2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 1 Past and present(I).doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 1 Past and present(I)Teaching Aims: 1. Grasp the new words: actually, block, marry, dentist, stall, temple 2. Know how to use the present perfect tense. 3. Read the dialogue.Teaching Steps:一、 Greeting二、 Free Talk1. Review some new words of last period.2. Review some important sentences.三、 New Teaching(一) New words (the Kowloon Walled City 九龙城 P123)1. actually adv. 实际上 由形容词actual派生而来 eg: What did he actually say?他实际上说了些什么?2. block n. 街区 复数blocks He lives three blocks away from here. 他住的地方与此处隔三个街区。3. marry vi. 结婚 过去式married 第三人称单数marries 固定结构:be married to sb 与某人结婚 get/be married 结婚 marry sb= be married to sb与某人结婚 marry sb to sb 把某人嫁给某人 表示已结婚一段时间用:be married eg: They have been married for ten years. 他们已结婚十年。 They married their daughter to a rich old man.把嫁给一个老富翁。 She was married at the age of 25. 她在25岁时结婚了。 He married a classmate two years ago. 两年前他与一位同班同学结了婚。 She married a doctor. = She was married to a doctor. 她嫁给了一个医生 Bob will marry Mary next week. 和下周将结婚。 Are you married? 你结婚了吗? 注:表示和某人结婚时be married只用to 不用with。4. dentist n. 牙医 复数 dentists Dentists play an important role in keeping our teeth healthy. 牙医在保护我们牙齿健康上扮演着重角色。5. stall n. 摊位 We bought a dictionary from a book stall. 我们从一个书摊买了一本字典。6. temple n. 寺庙 There is a temple in my hometown.7. closing n. 关闭、结束 They knew the closing of the pany yesterday. 他们昨天知道了这家公司倒闭了。 You must e before the closing of the meeting.你必须在会议结束以前来。8. land v. 着陆、登陆 The plane landed safely just now.那架飞机刚才安全着陆了。 The children landed on the island. 孩子们登上了小岛。9. safely adv. 安全地 safe(形)安全的 safety n. 安全 They returned home safely. 他们平安地到家了。10. open adj. 开阔的、开着的,未围着的 be open The door is open. in the open air. 在野外、在户外 open space空地 The city has a lot of parks and open space.11. a bit 有点儿 a bit +形容词 a bit of +(不可数)名词 eg: He is a bit tired after a long way.走了很长一段路,他有点累了。 He ate a bit of food. 他吃了一些食物。12. lonely adj. 孤独的,寂寞的 feel lonely 感到寂寞、感到孤独 a lonely old man 一个孤独的老人区别alone与lonelylonely 指心理上的寂寞,孤独和某地荒凉。(可作表语或定语)alone 指强调没别的人,意为“单独,独自一人”作表语 The old man lives alone but he doesnt feel lonely. Dont leave the boy at home alone.(二) Listen to the tape, try to understand the dialogue.四、 Read the dialogue after the tape.五、 Homework1. Read and recite the new words.2. 作、当第二课时教后感:

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