2019-2020年中考英语 Lesson Plan for My Best Friend Dan教学设计 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年中考英语 Lesson Plan for My Best Friend Dan教学设计 人教新目标版课型 ReadingReading for strategies 阅读 策略To learn to scan for details in an article. To learn about the ways to guess the meaning of a new word in the context.To form the habits of scanning and guessing the meaning of a new word in the context知识能力情感目标1. To learn words and phrases like: nerd, turn out to be, give a speech, survive, tough, drop out of school, in shock;2. To learn to scan for details in an article;3. To learn to guess the meaning of a new word in context;4. To understand the importance of friendship and try to help friends out when necessary.难点To learn the way to scan for information in reading;To understand a word by guessing the meaning with the help of clues in the context 教具Multi-media facilities, Blackboard, Chalk, CAI教学过程教学过程教 师学 生目 的1.Warm up: A memory challengeShow a set of photos of some popular film or sport stars (including the teacher). Tell Ss to try to find out which two of them are close friends. Watch the photos carefully and try to find possible close friends out. Report after watching.利用记忆大挑战的形式来做本课的热身活动,旨在让学生一边娱乐,一边进入本课的主题Friends.2. Lead-inAsk Ss: Did you see me in the photos? Do I have any close friend among them? (No.)I want to make friends with you. And go to the topic of the lessonFriends. Ask again: Who is your best friend, and what do you often do on weekends? Do you hang out with your friends / help your friends out?Answer questions and focus on the topic.Individually tell the class who his/her best friend is, and what they often do on weekends. Learn new words like hang out / tough time.围绕主题进行谈话式的导入,可以拉近师生之间的距离,通过问答,适时介入课文中的生词,组织学习并应用,为下面的阅读活动解决一部分语言障碍。3. PredictShow the picture of Dan and present the title My Best Friend Dan. Ask Ss to guess: Where is Dan? What is he doing? Why?Present the new phrase: give a speechPredict where Dan might be and what he might be doing by reading the title and the picture. Learn the phrase: give a speech利用图片,介绍本节阅读文章的主角,并结合标题组织学生进行阅读前的预测,让学生展开想象。为阅读的开展做好充分的准备。4.Scan and numberWith questions on mind, get Ss to look at three more pictures about Dan. Ask: What is happening in each picture? Collect key words about the pictures. (give a speech / talk / walk / fall over) And ask them to number the order by scanning the story. Give one example of how to scan for key words. Check the answers and ask for reasons.Talk about each picture and learn how to scan after the teacher. Try to read quickly for key words by scanning. Number the pictures in order and tell how they do it. Report their answers.结合文中提供的四幅图片,激发学生的阅读动机,让学生带着疑问开展第一次寻读活动,但最为重要的是,活动前教师要做快速寻读的示范并讲解要领;阅读中鼓励学生做好划线、圈点等标记工作,在核对过程中,逐一确认学生对所学阅读技能的运用。教 师学 生目 的5. Read and chooseGo on with the story about Dan, and encourage Ss to read again to find out how exactly Dan made friends with the writer. Get Ss to read the inplete statements in Exercise 4 and choose the correct ending. Demonstrate the way to scan for details again before Ss start.Check the answers and ask for reasons. During the analysis, introduce the way to guess the meaning of a new word (e.g. nerd) in the context. Teach new words or phrases when necessary.Think carefully about the teachers question. Learn more details by reading the inplete sentences in Ex.4. Scan the text and choose the possible ending. Try to circle key words or sentences to assure their answers. Report their answers and learn new words and the way to guess the meaning of a new word.以Dan如何与作者成为挚友为线索,组织学生探究原因,获取更多的细节信息,并依托练习4开展第二次寻读。开展前教师要示范阅读策略的运用,并提示学生在解题过程中要遵循先易后难的学习策略,提高阅读效率。重点培养学生读中圈划重点信息的阅读习惯,并在核对过程中进一步确认。另外,此环节中还介绍猜词的阅读技巧,进一步化解阅读中的语言障碍。6. Ask and answerAsk Ss to work in pairs and discuss some more questions to help understand the text better. Teach new words like survive the tough years, in shock in time. Check the answers in pairs. And finally sum up the story with the proverb:A friend in need is a friend indeed.Ask and answer the questions in pairs and help each other whenever they meet any difficulty. Try to understand more. Get to learn about the importance of friendship.在两次寻读后,学生对文本有了进一步的认识,开展本活动的目的是让学生对文本的意义及内涵有深层次的理解和认识,让学生学会交往,帮助朋友。7. Sum upGo over the two reading strategies involved in the lessonscanning and guessing the meaning of a new word in the context. Learn about the reading strategies. Remember the right ways to operate. 小结本课中学习与应用的两项阅读策略,再次提示操作要领。8. Reading Practice: Make friends with starsIntroduce the rules of the game and its challenge. If Ss choose their favourite star among the eight photos, they have to do the related reading practice ing after. If they succeed in acplishing the task, they bee friends with the star.Choose their favorite star and have a reading petition among Ss. Practise scanning skills and guessing the meaning of a new word in the context.以“与喜爱的明星交朋友”为活动方式,组织学生应用本课所学阅读策略去获取信息,猜测词义。让学生学以致用,拓展并提升运用两项阅读策略的能力。作业布置Read more texts, use scanning skill to help you get more information. Tell Ss to remember: you dont have to read word by word sometimes. And when you dont understand a word, try to guess the meaning in the context.延伸本课学习策略的应用,让学生在阅读中养成并最终掌握两项阅读技巧。课后反思: 省初中英语课堂教学评比活动的主题是 展示初中英语课堂教学风采,探索培养学生阅读能力之路。通过参加本次活动,我相信每个参赛教师都学习到了许多东西,更加明晰了阅读教学的要领和操作要求。就本人所抽选的阅读材料及授课感悟,有几点想法愿和各位同仁分享。1、培养学生阅读能力的关键:Francoise Grellet认为阅读首先是“为了得到乐趣,为了获取信息(Reading for pleasure, Reading for information.)。” 可见阅读不只是为了学习词汇、语法,更重要的是通过阅读,获取新的知识,提高认知水平,增强分析和解决问题的能力。当然,通过阅读,学习者也可以得到必要的语言输入(Language input),从而扩大词汇量,增强语感,提高语言水平。在平时的英语学习过程中,学生需要养成良好的阅读方法和习惯,有效的运用阅读策略,提高阅读效率,达到阅读目标,不断培养和发展自己的阅读能力。它是学生在英语学习中一项重要的学习技能和学习目标。然而,阅读策略的指导及其运用能力的培养,则是发展阅读能力的关键。今年省教研室提出的教研主题非常明了探索培养学生阅读能力之路,非常及时地为广大教师提供了探究、交流的平台。2、阅读教学课型的分类:根据阅读教学的不同目的,我们大致可以将阅读教学分为三类课型,即Reading for structure; Reading for strategy; Reading for writing。当然,课堂教学中也许我们无法将阅读课型分的这么清晰、明了,它完全可以是三种课型中某一种或两种的结合体。只是我们在不同课时的教学中,可以有所侧重,从而突出这节课的教学主旨。这次活动的主题就是探索培养学生阅读能力之路。因此,我给这节阅读课的定位就是Reading for strategy,因此,教学设计中对于文本材料的立意处理比较一般,在After Reading 之后并没有太多的升华和拓展(也许这也是很多老师认为本课存在的问题和缺陷)。我把读后活动的重点放在了对于本课所学习的两项阅读策略(Scanning/Guessing the meaning of a new word in the context)的运用上。当然,非常遗憾的是,课中由于我没有控制好前面一两个教学环节的时间,仓促地结束了读后的策略运用活动。没有时间去展示最后一个教学活动及其设计意图,课堂也缺少了应有的精彩和升华。3、阅读策略教学的迫切性:新课程标准规定(五级目标):学生能读懂供79年级学生阅读的简单读物和报刊、杂志,克服生词障碍,理解大意。能够根据阅读目的运用适当的阅读策略。细致地说,通过初中三年的学习,学生在阅读这一技能方面能够做到:根据上下文和构词法推断、理解生词的含义;能理解段落中各句子之间的逻辑关系;能找出文章中的主题,理解故事的情节,预测故事情节的发展和可能的结局。客观地讲,随着新课程改革的深入开展,教师们通过学习新课标理念,已经意识到了对于学生阅读能力培养的问题,也在课堂中不断地提示英语阅读策略,然而结果却是学生的英语阅读策略没能得到很好的发展,仍然停留在较为肤浅的层面。其中的原因,正如曹东老师在总结会上所提出的问题:“让学生快速寻读,他们是否就知道如何快速寻读了?速度是从什么地方得以提升的呢?”其实,老师所要做的就是唤醒学生的阅读策略意识,关键在于老师能否做到细致到位的指导和垂范。如skimming策略指导中,认清阅读目标后,开始让学生寻找每段话的相关主题语句。并且明确的提示学生注意每段文章的首句或末句,这样学生的阅读速度才能真正的快起来。阅读策略不但被提出来了,还真刀真枪的演练了一回,学生的阅读技巧就得到了锻炼和培养。正如刘兆义老师所言:学习策略的培养和训练一定要渗透在学生亲身参与、感受为基础的教学过程中。以上是个人的课后随想,和大家一道探讨。欢迎各位同仁批评指正。Email:shinehxx126

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