2019-2020年九年级英语上册 Unit 7 Films Study skills教案 (新版)牛津版 (I).doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语上册 Unit 7 Films Study skills教案 (新版)牛津版 (I).doc_第1页
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2019-2020年九年级英语上册 Unit 7 Films Study skills教案 (新版)牛津版 (I).doc_第2页
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2019-2020年九年级英语上册 Unit 7 Films Study skills教案 (新版)牛津版 (I)教 学目 标To understand about the structure of a play教学重点To master some methods to read a play 教学难点To master some methods to read a play教学内容及过程二次备课Teaching proceduresStep1:1ead inTeacher: Whats a play?1. Most plays have 3 to 5 acts2. Each act is divided into “scenes”3. The setting shows when and where each scene happens4. The characters in a scene will be introduced first5. Words in brackets tell what the characters are doing, and how the characters are acting or speaking6. This is what the characters are saying to each otherStep2: Self-study1. Read the first part, try to understand what a play is. Answer the questions:How many acts do most plays have?What is each act divided into?What will be introduced first?What are the words in brackets used for? Step3:PresentationRead the second part , answer the questions on P103Where does this scene take place?Who are the characters in this scene?What is Lane doing?Who is playing the piano?What does Algernon think of the music he played?Step4:discussionHow to master some methods to read a play1. guess the meaning of the word in a play2. understand about the structure of a play Step5:Homework1. Finish exercises in the workbook .


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