2019-2020年高考英语总复习 题组层级快练(十二)外研版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语总复习 题组层级快练(十二)外研版必修2.完形填空There once was a potter (陶工) who was teaching pottery to a class of 20 students. At an experiment, the _1_ divided the class into two groups, giving each group a simple yet _2_ task. His purpose was to teach his class something about _3_ and the relationship to motivation and failure.For Group One, the task he gave was for each student to make one _4_ pot. For Group Two, the task was for each student to use up 100 pounds of clay (陶土)_5_ they wanted to create.The first group _6_, working on one pot for several days in a row, but most of them _7_ to get it right. The second group went through a lot of clay and _8_ and failed many times. But through failure they also learned, and _9_ their technique. By the end of the experiment most had made several perfect _10_.What do you think of this _11_ in learning, motivation, and failure? Are the results of the experiment what you expect? There are two important _12_ from this experiment. First, it is important to consider the enablers of the motivation (sometimes hidden) that you _13_. The second is the importance of not being _14_ about failure because it is a _15_ part of our learning process, which helps us to acquire a new skill._16_, there are lessons all around you. When things go wrong, whats most _17_ is your next step. And that next step is _18_ up to you. Its up to you to _19_ improving your continuous learning in your environment. In many situations, your petitor may be _20_ the ideas or inspiration. But the key lies in knowing that it is within you. Its up to you to keep improving your ability to learn.1. A. coach B. painterC. potter D. headmaster2. A. similar B. differentC. long D. special3. A. learning B. paintingC. cooking D. sewing4. A. pretty B. smallC. strong D. perfect5. A. wherever B. howeverC. whatever D. whichever6. A. prepared B. struggledC. followed D. hesitated7. A. failed B. agreedC. promised D. refused8. A. discussed B. sighedC. waited D. experimented9. A. shared B. appliedC. improved D. remembered10. A. bowls B. potsC. toys D. jars11. A. experiment B. storyC. conclusion D. chance12. A. results B. factorsC. ways D. lessons13. A. design B. discoverC. employ D. ignore14. A. familiar B. concernedC. bored D. angry15. A. natural B. basicC. mon D. central16. A. Fortunately B. FinallyC. Certainly D. Actually17. A. unforgettable B. interestingC. important D. incredible18. A. hardly B. pletelyC. nearly D. simply19. A. keep B. considerC. allow D. admit20. A. appreciating B. supportingC. opposing D. providing答案与解析【文章大意】 本文首先介绍了一个陶工所做的教学实验,然后讲述这个实验带给我们的启示:失败是学习过程中的一个自然的组成部分,我们应该从失败中吸取教训,逐渐提高自己的技能。1. 答案 C解析 考查上下文暗示。根据第一句话可知,一位陶工给20名学生上课,给他们传授制陶工艺。这位陶工(potter)把学生分为两组来做一项实验。2. 答案 B解析 考查语境选词。由句中的yet及上下文语境可知,此处应填different。陶工给每一组分配一项简单却不同的任务。3. 答案 A解析 考查上下文暗示。根据下文中的What do you think of this _11_ in learning, motivation, and failure?”可知,此处应用learning。4. 答案 D解析 考查上下文暗示。由下文中的made several perfect _10_,可知,老师让第一组的学生每人制作一个完美的(perfect)陶罐。5. 答案 C解析 考查连词。根据语境可知,此处表示无论他们想创作什么。6. 答案 B解析 考查动词。语境表示第一组学生努力(struggled)制作陶罐。7. 答案 A解析 考查语境选词。语境表示他们连续几天制作陶罐,但是大多数人都没能(failed)制作出完美的陶罐。8. 答案 D解析 考查语境选词。语境表示第二组学生仔细研究了大量的陶土,经历了反复的试验和失败。discuss意为“讨论”;sigh意为“叹气”;wait意为“等待”。故选D项。9. 答案 C解析 考查语境选词。语境表示但是,通过失败他们也学到了东西,并且提高了(improved)他们的制作技能。share意为“分享”;apply意为“应用”;remember意为“记起”。10. 答案 B解析 考查上下文暗示。根据上文可知,陶工让学生制作陶罐。故实验结束时,大多数学生完成了好几个完美的陶罐(pots)。11. 答案 A解析 考查上下文暗示。根据上文中的By the end of the experiment可知,本空填experiment。12. 答案 D解析 考查上下文暗示。由下文中的there are lessons all around you,可知,这项实验带给我们两点重要的教训(lessons)。13. 答案 C解析 考查上下文暗示。由下文中的up to you可知,事情成功与否取决于你采取(employ)的(有时隐藏起来的)动机。14. 答案 B解析 考查形容词。be concerned about为固定搭配,意为“对担心;忧虑”。第二点重要的是不要担心会失败。15. 答案 A解析 考查形容词。此处表示失败是我们学习过程中的一个自然的(natural)组成部分。basic意为“基本的”;mon意为“普遍的”;central意为“主要的”。16. 答案 D解析 考查副词。其实(Actually),在我们身边,也有很多教训值得吸取。fortunately意为“幸运地”;finally意为“最终”;certainly意为“当然”。17. 答案 C解析 考查形容词。此处表示当事情出错的时候,最重要的(important)是你下一步要怎么做。18. 答案 B解析 考查语境选词。此处表示下一步怎么做完全(pletely)由你来决定。hardly意为“几乎不”;nearly意为“几乎”;simply意为“简直”。19. 答案 A解析 根据最后一句Its up to you to keep improving your ability to learn可知,此处应用keep表示“坚持不断”(提高学习的能力)。20. 答案 D解析 考查动词。此处表示你的竞争对手可能给你提供(providing)想法和灵感。appreciate意为“感激;欣赏”;support意为“支持”;oppose意为“反对”。.阅读理解I bought a Dell Inspiron 7520 laptop on June 24, xx. According to the salesperson, the laptop could serve my needs very well. Therefore, I bought the Dell laptop without hesitation.On the night of July 16, less than a month after I bought the puter, I closed the laptops lid after turning it off. As there was a heat sink under the laptop, I lift the lid upward a little bit using both hands, but suddenly felt something went wrong at the areas where my hands touched the screen. I immediately turned on the puter, and found there was a crack(裂缝) on the screen. The area above the crack was all white, and the remaining area remained normal.I felt the problem was caused by damage to the cables and wires inside the screen. I dialed Dells customer service hotline the next day, but the customer service representative said it was physical damage, and suggested that I contact the panys after-sales service center in Dalian for paid repair. Afterward, I sent an e-mail to Dell Chinas Technical Support Department, and the reply was that it was not covered under warranty(保修期内) and I had to pay to have it repaired.I never knew that Dell products, which used to be almost perfect in my eyes, could be so fragile(易碎的), so easy to be “damaged at just one touch”. I was a loyal fan of Dell products, but the “accident” severely damaged my trust in Dell. I think the screen of Dell Inspiron 7520 is too fragile and can be easily damaged. Laptops are designed for portable use, and often used outdoors or in moving vehicles. No matter how high the screens resolution was, it would still be just a defective product if it was extremely vulnerable to crashes. After receiving my plaint, Dells headquarters just told me over the phone it was not covered under their warranty, and gave no further explanation. I am dissatisfied, and do not understand it. Domestic consumers should really think twice about buying Dell laptops. In the meantime, I will continue to urge Dell to honor its warranty.1. The problem occurred in the writers _.A. laptops screen B. laptops lidC. laptops heat sink D. laptops warranty2. The Dells refused to repair the writers laptop for free because _.A. the laptop is out of the date of warrantyB. the laptop is physically damagedC. someone think it is a cheating behaviorD. the damage of the laptop is beyond their ability3. The tone of the writer can be described as _.A. praise B. plaintC. appreciation D. punishment4. The passage is mainly about _.A. the sales of the laptopB. the problem with the writers laptopC. the bad service of Dell panyD. the plaint to Dells service答案与解析【文章大意】 作者在xx年6月24日买了一台戴尔笔记本电脑,7月16日电脑出了问题。作者反映问题后并未得到解决,作者就这一情况对戴尔售后服务进行投诉。1. 答案 A解析 细节理解题。根据第二段中的I immediately turned on the puter, and found there was a crack on the screen.可知选A项。2. 答案 B解析 细节理解题。根据第三段中的but the customer service representative said it was physical damage可知答案为B项。3. 答案 B解析 推理判断题。根据第四段可知作者对戴尔公司的售后服务不满意,所以选B项。4. 答案 D解析 主旨大意题。根据全文内容可知本文为关于戴尔电脑售后服务的投诉,所以选D项。Zoe Flynn just turned 12. But she already knows what its like to mand a space shuttle. She got that experience at NASAs Space Academy in Huntsville, Alabama. “It was awesome (很好的),” she told the Hays Free Press, her hometown newspaper in Kyle, Texas.Zoe loved almost everything about the space camp, according to the Hays Free Presss reporter Kim Hilsenbeck especially the 1/6 gravity chair simulator(模拟装置). Thats a machine that helps you get the idea of what its like to walk on the moon.All around the country, kids who want to follow in the footsteps of todays astronauts are already getting hands-on space-related experience at the camps run by NASA and other organizations.Sixth grader Austin Wagner of Fort Gibson, Oklahoma, attended a camp run by the Kansas Cosmosphere and Space Center, according to the Muskogee Phoenix, his local newspaper. “We got to make rockets,” he told the Muskogee Phoenixs reporter Cathy Spaulding.Granted, they were paper rockets, and they were strapped to a tube, and attached to soda bottles, according to the Muskogee Phoenix. But one day, Austin might get a chance to try in the real deal along with Zoe and 11-year-old Matthew Sovik of Big Flats, New York.“I really like the space camp,” Matt told the Star-Gazette, his hometown newspaper. “It is fun.” Matt attended the Eileen Collins Aerospace Camp in Elmira, according to the Star-Gazettes reporter Jeff Murray a camp run hy a retired astronaut. “I really like aviation, and the rockets,” Matt told the Star-Gazette.Space camps give kids a chance to decide if they really want to do what it takes to bee an astronaut all the math and science and training. “We hope that after spending a week here getting a taste of flight, the students who have an interest in aerospace will be able to define their interest a bit more,” said Caitlin Stevens of the National Soaring Museum.1. The writer introduces the topic of the text _.A. by citing an exampleB. by paring two factsC. according to some experimentsD. by telling some true stories2. Which of the following is TRUE about Austin Wagner?A. He was good at making paper rockets.B. He was determined to learn from Zoe.C. He might bee an astronaut.D. He studied in NASAs Space Academy.3. Who knows Matt better according to this text?A. Kim Hilsenbeck. B. Caitlin Stevens.C. Cathy Spanlding. D. Jeff Murray.4. According to Caitlin Stevens, space camps _.A. help kids to improve their lessonsB. are of great benefit to the kidsC. encourage kids to work in spaceD. can change kids interests in life5. The text is mainly to tell us that _.A. kids can take part in various campsB. astronauts are very popular in the futureC. some activities are helpful to the youngD. kids can experience life in space at the space camps答案与解析【文章大意】 在美国,孩子们可以参加太空营。文章通过对几个孩子的采访,介绍了太空营的情况以及它给孩子们带来的好处。1. 答案 A解析 推理判断题。文章一开始就介绍了佐伊参加太空营的情况,然后提出本文的话题,由此可见作者是通过举例引出文章话题的。2. 答案 C解析 推理判断题。根据第五段中的Austin might get a chance to try in the real deal并结合选项可推知,奥斯汀有可能成为一名宇航员。3. 答案 D解析 细节理解题。第六段中马特告诉了杰夫墨瑞参加太空营的感受,故杰夫墨瑞更了解马特。4. 答案 B解析 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的We hope that after spending a week here getting a taste of flight, the students who have an interest in aerospace will be able to define their interest a bit more可以推知,太空营对孩子们有好处。5. 答案 D解析 主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了孩子们参加太空营的情况,故选D项。.语法填空Believe in YourselfYou must believe in yourself. With all the ups and _1_ we go through in life, we bee stronger and can do whatever we put our minds to.Surround yourself with people who believe in you, love and _2_(courage)you. _3_(feel)the love and support you get from your friends and family, you will soon believe in yourself too. If you have a friend or family member that doesnt stand _4_ your side and give you encouragement, dont worry about them, this is their problem not yours. If you want something badly enough and you believe in yourself and work hard at achieving it, the possibilities are _5_(end).Try new things if they dont work out the way you planned the first time. Remember too, sometimes things dont work out _6_ we planned them but they work out the way they are _7_(suppose)to and this can be a good thing also. Sometimes things work out even _8_(well). If you dont try new things nothing new will happen to you and that can make for a very _9_(bore) life.When we have the courage to try something new, we are halfway there. All we need is to have faith, a positive attitude and _10_(believe)in ourselves and we can go all the way.答案与解析【文章大意】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章,主要论述了生活中我们要勇于尝试新事物,无论如何都要保持积极向上的心态,要自我激励,自我信任的主题。1. downs 考查固定搭配。根据空格前面语境ups可以得知,此处ups and downs表示“人生起伏”。2. encourage 考查动词。根据空格前面的动词believe in和love可以得知,此处答案为courage的动词形式encourage“激励;鼓励”。3. Feeling 考查动词。空格后面的you will .为完整的一句话,而you will前面标点符号为逗号,由此可以得知,此处需要用非谓语动词形式作方式状语,主语you和feel之间为主动关系,故答案为feeling。误解分析:此题考生易误填入Feel。解答此题的关键是要明白此处需要填入非谓语动词形式,作状语。4. by 考查短语动词。根据空格前面语境stand以及空格后面语境your side可以得知,此处stand by表示“支持”,即“站在某人身边支持某人”。5. endless 考查形容词。根据空格前面的语境are可以得知,此处需要用end的形容词修饰endless作表语,即“可能性是无限的”。6. as 考查连词。根据空格后面的语境we planned them可以得知,此处表示“按照我们计划的方式”,故用as引导方式状语从句。7. supposed 考查动词。根据空格前面语境are以及空格后面语境to 可以得知,此处be supposed to do表示“应该会做某事”。8. better 考查比较级。空格前面的语境词even多用来修饰比较级形式,由此可以得知,此处需要用形容词well的比较级形式better。9. boring 考查形容词。根据空格后面语境life可以得知,此处需要用bore的形容词形式boring修饰life,表示“枯燥无味的生活”。10. belief 考查名词。根据空格前面语境词faith, attitude可以得知,此处需要用believe的名词形式belief与faith, attitude构成并列成分作have的宾语。

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