2019-2020年中考英语专题复习 专题一 单项选择 精讲17 宾语从句.doc

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2019-2020年中考英语专题复习 专题一 单项选择 精讲17 宾语从句【xx黑龙江绥化】15.Could you please tell me _? A. how much I get to the post office B. how I can get to the post office C. where is the post office15. B 【xx河北】40. Could you tell me _?Talking about festivals.A. how they are playingB. what they are doingC. where they are goingD. why they are practicing40. B 【xx海南】40. Look at Uncle Liangs new car. I wonder _. A. when he bought it B. when did he buy it C. when he buys it 40. A 【xx陕西】29. Mum, can you tell me_ ? I dreamed of him last night. Next week. A. when my dad es back B. where my dad goesC. when my dad will e back D. where my dad will go29. C 【xx江苏淮安】13. I dont know Kates address. Do you know _?Sorry. I dont know either.A. why she lives there B. why does she live thereC. where she lives D. where does she live13. C 【xx湖南常德】32. Could you tell me _ ?Sure.A. where the restrooms are B. where are the restrooms C. where is the restroom32. A 【xx黑龙江龙东】9. Many people talk about Didi. I really wonder _ . You call to order a taxi through it on your mobile phone easilyA. how can I use them B. who use them most C. what they are used for9. C 【xx广西贵港】44. Could you tell me _? My cousin. He works as a policeman in the police station. A. who the man in white is B. who is the man in white C. what the man in white is D. what is the man in white44. A。 【xx北京】30. - Can you tell me to London?- Sure. Next month.A. when you will travel B. when will you travelC. when you travelled D. when did you travel30.A 【xx 青海】39.Dont you tell me that they have gone to Australia? Sure. But I dont know _. A. when they have e back B. when have they e back C. when did they e back. 39.A. 【xx 湖北武汉】40. What did your teacher say to you just now? He asked me _A. how could I work it out B. when did I go to the library C. why I am late for school D. if I had got ready for the examD 【xx广西玉林防城港】35. I wonder _ without water. For about a week. A. how long can a man live B. how long a man can live C. when can a man live D. when a man can live35.B 【xx江苏常州】10. Im going to give a talk on the Dragon Boat Festival to the exchange students. Great! But dont forget to tell them _.A. what should they eat at the festival B. why people enjoy the full moonC. what kind of race is often held D. how do people celebrate it10. C 【xx湖北襄阳】40. -Can you tell me _? -Sure. He lives on Center Street. A. where does he live B. where he lives C. why he lives there D. what does he do 40. B 【xx湖北黄石】40. Excuse me, can you help me find out with my puter? A. what wrong is B. whats wrong C. what was wrong D. what wrong was B 【xx贵州黔南州】6. -Do you know the meeting?-Tomorrow morning.A. when they had B. when they are going to haveC. when did they have D. when are they going to have6. B 【xx山东济南】55. Excuse me. Do you know _?Well, go along this street and turn right. Theres one on the left. A. how can I get to the bank B. where I can find a restaurant C. when he usually gets to work D. where is the police station55. B 【xx湖北随州】39. Excuse me, can you tell me _? Sorry, I dont know. You can go to the information desk. A. when the train leaves B. where does the train go C. which train can I take D. that there is a train39. A。 【xx 山东东营】35. -Chris wants to know “truth or dare(真心话大冒险游戏)” at your birthday party.-Yes. But if he doesnt like it, well play guessing games instead.A. who will play B. whether we playedC. if we will play D. why we are going to play C 【xx 福建泉州】31. Do you know_ Shanghai?Yes. Hell go there on business.A. how he will go to B when will he fly to C. why he will leave forC 【xx贵州黔西南】21. My mother asked me _ this morning. A. why did I get up late B. why I got up late C. why do I get up late D. why I get up late21. B 【xx湖南永州】27. He asked me _. A. where was the Chaoyang ParkB. how far was the Chaoyang Park from here C. how he could get to the Chaoyang park 27. C 【xx江苏宿迁】9. Can you tell me _? I want to pay a visit to him. He just lives opposite our school.A. where does Jim liveB. where did Jim liveC. where Jim livesD. where Jim lived9. C 【xx江苏镇江】14. Mum, the visit to the science museum is so wonderful. Really? Could you tell me _?A. that you did and saw thereB. when you e backC. how did you get thereD. if you saw models of spacecraft there14. D 【xx贵州六盘水】32.-Could you tell me at the meeting?-Sorry, I didnt go to the meeting.A.what he said B.what did he say C.what he says D.what does he say32.A 【xx湖南张家界】35. Gina always asks _, because her things are everywhere.A. where are her keysB. her keys are whereC. where her keys are35. C 【xx 贵州遵义】34.Thinking back to the past years , many people wonder_.A where time will go B where time has gone C. where has time goneB 【xx广东佛山】30. Most students dont know _ when their phones are taken away. A. what can they do B. how they could municate C. who they can play with30. C 【xx广西桂林】40. Sir, do you know_? Im not very sure. Please ask the worker over there. A. when will the next train start B. when the next train will start C. when did next train started40. B 【xx黑龙江哈尔滨】11.Could you tell me ?Youd better keep a diary in English as often as possible. A. when I can improve my written English B. how I can improve my written English C. if can I improve my written English 11. B


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