2019-2020年八年级英语译林版Lesson Twelve At the Sports Meeting.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语译林版Lesson Twelve At the Sports Meeting A.词汇1.jump v.跳(跃);n.跳跃,跳跃运动。如:jump to ones feet 一跃而起;jump in the car 跳入汽车Li Ping jumped higher than I.李平跳得比我高。Tom jumped farthest in the long jump.汤姆在跳远比赛中跳得最远。Look! San is going to have his last jump.看,萨姆将跳最后一跳了。2.mind n.&v.介意,反对。如:Sam failed his last jump.萨姆最后一跳没能跳过去。Never mind.没关系。Would you mind opening the window.请你把窗子打开好吗?mind doing sth.意为“介意做某事”。Do you mind my smoking?我抽烟你不反对吗? Sometimes I do.有时候我反对。3.fail vt.vi.失败,不及格=not pass,后常跟to do sth.如:Dont fail to call me.别忘了打电话给我。He failed in the last exam.上次考试他不及格。They both failed English last week.上星期他们两人英语考试不及格。She didnt fail her last jump.她最后一跳过去了。4.finish v结束;finish ones homework 完成家庭作业finish doing ones homework.完成做家庭作业。如:His sister often finishes her homework before Sunday.他妹妹常在星期天之前完成家庭作业。Youd better finish drawing the picture after class.你最好在课后画完这幅画。(finish后不用to do sth.)5.rainy是rain的形容词形式。还有sunsunny,cloudcloudy,snowsnowy,windwindy, fogfoggy,iceicy都是关于天气特征方面的词。这类词皆由名词词尾加y构成,转变成形容词。如:It is raining outside.So we can say its rainy today.外面正在下雨,因此我们可以说今天是雨天。The sun is shining.We also can say it is sunny.阳光灿烂,我们也可以说今天晴空万里。sunny 由sun双写n加y构成。6.alive adj.热闹的,有活力的。一般只作表语。如:Everybody es back to school,so the classroom is alive.每个人回到了学校。因此,教室里很热闹。The students are having a sports meeting.The school is alive.学生们正在开运动会。整个学校很有生气。7.neither pron.是both的否定式,表示两者都不。常与单数名词或代词连用。如:Neither boy is right.两个男孩都不对。Neither sentence is correct.两句句子都不对。Neither of them is a teacher.两人都不是老师。Both of them are teachers.两人都是老师。(both of谓语动词都用复数)B.短语1.do ones best 尽自己最大的努力 =try ones best。如:Li Ping is doing his best to catch up with his classmates.李平正尽力赶上他的同班同学。We must do our best to learn English well.我们必须尽力学好英语。Term exams are ing.Everybody is doing his best to review all the subjects.期末考试来临了。人人都在尽力复习所有的功课。2.get off 下车 get on上车 动词加介词词组。如:Dont get off the bus before it stops.车未停稳,请勿下车。Please get on the bus.Well start.请上车,我们要出发了。When we arrive at the station,please get off it.当我们到达车站时,请下车。3.cheeron 为加油,on为副词。如:Lets go and cheer on Li Ping.让我们去为李平加油。Ill go and cheer him on.我将去为他加油。(注意him的位置)Lets give Tom three cheers.让我们为汤姆欢呼。cheer为名词。C.交际用语及句型1.Sam jumped the highest last year.萨姆去年跳得最高。=Sam jumped higher than any other boy last year.注意最高级如何转换成比较级。The Changjiang River is the longer than any other river in China.长江是中国最长的河流。(any other river 意为除去“长江之外的任何一条河流”,river为单数)2.Whos the winner,Sam or John?谁是获胜者,萨姆还是约翰。Neither.Its Jack.Hes the best of all.两个都不是,是杰克。他是所有人中最快的。此句中的neither是一个简略形式,完整的句子应是Neither of them is a winner.他们两人都不是获胜者。Jack jumps the highest in our class.杰克是我们班上跳得最高的。Hes the best of all.他是所有人中间最好的。注这里表示范围的状语,有的用了in,有的则用了of,这里需要强调的是:如果是同一类则用of,若表示在某一范围内地点或时间则用in。如:Helen is the tallest of the girl students.海伦是女生中个子最高的。She runs the fastest in her class.她在她班上跑得最快。The boy studies the hardest of the three.这个男孩是3个人中学习最努力的。3.In the boys 1 500-metre race,the runners are doing their best.在男子一千五百米竞赛中,运动员们正在尽力奔跑。句中男子一千五百米比赛 the boys 1 500-metre race,1 500-metre race 是复合名词,metre 不用复数,词尾也不用“”,而有些词须用所有格,如: an hours walk。如:Beibei went in for the girls 400-metre race.贝贝参加了女子400米赛跑。The four-hour trip made them very tired.四小时的旅行使他们很劳累。He is a five-year-old boy.他是个五岁的男孩。(有连字符year不能加s)D.语法形容词、副词的最高级1.形容词、副词最高级用于三者或三者以上的比较,表示“最”,形容词最高级前必须加the。如:Helen is the shortest in her class.海伦是她班上最矮的。Sam jumped the highest of the three.萨姆是三个人中跳得最高的。Beibei is the best student in her school.贝贝是学校里最好的学生。Jack is the taller of the two boys.杰克是两个男孩中个儿较高的一个。(the+比较级,意为两个之中较的一个)2.规则adj.adv.最高级的构成(1)在词尾加est:longlongest,hardhardest,fewfewest。(2)以e结尾加st:nicenicest,widewidest。(3)辅音字母+y结尾的词改为i+est:happyhappiest,earlyearliest(4)重读闭音节最后只有一个辅音字母结尾的词要双写这个辅音字母加est:hothottest,fatfattest,redreddest不规则 adj,adv.最高级的构成good/wellbest,many/muchmost,bad/illworst,littleleast,farfarthest/furthest3.形容词、副词最高级的句子可以转换成比较级。如:King is the tallest boy in our class.=King is taller than any other boy/any of the boys in our class.(注意划线部分的表达,意思为“任何一个其他的男孩”,“其他男孩中的任何一个”)Jack studies(the)hardest in his class.杰克在他班学习最努力。=Jack studies harder than any other student/any of the other students in his class.


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