2019-2020年九年级英语上册 unit 1 main task 特色教案 牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语上册 unit 1 main task 特色教案 牛津版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年九年级英语上册 unit 1 main task 特色教案 牛津版Teaching Objectives: l To learn and grasp the uses of some new words.l To learn and grasp the uses of some useful phrases and sentence patterns.l To organize ideas and build a justification for those ideas.l To use example to support ideas.l To write about a persons characteristics and skills.l To present a remendation.Teaching method: Group workTeaching aids: l A puterl A slidel Color chalkTeaching Procedures:Step1 presentation Help the students to revise the adjectives describing personalities. 1. Tell the students that the principal is looking for an assistant to help him. Encourage the students to remend themselves for the post and try to introduce themselves to the principal. 2. Draw a flow chart on the blackboard while talking about the news. 3. Teach some of the new words while talking. 4. Tell the students that the flow chart on the blackboard is a good way for us to organize ideas. When we want to write about someone, we can organize our thoughts in this way. We also need some examples to support our ideas. Step 3 Writing1. Ask the students to plete the flow chart in part A on page 21. 2. Check the answers together. 3. Ask the students to organize the information in the flow chart into 5 small paragraphs. Teacher can write the first paragraph with the whole class. Example:David is a confident boy. He thinks he can do anything if he tries his best. He isnt afraid of making a speech in assemble at all. 4. Ask the students to play a writing game. The teacher divides the students into groups of four and asks each group to cooperate to write a passage about David. After writing, ask the students to read their own paragraphs in groups and help each other correct some grammatical mistakes. 5. Ask the students to finish Part B on page 23. 6. Help the students to analyse the structure of the writing on page 23 and teach them how to write a remendation letter. Main body: 1) Purpose of writing the letter. 2) Reasons of choosing the person. (Good personal qualities of the person) 3) Conclusion. 7. Ask the students to conclude the basic way of writing a remendation letter. A remendation letterDateDear _: greetingsMain bodyI would like to remend _ as _. We think that he will be an excellent _ because he has many good personal qualities. _ is We think he/she is He/she is alsoWe think that David has all the qualities to be a good _. We hope that you agree with us.Yours sincerely closing _ signature8. Ask the students to analyse the form of main body.Main body: 1) Purpose of writing the letter. 2) Reasons of choosing the person. (Good personal qualities of the person) 3) Conclusion. 7. Provide the students with two situations: 1) Remend one of their teachers as the new headmaster. 2) Remend one of their classmates as the new chairperson of the Students Union. Ask the students to choose one of the two situations, use a flow chart to organize their ideas first and then write a formal letter to the principal. 8. Ask the students to work in groups of four people. Each member of the group reads their ownletter to the others and the other students listen carefully and help make the letter better. Step4 Homework:1. Read the remendation letter in the book. 2. Write a remendation letter.3. Do some other exercises to consolidate the new words, phrases and sentence patterns learned in this period. 一 英汉互译1得满分 _ 2. 发表演讲 _3. 害怕做某事 _ 4. 一个非常自信的人 _5. 介意做额外的工作 _ 6. 尽力 _7. 同意某人的意见 _ 8. 推荐某人为_二 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1 如果他尽最大努力,他能做好任何事。If he _, he can do anything well.2 今天早上离开家时他忘记关门了。He _ when he left home this morning.3 我想推荐DAVID 为新班长。I want to remend David _ of our class.4 我不介意为班级做任何事。I dont mind _ for my class.5 我希望老师能同意我的意见。I hope the teacher can _. 参考答案:一1. get full marks 2. make a speech 3. be afraid of doing sth. 4. a confident person5. mind doing extra work 6. try ones best to do sth. 7. agree with sb. 8. remend sb. as 二1. tries his best 2. forgot to lock the door 3. as the new monitor 4. doing any work 5. agree with me

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