2019-2020年八年级英语Module 4 Unit 3.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Module 4 Unit 3FunctionTalking about dates, periods of time, numbersStructurePresent perfect: for, sinceListening/SpeakingSaying years Talking about personal education experiencesReading/WritingFinding specific information about Hope SchoolsWriting about education; using conjunctions and, or, butAround the worldOxfam TaskWriting a leaflet to raise money for Hope SchoolUnit 3 Language in useHello, class! Do you know how long I have studied English? You are wrong. I have studied English for twenty years. I started learning English since 1985. Now go to Unit 3 on page 29. You have to go on with your English learning. Language practice1 plete the chart.Verbs have different forms. Now look at the chart on page 30 and plete it. 1 build built built2 go went gone3 have had had4 hear heard heard5 know knew known6 live lived lived7 make made made8 pay paid paid9 raise raised raised10 stop stopped stopped11 study studied studied2 Listen and choose the correct answers.Next I am going to play a recording. You are to listen and choose the correct answers.1 I Charlie came to live in Beijing a) in 2002 b) two years ago c) two months ago2 May moved to Beijing a) when she was seven b) seven years ago e) six months ago3 May started to learn English a) when she moved to Beijing b) six years ago c) when she was six years old4 Charlie started to study Chinese a) in 2002 b) a few months ago c) when he moved to Beijing3 Write questions. Use How long have / has?Next you are going to write questions. Use How long have / has?Lingling/ study English? How long bas Lingling studied English?Write as they do. (仿写)1 How long has your father studied English?2 How long has Your sister stayed in the United States?3 How long have Ma Ji and Tang Qiang studied Japanese?4 How long have Kang Guofa and You been at this math school?5 How long has your teacher known about Project puter?4 plete the answers with the correct form of the verbs and for or since.Lingling has studied (study) English for nearly six years.Write as they do. (仿写)1 Liu Hong has known me since May 2001.2 Ren Yan has lived in Yu Ci since 1996.3 Tian Xing and Xu Lihong have studied film for a year.4 Liu Juan and Wang Cunyuan have been at Taiyuan Art School since last May.5 Guo Ping has known about Project English for a long time. He Feng told her about it a long time ago.5 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in Activity 3. Use How long have you?study English -How long have you studied English? -Ive studied English for four years.How long has Tony known Daming?Tony has known Daming since September 2003.How long has Betty lived in Beijing?Betty has lived in Beijing since 2003.How long have Betty and Tony studied Chinese?Betty and Tony have studied Chinese for a year.How long have Betty and Tony been at Beijing International School? Betty and Tony have been at Beijing International School since last year.How long has Betty known about Project Hope?Betty has known about Project Hope for one day. Lingling told her about it yesterday.6 Work with a partner. Write a short conversationUse these questions and invent your own answers.How long have you .?1 had a pet How long have you had a pet?I have had a pet for three years.2 studied English How long have you studied English?I have studied English since 2002.3 lived in your city How long have you lived in your city?I have lived in our city since 1992.4 known your teacher How long have you known your teacher?I have known my teacher for five years.5 been at school How long have you been at school?I have been at school since 2004.Now act out your conversation for the class.7 Underline the correct answers. I have known/knew/ my best friend since we(1)have beenwere/ four years old. Her name is Natalie. She (2)has livedlived/ next door to me in Guangzhou but then her parents (3) have moved/ moved/ to another city. We (4) have written/wrote/ letters to each other. Luckily, her dad (5) has just started/just started/ a new job so they (6)have moved/ moved/ back to Guangzhou. I am very happy! We(7)have seen/ saw/ each other every day since she came back.8 plete the passage about Project Hope. Use the correct form of the words in the box.On page 32 is an unpleted passage, Read it and plete it using the correct form of the words in the box.abroad difficult drop out of education help pay for study thousands of trainProject Hope has raised money from people at home and abroadIt helps(1)thousands of children who cant go to school. It (2) pays for their (3)education. It builds schools and libraries and it (4) trains teachers. Some children (5)dropped out of school because they look after their parents when they are ill or because they live in rural areas and they (6)help on the family farm. We can go to school and (7)study,but for poor children its (8)difficult to go to school.9 Match the words with the numbers.1 a billion b 1,000,000,0002 four thousandd 4,0003 three hundred and twentyf 3204 five milliong 5,000,0005 six point twoa 6.26 twelve point three sixe 12.367 nine point four threec 9.4310 Replace the numbers in the passage with words.Go to page 32 and replace the numbers in the passage with words.Write as they do. (仿写)Project Animals is a global oragnisation working towards the improvement of animal protection in the world. Project Animals has worked around the world for 20 years. It has trained over 3,000,000 people to help animal in danger. Project gives about 2,000,000 dollars of help to 15 to 20 countries. Over 15,000 people have worked for Project Animals since it started.Around the worldNow we shall go around the world. Please listen to the passage first, paying attention to the pronunciation, stress, and the intonation of the native speakers. For the second listening, try to read aloud the passage to the tape while listening. Now lets go on to read the passage Oxfam. While reading try to cut(断句)/ the sentences into parts, blacken(涂黑) the predicates, shade(加影) the connectives and underline (划线)the expressions. Write as they do. (仿写)OxfamOxfam is an organisation which raises money for different projects. It helps poor people in countries around the world.Oxfam pays for clean water and schools. It has shops and sells fruit and coffee grown by poor farmers. It pays a fair price for their work. Rich people give clothes to the shops. Oxfam sells them and uses the money to pay for its projects.Module task Writing a leaflet to raise money for Hope Schools11 Work in groups. Make a list of three things Project Hope can do with your money.What Project Hope can do for you with your money? Work in groups of four and make a list of three things.Hope canandandNow make a list of three things Project Hope has done.Project Hope can build another new school with the money.Project Hope can buy books for the poor students with the money.Project Hope can send teachers of English to English speaking countries.Project Hope canimprove students food with the money.12 Write 50 words for a leaflet about the Hope Schools. What is a leaflet?A leaflet is a sheet of printed paper, usually folded, that is distributed free as part of an advertising or information campaign.Think about these questions: Who is the leaflet for? Why are you writing it? What is the main idea?Think of a title and choose a picture.Please help The Hope ProjectThe Hope Project aims to bring hope to poor children. The Hope Project offers help to children of all special needs, ages and locations.The Hope Project talks to and keeps in touch with parents and with persons with a special need. It tries to offer a wide range of supports to poor children.The Hope Project is national.Please give money to the Hope Project. It will give your money to the poor children.13 Put your leaflet somewhere for everyone to see.

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