2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Chapter 3 Detective and crimes Writing 教案 牛津深圳版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Chapter 3 Detective and crimes Writing 教案 牛津深圳版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Chapter 3 Detective and crimes Writing 教案 牛津深圳版.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Chapter 3 Detective and crimes Writing 教案 牛津深圳版课型:Writing教学背景:学生已学完Chapter3的课文和语言点。教学目标:1. 学会口头简述一个案件发生的过程;2. 能够归纳案件发生的时间(when),地点(where),人物特征(who)和过程(what, why, how)等要素。3. 能根据图片信息,归纳写作所需要的关键词汇4. 能根据上述六要素,依照“思维导图”设计写作提纲,并完成某一案件的写作。教学步骤:1Warming up 1)用free talk的形式复习本单元有关犯罪案件的词汇。如:detective, crime, proof, criminal, innocent, case, robber, thief,witness2) 用“How can detectives and policemen find the criminals?”引出下一个环节。2. Activity 1 Listening and describing1) Cindy是一起抢劫事件的目击证人,根据Cindy描述的外貌特征,找出相应的罪犯。 提炼描述人物外貌特征的句型。He wasHe was wearingHe hadHe was a man with2) 创设情景, 巩固情景描述。2. Activity 2 Reading and summarizingA funny crime happened in Liantang on Sunday morning, Two robbers ran into a music shop. One of them was wearing a green T-shirt and carrying a red bag. The other robber was tall and thin. He was wearing red jeans. There were many people in the shop. The robbers waved their guns at people. “Nobody move!” Shouted the first robber. All the people in the shop were frightened. They had to follow the robbers order and sat down. The second robber looked nervous. He took no notice and moved. At that time, the first robber was angry and shot him.然后,归纳写作要点和作文结构3. Activity3 Writing according to the pictures1) Talking about the pictures先小组活动,给每幅图添加key words,小组间可以互相补充,分享成果。然后根据helpful words and phrases描述每一幅图。组织语言,加以发挥,把案件经过的细节描述清楚,为写做好铺垫。be drunkwalk in a strange mannerhit a girlbe bleeding(流血)the hit-and-run driverbe carried into the ambulancetake to 2) Guided writing(让学生用思维导图列提纲和写作要点,小组合作写)3)Share students positions(展示作品并口头汇报)Homework1. 课后总结写作要点2. 完善堂上作文,完成书面写作。

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