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2019-2020年七年级英语下册Unit4Findingyourway综合测试(B)新版牛津版一、听力测试(10%)A. 根据你所听到的对话,选择正确答案( )1. Where are they talking? A. In a library. B. At the doctors. C. At a post office.( )2. Where are they talking now? A. At home. B. At school. C. At hospital.( )3. What does the sign mean? A. Straight on. B. No right turn. C. No left turn.( )4. Where does the woman go? A. To a bookshop. B. To Sunshine Hospital.C. To a cinema. ( )5. What does Neil mean? A. He will e to the party this Sunday. B. He doesnt want to visit his grandparents. C. He cant go to the party.B. 根据你所听到的对话,选择正确答案( )6. Where does the man want to go? A. Amys home. B. The Peoples Hospital. C. The supermarket.( )7. Where is the supermarket? A. Near Amys home. B. Next to the No.6 Middle School. C. Behind the Peoples Hospital.C. 根据你所听到的短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表( )8. A. swim B. walk C. run( )9. A. reading the newspaper B. watching TV C. listening to the radio( )10. A. yesterdays B. todays C. tomorrows二、根据汉语注释和对话内容,写出句中所缺单词的正确形式(10%)1. Its_(相当)cold in winter in my hometown.2. There are three_(银行)in our town.3. Look! There is a little girl crying_(在外面)the shop. She is cold and hungry.4. There is an_(出口)on each floor of the building.5. Look at the_ (指示牌).I think we can take that road to Shanghai.6. Dont keep the little bird in the_(笼子). 7. You have to do all the exercises before you open the_(宝藏)box.8. -How is your grandpa? -Hes well. But he cant_ things clearly. He always asks me how old I am.9.-Tony, youd better go to work by underground. The _ is very heavy today because of the rain. -Thank you, Jane.I will.10. -Why do pandas like eating_? -I dont know. You can ask our teacher.三、词形变化(5%)1. What can you see_ (cross) the bridge?2. Wang Baoqiang is a_ (fun) actor(演员).He often makes people laugh.3. Maybe we take a wrong_ (turn). What can we do then?4. Do you think the bags are those_ (visit)?5. You can see two tall_ (build) of ICBC(工商银行)in front of you.四、单项填空(20%)( ) 1._ elephant has_ long nose. A An; an B. An; a C. /; a D. The; the( ) 2. When I stand_ the window, I see some boys running_ the street* A. next to; along B on; at C. in; on D. to; in( ) 3. The children often walk_ the bookshop on their way home. A. past B. across C. on D. over( ) 4. Excuse me, can you tell me _ get to the post office? A. the way B. how cant C. how to D. where is to( ) 5.-_ is the library from our school? -Its quite near. Just go _ the road. A. How long; across B. How far; across C. How long; cross D. How far; cross( ) 6._ cute the little panda is! It looks like its mother. A What B. Why C. How D. If( ) 7. The shirt is too small. Would you please show me_, Madam? A. the other one B. another one C. one another D. other one( ) 8. We would like you _ and we look forward _ you. A. to e; to seeB e to seeingC. e; to see D. to e; to seeing( ) 9. Jim and I share the desk, so he sits _ me. A. beside B. behind C. between D. over( )10. Father buys _ iPad for me. But I think _ iPad is too expensive. A. an; the B a; an C. the; the D. the; an( )11. Its very hot today. The temperature (温度) may be _ 30. A. on B. above C. at D. under( )12. There is an old bridge _ the river. Be careful (小心) when you _ it. A over; across B. over; cross C. on; cross D. on; across( )13. Do you see the kite _ the building? Its flying high in the sky. A. over B. cross C. on D. under( )14. The USA is _ the south of Canada and _ the east of Japan. A. to; in B on; to C. in; beside D. at; on( )15. English is used (被使用) _ two different countries when people do business (生意). A. between B. to C. for D. on( )16. -Do we need more milk? -No, there is _ in the fridge. A. plenty B. a plenty C. plenty of m D. a plenty of( )17. Li Na plays _ tennis very well. She bees (成为) _ first Asian woman to reach a Grand Slam (大满贯). A. a; the B. /; the C. the; a D. /; a( )18. _ car in front of our school gate is _. A. The; the Greens B. A; GreensC. /; the Greens D. The; the Greens( )19. I have my own bedroom now. I _ share one with my brother. A. havent to B. dont have to C. have to D. have not to( )20. -Im going to Hainan for a holiday next week. - _. A. Have a good time B. Not at al C. Thank you D. I have no idea五、动词填空(10%)1. We plan to go out for a picnic. So we hope it_ (not rain) tomorrow.2. There_ (not be) any football matches on CCTV 5 this evening, are there?3. Anna often invites her friends_ (share) her snacks.4. Never_ (go) near the tigers. They may hurt(伤害)you.5. Look! The students are making cards_ (show) love for their mothers.6. If you go to visit the museum next week, I_ (follow) you.7. _ (not cross) the street. There is a bus ing.8. His words make me_ (laugh)a lot.9.-Will you e to Jims birthday party next Sunday? -Im afraid not. I_ (visit) my grandparents in my hometown.10. Can you help them_ (find) the way?六、完形填空(10%)If you want to travel to a new place, what will you worry about first? The answer may be how to 1 the way.In big cities many people go from one place to 2 by bus, taxi or underground. The bus is a popular 3 of travelling. If you want to use a bus you should (应该) know 4 bus to take. You should 5 the timetable (时间表) right so that you can take the 6 bus and get to your place on time. And its important for you to know 7 to get off.In the countryside (农村), 8 can be much simpler (简单). In some places withsmall roads, people get to school or their offices by 9 . In my hometown we usually takea boat to school. In other places, students can go to school 10 foot because they livenear the school.( ) 1. A. find B. look C. watch D. give( ) 2. A. other B. another C. others D. the other( ) 3. A. ride B. way C. path D. part( ) 4. A. which B. where C. when D. how( ) 5. A. read B. write C. make D. send( ) 6. A. early B. busy C. right D. fast( ) 7. A. why B. where C. what D. how( ) 8. A. travelling B. playing C. studying D. shopping( ) 9. A. bike B. bus C. boat D. train( )10. A. by B. in C. with D. on七、阅读理解(20%)AAnn is a 13-year-old girl. She doesnt like popular music. One evening, she is at a party with her friends, What do you think of Jay Chou and his popular music? her friends ask.Who is Jay Chou? I dont know him. Ann says, But I like classical(古典的) music.Her friends all look at her surprisingly (惊讶地) and say, Classical music is for old people. We cant stand (忍受) it. We like cool things. Ann doesnt know why her friends say that. She goes home to talk to her father. Dad, am I strange? I dont think so, he says, Why do you ask that? Because my friends cant stand classical music, but I like it. Thats OK, Ann. You dont need to do what other people do. Everyone has different likes(不同喜好). Some of them are popular, but others arent.( ) 1. What does Ann think of Jay Chou? A. He is cool. B. He is popular.C. She likes him. D. She doesnt know him.( ) 2. What dont Anns friends like? A. Popular music. B. Cool things. C. Classical music. D. Pop music. ( ) 3. What does the word strange mean in Chinese? A. 酷的 B. 苍老的 C. 奇怪的 D. 浪漫的( ) 4. What does Anns father say to Ann? A. Need to mind (介意) what other people say.B. Dont need to do what other people do. C. Need to do what other people do.D. Everyone is popular.( ) 5. What can we know from the passage? A. Anns like is different from her friends.B. Ann goes to the party with her father.C. Ann knows why her friends are surprised. D. Anns friends think classical music is for young people.BMost people in America live in small groups. More than a quarter of homes in Americahave only got one person in them. Some of these are old people but some are people oftwenty or thirty years old who would like to live alone. 35% of homes have two people inthem, and another 17%have three people. 15%have four people in them, and the otherhomes have five or more.The families in America are smal1. It is unusual(不寻常的)for parents to have morethan two children. When children are about eighteen or nineteen years 01d,they leave theirparents homes, and they often go to different cities. Sometimes they only visit their parentstwo or three times a year.( )6.How many homes in America have three people? A. 17% B. 15% C. 35% D. 5%( )7.At what age do children in America usua11v live away from their parents homes? A. About 30 or 31. B. About 20 or 21. C. About 17 or less. D. About 18 or 19.( )8.What does the underlined word “quarter mean? A. 四分之一 B. 十五分钟 C. 一半 D. 三分之一( )9.Who would like to live alone in America? A. Old people. B. Children of 18 0r 19. C. People of 20 or 30 years old. D. Parents.( )10.What is the passage about? A. A traveling story. B. A report(报告). C. A book. D. A joke. 八、完成句子(10%)1. 你能告诉我去森林的路吗?_2. 明天我们在哪见面呢? 在购物中心旁边的拐角处见面怎样? - Where shall we meet tomorrow? -_3. 在猴子林的东面,你可以看到一些大象。_4. 你能听见鸟儿们正发出各种好听的声音吗?_5. 你打算为你的旅行准备些什么?_九、书面表达(5%)假设你想邀请交换生David参加你的生日聚会,请根据下面的提示给他写一封英文邀请信,60词左右。(信的开头和结尾已给出不让入总词数)Dear David,My birthday is ing._参考答案一、听力测试A. 根据你所听到的对话,选择正确答案 1. W: What can I do for you? M: Id like to buy some postcards and stamps. 2. W: Mike, why dont you ride your bike to school today? M: Im not feeling well today, so my father drives me to school. 3. W: You cant turn left here. Dont you see the road sign? M: Sorry. I wont do that again. 4. W: Excuse me. Can you show me the way to Sunshine Hospital? M: Sure. Walk straight on and youll see a bookshop. The hospital is next to the bookshop. 5. W: Neil, Im going to have a party this Sunday. Would you like to e? M: Sorry, my family are going to visit my grandparents. (1-5 CBCBC)B. 根据你所听到的对话,选择正确答案M: Hi, Amy. Could you please tell me the way to the supermarket from your home?W: Sure, let me see. It is on the next street on the right.M: How can we get there?W: Go along this street, turn left at the traffic lights, and go straight on. You can find the supermarket between the No.6 Middle School and the Peoples Hospital.C. 根据你所听到的短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表 Today is Saturday. My parents dont need to work. And I dont go to school. But we get up at seven. Then we go running together. 1t is really a good thing. After half an hour, we e back home. My mother begins to make breakfast for us. My father reads the newspaper and I read my English book. At about eight, we start eating the meal. When we eat, we talk about our todays plan (6-10 CBCAB)二、1. quite 2.banks 3.outside 4.exit 5.sign 6. cage 7.treasure 8.remember 9.traffic 10. bamboo三、1. across 2.funny 3.tLirning 4.visitors 5. buildings四、1-5 BAACB 6-10 CBDAA 11-15 BBABA 16-20 ABABA五、1. wont rain 2.arent going to be 3.to share 4. go 5.to show 6.will follow 7.Dont cross 8. laugh 9.will visit 10. find六、1-5 ABBAA 6-10 CBAAD七、1-5 DCCBA 6-10 ADACB八、1. Can you tell me the way to the forest? 2. What about meeting at the corner next to the shopping mall? 3. You can see many elephants to the east of the Monkeys forest. 4. Can you hear birds making all kinds of beautiful sounds? 5. What are you going to prepare for your trip?九、Dear David, My birthday is ing.1 would like to invite you to my birthday party at my home. It will start at 5 p.m. next Saturday afternoonHere is the way to my house. Walk along Garden Road. Turn right at the traffic lights. Then walk straight on. and you will see an orange building on your right. My home is on the third floor. Yours, Peter

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