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2019-2020年八年级英语上册Unit5Doyouwanttowatchagameshow(第4课时)SectionB(2a-2e)学案(新人教版)【学习目标】1学生能掌握本课时的核心重点单词和短语,读懂2b文章。2学会用喜欢和不喜欢的短语,表达自己的喜恶。3学生能通过开展小组活动学习,掌握阅读方法,提升学生的阅读技能。4培养学生能够实事求是地转述别人的观点的能力。【学习重点】学会并掌握阅读技巧,掌握短语such as, try his best to do sth., not as/soas的用法。【学习难点】通过阅读训练和交流,了解如何评价电视角色Learning action tips:Ask some questions about Mickey Mouse. Let students think and answer the questions: Do you like cartoons? Do you know Mickey Mouse? Can you say anything about it?Students discuss and answer the questions.Task 1Learning action tips: Preview the words on Page37 in the word list. Students read the words by phonetic symbols, then underline new words in 2b and mark the Chinese meaning.【Method coach】famous adj.出名的(1)be famous for意为“因为而出名”。表示某人“以某种知识技能,作品或特征而出名”;表示某地“以某种特产或特征出名”;表示某事“以其内容、特征、价值等而被人所知”。(2)be famous as意为“作为而出名”。表示某人“以某种身份或职业而出名”;表示某地“作为产地或地方而出名”;表示某物“以某种形式而出名”。如:He is famous for his skill in playing football. 他因球艺而出名。Mark Twin was famous as a childrenstory writer. 马克吐温作为儿童故事作家而闻名。【导练】(1)杭州以产绿茶而著称。Hangzhou is famous for its green tea.( B )(2)Yao Ming is _a basketball player.Afamous forBfamous asCfamousDfamous to情景导入生成问题1T:Do you like to watch cartoons?S:_2T:What is your favorite cartoon?S:_3T:Why do you like it?S:_自学互研生成能力Task 1Lets read the new words and the phrases.1I can read.(我会读)culture, famous, appear, bee, rich, successful, might, main, lose, reason, mon, film, unlucky, girlfriend, ready, character, simple2I can write.(我会写)翻译下列短语:(1)美国文化American_culture(2)带有两只大圆耳朵的黑老鼠the_black_mouse_with_two_large_round_ears(3)第一部有声音和音乐的卡通片the_first_cartoon_with_sound_and_music(4)在20世纪30年代in_the_1930s(5)面对任何危险 face_any_danger(6)乐于去做某事 be_ready_to_do_sth.(7)在好莱坞的星光大道上on_the_Hollywood_Walk_of_Fame(8)不如简单 not_so_simple_as(9)主要原因之一 one_of_the_main_reasons(10)在他的早期电影里 in_his_early_film3I can understand.(我会理解)请尝试翻译以下课文中的句子。(特别注意画线部分的单词)(1)Some people might ask how this cartoon animal became so popular.一些人可能会问这个卡通人物怎么会变得如此受欢迎。(2)However, he was_always_ready_to try his best.然而,他总是准备好去尽其所能。(3)Mickey was unlucky and had many problems such as losing his house or girlfriend.米奇是不幸的,它碰到许多困难比如像失去他的房子或女朋友。(4)Todays cartoons are usually not_so_simple_as little Mickey Mouse.现在的卡通片通常不再像米老鼠那么简单。(5)Who has a_pair_of_ears_more_famous_than_Mickeys?谁有一对比米奇的耳朵更著名的耳朵呢?你还有不太懂的句子吗?请把它们写下来,并在组内讨论时翻译成中文。_Task 2Read 2b and get the main idea of the passage.1Fast reading.(快读)(1)快速阅读全文,判断对(T)错(F)。(F)Mickey Mouse is a black mouse with two small round ears.(F)In the 1940s, Walt Disney made 87 cartoons with Mickey.(T)Mickey was like a mon man, but he tried to face any danger.(F)Now nobody seems to know or love Mickey Mouse.(T)One very famous symbol in American culture is a cartoon.successful作形容词,意为“达到目的,有成效的;获得成功的,有成就的。”常用词组:be successful in sth./ doing sth. be successful at sth./ doing sth.如:a successful actor一个有成就的演员【导练】(C)(1)Sun Li is a _ actress in China.AsuccessBsucceedCsuccessfulDsuccessfully(B)(2)Jimmy succeeded in _ a basketball player.AbeBbeingCto beDwasTask 2Learning action tips:1Fast reading.Students read the passage quickly, know the main idea well;Students try to translate the difficult sentences in the passage.2Careful reading.Students read the passage carefully;Finish the task in 2d after reading.3Retell. Students sort out the main points and retell the story.Task 3Learning action tips:Make sentences with the phrases in 2e and according to the contexts. Ask a few students to check the answers.【备注】(2)完成Page382c,填写表格。2Careful reading.(细读)(1)plete the time line on Page 38.(2)Answer the questions in 2d.3I can retell.(我会复述)你能写下文章的要点,并根据它们进行复述吗?大胆挑战一下自我吧!_Task 3Finish 2e.小组内讨论,用2e所给短语造句。并邀请23组同学给出答案并订正。交流展示生成新知Preshow:Show in groups. (Time:six minutes)Task 1:First read the words and phrases in groups,then read together and sum up the usage of the words in groups,mark the difficult words in pronunciation and understanding(students can ask teacher for help)At last,write them on the blackboard.Task 2:First discuss and check the answers of Task 2 in groups, then discuss and set scenes to perform the dialogues,use different reading methods to understand the text,discuss and translate the key paragraphs and sentences. At last,write them on the blackboard.Promotion show:Class show. Time:sixteen minutes.Task 1:1.I can read.(1)Read together, pay attention to the pronunciation of “culture”, “appear” and “through”;(2)Consolidate the words by word games.2I can write.(1)Translate the phrases into English or Chinese by answering quickly;(2)Read together;(3)Spot test:consolidate the usage of the phrases by making sentences.3I can understand.(1)Help students to translate the key sentences with the phrases in “I can write”;(2) Distinguish the key words with “method coach”,consolidate by finishing the exercises,check the answers by answering quickly.Task 2:1.Fast reading:(1)Read the passage quickly and understand the main idea;(2)Answer questions by spotting test.2Careful reading:(1)Read the passage according to the time table in 2b,finish the diagram,then find the details in the passage;(2)Read the passage again,use the information to finish the questions in 2d. 3I can retell.Retell the text in oral, write the key words or sentences on the blackboard.当堂演练达成目标根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。1Mickey Mouse is a famous(出名的) cartoon character.2Jet Li is a great action (动作) movie star.3My teacher is funny. She often tells jokes (笑话)to us.4Lei Feng is always ready to (总是准备着)help others.5Todays cartoons are usually not so simple as (不如那么简单) little Mickey Mouse, but everyone still knows him.课后反思查漏补缺收获:_存在困惑:_


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