2019-2020年九年级英语上册 Module 5 Museums Unit 3 Language in use练习 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语上册 Module 5 Museums Unit 3 Language in use练习 外研版. 请用适当的介词填空。1. She is looking forward _taking a trip to Australia.2. Its _the law to smoke here.3. The school is closed _next month.4. Mrs Green is looking for a dress for her daughter _ a shop.5. Look _the bird! How beautiful it is!6. The boys are talking _how to make a model plane.7. pare your bag _hers and youll know which is better.8. I took a lot of photos _my younger sister.9. They stayed in the town _two days.10. The library is open _8:00 am _5:30 pm.下面有几组易混词语,请从中选择适当的一项填空。visit, drop in1. Remember to _and see me when you e to the city.2. They _the British Museum last year.as well, as well as3. I can lend you the camera, and the batteries _.4. Girls _ boys are taught how to cook in this school.either, both5. There are many trees on _side of the road.6. _of my parents are workers in a factory.either, too7. Do you keep my pen?Yes, and your pencil, _.8. If you dont go, I wont, _. 请阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Wele to Hong Kong. You will enjoy yourselves in the busiest city. First of all, it is very important for you to remember a rule when you are in Hong Kong. In Hong Kong, traffic keeps to the left. It means that cars, buses and bikes must keep to the left side of the road. It is quite different from the other cities in the world. Before crossing the road you must stop and look right, look left, and then look right again. If there isnt much traffic, you can cross the road. If very small children or very old people are waiting to cross the road, you should go and help them.( )1. In Hong Kong, traffic keeps to the right. ( )2. In cities of most countries traffic keeps to the left. ( )3. In Hong Kong, you should help old people cross the road when they are waiting to cross the road. ( )4. In Hong Kong, before crossing the road you must stop and look left first. . 音乐厅(concert hall)门口的布告栏里有一张观众须知,请将它翻译成英语。注意:请运用本模块中所学过的表达方式。 观众须知Notice to the Audience1. 场内严禁吸烟。1.2. 请勿将食品和饮料带入场内。2.3. 请勿拍照。3.4. 演出时请勿使用手机。4.5. 禁止喧哗。5.参考答案:. 1. to 2. against 3. until 4. in 5. at 6. about 7. with 8. of 9. for 10. from; to. 1. drop in 2. visited 3. as well 4. as well as 5. either 6. Both 7. too 8. either . 14 FFTF. 1. Youre not allowed to smoke in the concert hall. 2. Dont bring food and drink into the concert hall.3. You cant take photos in the concert hall.4. You mustnt use mobile phones during the concert.5. No shouting.

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