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2019-2020年九年级英语全册Unit14IremembermeetingallofyouinGrade7第1课时教案新版人教新目标版一、【教材分析】教学目标知识目标1. 学习并掌握下列单词: survey, standard, row, in a row, keyboard, instruction, double, shall 2. 能正确使用以下常用表达:remember doing sth., used to, be scared of, a teacher with high standards, in a row, learn to do sth., play the keyboard, be encouraged by , be patient with, no matter3. 能熟练掌握并使用下列重点句式:1)Do you have any special memories? I remember doing a school survey.2) He gave really clear instructions during P.E. class.3) Which teachers will you miss the most after junior high school?4) He always took the time to explain things to me clearly whenever I couldnt understand anything.5) Because of her, I put in more effort and my exam scores doubled.6) Shall we get each of them a card and gift to say thank you. Good idea.能力目标通过学习1a-2c, 了解并掌握如何使用remember doing sth. 和 现在完成时回忆过去。通过对2d的阅读,找出并掌握提高阅读速度的一些技巧和方法。情感目标通过本课的学习,帮助学生回忆美好的初中生活,感恩母校,感恩恩师。教学重点Share past memories and experiences.教学难点正确使用本课常用表达;听力训练。教学方法情景教学法;任务型教学法。二、【教学流程】环节师生活动二次备课I. Preparation 准备课前3分钟检查单词预习情况,教师根据学生读的状况,适当领读,帮助学生正音。1. Enjoy a song: Auld Lang Syne. 2. Free talk:Junior high school days will be over soon. How do you feel now? Why? II. Presentation呈现1. Learning tasks“示标定向” 出示这节课的三维学习目标。1)学习并掌握下列单词: survey, standard, row, in a row, keyboard, instruction, double, shall 2)能正确使用以下常用表达:remember doing sth., used to, be scared of, a teacher with high standards, in a row, learn to do sth., play the keyboard, be encouraged by , be patient with, no matter3)能熟练掌握并使用下列重点句式:(1)Do you have any special memories? I remember doing a school survey.(2) He gave really clear instructions during P.E. class.(3) Which teachers will you miss the most after junior high school?(4) He always took the time to explain things to me clearly whenever I couldnt understand anything.(5) Because of her, I put in more effort and my exam scores doubled.(6) Shall we get each of them a card and gift to say thank you. Good idea. 2. Present the new conversations:A: Do you have any special memories?B: I remember working with friends. (meeting all of you in Grade 7, being a volunteer once, a teacher helping me with a problem)III. Practice 操练1. 机械操练 (Mechanical Drills) Read the conversation or sentences in pairs several times.2. 有意义操练 (Meaningful Drills) 1) 1a Check () the things you remember doing at junior high school. Add more to the list.2)Pair work:Practice the conversations according to some picture.A: Do you have any special memories?B: I remember doing 3. 交际性操练 (municative Drills)1) Free talk:(1)Have you enjoyed every year of junior high school ?(2) Have you learn to play the keyboard in music class?(3)What have you done at junior high school?2) Activity 1c: List some memories and experiences from junior high school.MemoriesExperiencesI rememberI haveShare your list with your partner.IV. Consolidation巩固1. Listening practice:1)1bIntroduce what the conversations are about briefly.Read the four names and sentences.Get the students to listen and match the memory with the person.Share their answers.2) 2aFirst get the students to read through the sentences and try to conjecture what theyll hear.Then get them to listen and check () the fact they hear.Share their answers.3) 2bGive the students 20 seconds to prepare for listening.Listen again and match each question below with the name of the person. Share their answers. 2. Reading practice: 2dRead the conversation between Judy and Clara and answer the questions.1)Which teacher will Clara miss the most after junior high school? Why?2)Who will Judy miss? Why?3. Oral practice: 2d First read the conversation and then role-play the conversation.V. Examination检测1. 引导学生小结梳理知识框架、规律、方法,并对合作小组当堂学习情况进行总结评价,巩固学生所获得的语言知识和经验,让学生在评价中反思,在反思中进步。Ask one of the students to say what they have learnt.(1)words (2) phrases 1)win a prize 获奖 2) do a school survey 做一个学校调查 3) meet the standard of a strict teacher 满足一位要求严格的老师的要求 4) meet this group of friends 遇到这群朋友 5) score two goals in a row 连续踢进两个球 6) learn to play the keyboard 学会弹钢琴 7) be patient with sb 对有耐心 8) work out the answer yourself 自己找出答案 9) guide sb to do sth 指导某人做某事 10) put in more effort更加努力(3) sentences1) Junior high school days are over. Do you have any special memories?中学生活结束了,你有什么特别的记忆吗? 2) I remember I cored two goals in a row during a soccer petition. 我记得在一次足球比赛 中连续踢进两个球。 3) Which teachers will you miss the most after junior high school?中学毕业后,你会最怀念 哪些老师? 4) She helped you to work out the answers yourself no matter how difficult they were.她帮助你自己算出答案,无论它们有多难。 5) He always took time to explain things to me clearly whenever I couldnt understand anything. 无论何时只要是我没听懂的,他总是花时间给我解释清楚。6) Because of her, I put in more effort and my exam score doubled.正是由于她我才更加努力,我的成绩也成倍提高了。2. 当堂检测(见学案):教师要随堂进行评价,批改可以由学习小组内互批、组间互批、集体订正等方法,批阅后教师要统计达标情况,收集反馈信息,当堂矫正补救。VI. Assignment作业1. 口头作业: 听并跟读录音, 编对话, 背笔记。2. 书面作业: Remember the new words of 1a-2d. Finish off the exercises. Preview the new words of 3a-3c.三、【板书设计】Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7 Section A (1a2d)1. win a prize2. do a school survey to do sth. 记着去做某事(未做)3. meet the standard of a strict teacher remember4. meet this group of friends (forget) doing sth. 记着做过某事(已做)5. score two goals in a row6. learn to play the keyboard7. be patient with sb 1. She helped you to work out the answers yourself no matter 8. work out the answer yourself how difficult they were.9. guide sb to do sth 2. Because of her, I put in more effort and my exam score doubled10. put in more effort四、【教后反思】


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