2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation分课时学案 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation分课时学案 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation分课时学案 人教新目标版一、 词汇临时照顾(小孩) _/ /; 宿营;露宿_ / /计划;规划_/ /;徒步旅行;远足 _/ /;向远处;离开;向另一方向_/ /;发送;寄_/ /;二、 短语照顾妹妹_ 看望奶奶_和朋友们一起度过时光_ 在家放松_三、 句型现在进行时由助动词be 加动词ing形式构成,可以表示按计划或安排将要进行的动作,有“意图”或“打算”的含义。1.What are you doing for vacation ? Im visiting my grandmother .假期你打算做什么?我打算拜访我的祖母。2.What is he doing for vacation ? He is babysitting his brother.假期他打算做什么?他要照顾他的弟弟。3.When are they going ? They are going next week/on the 12th/Monday.他们什么时候去?他们将在下周/十二日/星期一去。4.How long is he staying? He is staying for a week .他准备在那呆多久?他准备在那呆一周。四、练习1. Mr. Lee_ football with his classmates for vacation . A. plays B. is playing C. are play D. are Playing2. The idea to eat in KFC _ wonderful. A tastes B. sounds C. smells D. looks 3. -When do you go shopping? -I usually go shopping _Sunday mornings. A. on B. in C. at D. from4. He is_ the mountains.A. go hiking B. goes hike C. going hiking D. going hike 5. Show me your photos when we get _ to school. A. back B. return C. to back D. to return 6. -_ have you been away from your hometown? -For about 1 3 years. A. How soon B. How far C. How long D. How often7. -_ will you return? -In three days. A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How much 8. -_are they staying? -Two weeks.A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How much9. We are going to Tibet for a month.(划线提问)_ _ _they _to Tibet?10. She is going camping with her cousin.(划线提问)_ _ _going camping _?11. They are visiting Spain the day after tomorrow.(同义句) They are going _ _ Spain the day after tomorrow.12. Her sister is staying there from the 11th to the 23rd. .(划线提问)_ _ is her sister staying there?13. He is seeing a dentist next Sunday. _ _he _a dentist?Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?第二课时学案一、词汇自行车;脚踏车_/ /; 乘骑;搭乘_ / /观光;游览_/ /;捕鱼;钓鱼 _/ /;租用;出租_/ /;意大利 _/ /;二、 短语徒步旅行_ 离去_租录像带_ 散步_从香港寄给我一张明信片_ 返回学校 _三、 句型1 That sounds interesting 听起来很有趣2.Whats it like there ? 那个地方怎么样?3.Where are you going for vacation ? Im going to Hawaii for vacation .你打算去哪度假?我打算去夏威夷度假。四、 练习1. They like _.A. taking walks B. taking walk C. to take walk D. to take walking 2. Whats the weather _today? -Its sunny. A. like B. about C. / D. in3. It usually _me half an hour to finish my homework every day A. takes B. spends C. cost D. pay4. I have _ to tell you. A. unusual something B. something unusual C. unusual anything D. anything unusual5. -Is there _in todays newspaper? -Nothing. Youd better not read. Its a waste of time. A. something important B. important anything C. important everything D. anything important6. I like _. A. going bike riding B. going bike ride C. go bike riding D. go bike ride7. _do you liked the book? A. How B. How soon C. What D. Where8. _do you like china? A. How B. What C. Where D. Which9. I_ 30 yuan for the shirt. A. pay B. spend C. cost D. take 10. Let me _a look at your new picture. A. spend B. pay C. cost D. take11 The weather is windy in Beijing. .(划线提问)_ _the weather like in Beijing?12. Send me a postcard from Hong Kong.(同义句)_a postcard _me from Hong Kong.13. They are planning their vacation to Italy this summer. .(划线提问)_are they planning their vacation this summer?14. 他们寒假要在家休息。They _ _ _ _ for winter holiday.15. 你的想法听上去不错。Your idea _ _.Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?第三课时学案一、词汇著名的;出名的_/ /; 欧洲_ / /某物;某事_/ /; 湖;湖泊_/ /;离开;出发_/ /;农村;乡村 _/ /;大自然;自然界_/ /; 忘记_/ /;结束;完成_/ /;旅行者;游客 _/ /; 二、 短语去度假_ 五大湖_ 很;非常;常常_ 决定某事_ 想做些不同的事_ 考虑做某事_ 睡大觉_ 去观光的好地方 _三、 句型1. I heard that Canada is beautiful ,and I know there are many people there who speak French. 我听说加拿大很美,我知道那有许多人讲法语。2. I hope I can forget all my problems. 我希望能忘掉所有的问题。3. Im planning my vacation to the south of Italy this weekend.我计划这个周末去意大利南部度假。四、练习1. We _ (are going/go) fishing tomorrow.2. He is a famous _ (France/French) movie star.3. Do you feel _ (relaxing/relaxed) after a long rest?4. He plans _ (to have/having) a very relaxing vacation.5. I just finished _ (read/reading) the storybook.6 Dont worry! There isnt _with the radio. A wrong anything B anything wrong C something wrong D wrong something7. Susan often forgets _her English book with her.A bring B brought C is bringing D to bring8. I have a new watch. Ill _.A show you it B show it to you C show it you D show you to it9. -What does your mother want you to be?She hopes _a teacher.A me to be B me being C I can be D I be10. He returned home _a cold evening. A on B at C in D /11.- Whats the place like?-_.A Nice food B Very interesting. C Nothing D The people.12. Did you decide _the time of the trip? A for B at C with D on 13. 他们寒假要在家休息。They _ _ _ _ for winter holiday.14. 我想读点有趣的东西。 I want to read _ _.15. 我听说泰国是一个观光的好地方。I _Thailand is a good place _ _ _.16. 我们星期二到星期五要去体育夏令营。We are going _ _ _Tuesday to _.


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