give their conversations to the class.Step SummaryIn this class, weve learned some key vocabulary, such as mysterious, shiny , silky, skin, keep out . Weve also learned the target language Have you ever had a Twisty Treat? Yeah. And it made me sick by listening and speaking.Step HomeworkTalk about some products using some words in this class, and write down the conversations.Step Blackboard DesignUnit 13 Rainy days make me sad.Section BThe Fourth Period1Target languageA: Have you ever had a Twisty Treat?B: Yeah. And it made me sick.2Three products students likeputer (26)jacket (20)watch (35)Three products students dont likefast food (8)coat (32)science book (23)Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.Section BThe Fifth PeriodTeaching Aims and Demands1Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabulary:aim at, useful, for instance, product, careful, plane(2) Practise reading an article.(3) Practise writing something using the target language.2Ability Objects(1) Improve students integrating skills reading skill and writing skill.(2) Improve students speaking ability by discussion.3Moral ObjectWe are in charge of our attitude and we can do everything well.Teaching Key PointPractise reading and writing using the target language.Teaching Difficult Point1How to improve students reading ability.2How to improve students speaking ability by discussion.Teaching Methods1Reading method to improve students reading ability.2Discussion method to improve students speaking ability.3Pairwork to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids:1A projector 2The blackboardTeaching ProceduresStep RevisionRevise the target language presented in this unit. Check homework. Get some pairs to read out their conversations.Step 3aThis activity provides reading practice using the target language.Read the words and ask students to repeat them again and again until they can pronounce them correctly and fluently.Look at the article. Let a student read the article aloud to the class. Correct any pronunciation errors to make sure the student it providing a good model for the rest of the class.Check the answers with the whole class. Elicit examples given in the article for the advantages and disadvantages.Step 3bThis activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.Step 3cThis activity provides writing practice using the target language. Go through the instructions with the class. Ask students, Do you know what the word slogan means? For example, for the shiniest hair ever is the slogan of Easy Care Shampoo. Help students answer the question. Tell them the Chinese meaning if necessary to make sure they understand the meaning.Have students make a list of their favorite products, then try writing a slogan to go with each product. Tell students how to do this work. First ask a student to name a favorite product. Then let students suggest a variety of possible slogans to go with it. And then cross out the ones that dont tell the truth.Ask students to work in groups of four. When they start to write, walk around the classroom offering help as necessary. Revise as many students work as possible while moving around the classroom.Let some students to read their slogans to the class.Step Part 4This activity provides listening and speaking practice using the target language.Look at the three pictures. Ask, What can you see in the pictures?Go through the instructions with the class. Look at the example in the box. Get a pair of students to read the conversation to the class.Discuss the three pictures in pairs. As they work, go around the classroom offering help as needed. Have several pairs say their conversations to the class.Step Sum

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