2019-2020年九年级英语上册《Unit 4 TV programmes》Integrated skills教学案(无答案) 牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语上册Unit 4 TV programmesIntegrated skills教学案(无答案) 牛津版课题9A Unit 4 TV programmes总课时10第7课时课题Integrated skills课型新授教学目标知识目标 1. To identify the context for an interview and distinguish between three different interviewees; 2. To identify main ideas and vocabulary and use this information to plete a report; 3. To talk about preferences in TV programmes; 4. To respond to opinions; 5. To express agreement and disagreement.能力目标 To cultivate ss prehensive ability of using language, the knowledge in practice. 情感目标 Appropriate to watch TV or listen to the radio for ss learning enthusiasm, YizhangYici military.教学重难点To identify contextual effect of the interview and distinguish between different objects.To identify contextual effect of the interview to plete information report.教 (学) 活 动自主个案预习导学1. 读一读:阅读A1部分有关三个学生的简介,并对A2部分要填写的内容进行合理的分析和科学地推测。2. 填一填:A:What is your _? B:Im Amy.A:Whats your _? B:Im 15.A:What _ are you in?B:Im in Grade 9.A:What are your _?B:Oh, I like playing volleyball, Im a _ of the Volleyball Club. I also like _ but I cant dance as _ as Kitty.A:OK, when you are _, what TV _ do you like _?B:When I have time, I like watching programmes about _ on CCTV-5.A:Can you tell me what programmes you _ like watching?B:I _ watching the programmes about animals.A:Can you tell me the _?B:I think they are sad.教学过程Step1 Talk about many different types of TV programmes.Step2 Explain the context. Ask the students to read it.Step 3 Get an idea of each interviewees interests with the help of the table at the top of Page 70. Play the recording for the first time without referring to the textbooks.Step 4 Play the recording, stopping after each answer to let them plete all the information in Part A2.Step 5 Tell students to look at the answers, look closely at the information they are missing and ask students to read one answer each and check for mistakes and mispronunciation.Step 6 Explain to students that Part A3 is a report about the interview on Page 70.Finish the exercise on their own.Step 7 Choose two students to play the roles of Kitty and Millie and ask them to read the conversation out loud. Step 8 Homework Do some exercises. Preview the next lesson Pronunciation课内研讨根据首字母填空。1. Yao Ming is an excellent b p .2. A: Do you know the r why he was late? B: Because he spend much time p puter games, and he went to bed late.3. The reporter is i the pop star.4. The programme isnt interesting at all, its so b .5. Tiger Watch is r sad, Philip h watching it.播放Part B部分的对话,回答下列问题。1. What kind of TV programmes does Millie like best?2. What about Kitty? Does she like watching programmes about animals? Whey or why not?3. What kind of TV programmes does Kitty like best?4. Who watches more TV every day, Millie or Kitty?训练巩固单项选择。( ) 1. You shouldnt buy clothes _ animals fur. A. make of B. made of C. are made of D. are making of( ) 2. Philip feels _ when he watches the _ sports games. A. excited, excited B. exciting, excited C. exciting, exciting D. excited, exciting( ) 3. - _ your sister _ you? - Yes, we are both short and slim.A. Is, like B. Is, likes C. Does, like D. Does, dislike( ) 4. What is your television _?A. viewing habit B. viewing habits C. viewer habit D. view habits( ) 5. The programmes are really _, were _ them.A. fun, interesting in B. funny, interesting inC. fun, interested in D. funny, interest in拓展延伸同义句改写。1. Im so busy that I cant go shopping. Im _ _ busy _ go shopping.2. Sport World covers a round-up about sports every week, such as, basketball, swimming and football. Sports World covers a _ round-up about sports, such as, basketball, swimming and football.3. I find he is a little sad. I find _ a _ sad.4. The box is filled with presents. The box is _ _ presents.5. The hunters are killing tigers to have their skin and bones. The tigers are _ _ by hunters for their skin and bones.6. Millie will take a shower before she goes to bed. Millie will take a shower before _ to bed.教(学)后记(我的问题,体悟,收获)

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