2019年高中英语 Unit 4 Period Two Language Points课时作业 新人教版选修6.doc

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2019年高中英语 Unit 4 Period TwoLanguage Points课时作业 新人教版选修6.语境填词1When Im tired,I t_ to make mistakes.2Dont throw waste paper at r_ or you will be punished to be on duty again.3By the sea I saw a wide r_ of seashells.4This pany pays more attention to quality than to q_.5Most air pollution is caused by the burning of f_ like coal,gas and oil.6He gave a _ (一瞥) at his watch and then looked at the sky.7I _ (反对) your going there alone.8We are making slow but _ (平稳的) progress in our English.9Recently we have seen a gradual _ (倾向) towards healthier food.10The _ (结果) was that many people were overweight.选词填空1During the discussion,many members _ my proposal,which upset me greatly.2My father still _ drinking and smoking after the doctor told him to give up.3Can you tell me how the accident _?4Prices of fruit and vegetables have _ quickly during the past few months.5The heavy snow can easily _ many accidents in winter.6In order to improve his English,he _ China Daily.7The police found _ drugs under his bed and above his ceiling.8_ we could afford it,we wouldnt go abroad for our vacation.词义辨析1用result in,result from的适当形式填空(1)His hard work _ excellent grades in his exams.(2)Sickness often _ eating too much.(3)The accident that _ the death of two passengers _ careless driving.2用glance at,glare at,stare at的适当形式填空(1)They stopped arguing and _ each other.(2)The boy _ the broken glass he dropped on the floor and didnt know what to do.(3)Since theres little time left,Mother _ the newspaper headlines and went out.(4)Its not polite to _ a stranger.单项填空1This restaurant has bee popular for its wide_of foods that suit all tastes and pockets.Adivision Barea Crange Dcircle2We strongly_ your decision to go abroad at this time of danger.It is not a wise decision.Aapprove Binsist Coppose Dappreciate3In_ of the heavy snow,there was a power off yesterday.Aconsequence BresultClack Dcase4The price of houses keeps_,which results in many plaints.Agoing down Bgoing upCgoing by Dgoing over5Its already 10 oclock.I wonder how it_ that she was two hours late on such a short trip.Acame over Bcame outCcame about Dcame up6The water level of the river has increased_ half a meter since it began to rain seven days ago.Aon Bfor Cin Dby7We dont doubt_ we will plete all the projects before the year xx.Athat Bwhether Cwhich Dwhen8Why does the lake smell terrible?Because large quantities of water_.Ahave polluted Bis being pollutedChas been polluted Dhave been polluted9I dont mind her criticizing me,but_ is how she does it that I object to.Ait Bthat Cthis Dwhich10_ she did not say a word,I felt her agreement from her eyes.AAs though BEven thoughCSo that DNo wonder.完形填空The ice sheets in the poles and glaciers on the high mountains are melting and the world is in danger of_1_.While you were surprised by the special_2_,you know that it is just a madeup story and there will be a hero to save the world.But what if the ice sheets are really_3_?Can anyone save us?_4_to a scientific study last Monday,Arctic ice will pletely_5_in the summers by the end of this century unless carbon dioxide emissions are greatly_6_.“The big melt has begun,” said Jennifer Morgan,from the Climate Change Campaign for the World Wildlife Fund (WWF)Arctic _7_are rising at twice the global_8_and could rise seven degrees centigrade by 2100.The melting will cause sea levels to rise_9_one metre,forcing many coastal populations_10_.“The polar bear is one_11_of an animal that could bee extinct by the end of this century,” the WWF said._12_,on the positive side,rising sea levels_13_open up new areas for fishing and oil and gas exploration.“Industrial countries are_14_an uncontrolled experiment to study the effects of_15_change.The Arctic is their first victim,” Morgan said.Russia this month_16_the Kyoto Protocol,an agreement to cut production of six greenhouse gases.But the US,the biggest polluter,_17_to do so.In xx,104 countries,_18_China,accepted the agreement.The new_19_was sponsored by a group of industrial countries,including the US and Canada,_20_produce almost 30 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions.1A.snowingBfloodingCwateringDraining2A.catastropheBluckCmovementDexistence3A.smellingBsmokingCcookingDmelting4A.AccordingBLooking forwardCUsedDSeeing5A.renewBmanageCawaitDdisappear6A.increasedBreducedCdiedDraised7A.sizeBtemperaturesClengthDweight8A.specialBnormalCaverageDabstract9A.byBonCinDto10A.to be movedBmoveCto moveDmoved11A.patternBmodalCstyleDexample12A.ButBAndCSoDOr13A.shouldBwillCmayDought to14A.carrying forwardBcarrying outCcarrying onDcarrying about15A.skyBweatherCclimateDatmosphere16A.acceptedBreceivedCgotDpushed17A.agreedBrefusedCdecidedDwanted18A.as wellBexceptCwithoutDincluding19A.studyBlearningCknowledgeDunderstanding20A.whereBwhenChowDwhoa quantity of,quantities of二者均可意为“许多的,大量的”,后面可以跟可数名词复数,也可跟不可数名词。其修饰的名词作主语时,谓语动词应根据quantity的单、复数形式而定。A quantity of story books has been bought for the children.为孩子们买了大量的故事书。Large quantities of meat were thrown away.大量的肉都被扔掉了。【答案解析】Period TwoLanguage Points.1.tend2.random3.range4.quantity5.fuels 6glance7.oppose8.steady9.trend10.consequence.1.were opposed to2.kept on3.came about4.gone up5.result in6.subscribed to7.quantities of 8Even if.1.(1)resulted in(2)results from(3)resulted in resulted from(1)result in表示“产生,导致”,主语指起因,宾语指结果。(2)result from表示“由引起或产生”,主语指结果,宾语指起因,from有表示原因的意味。2(1)glared at(2)stared at(3)glanced at(4)stare at(1)glance at一瞥,匆匆一看,强调瞬间的动作。(2)glare at怒视,强调敌对或威胁的态度。(3)stare at盯着看,含有无礼或粗俗的意味,也可表示“惊讶、好奇、羡慕、害怕或深思地看”。.1.C句意为:这家餐馆因其各种各样适合所有人口味及腰包的食品而深受大家的喜爱。division分离;部门;分歧;area领域;地区;range批,组,类;范围,a wide range of sth.各种各样的;circle圆形;圈子。根据句意及词义可知,range符合语境。2C句意为:我们强烈反对你在这个危险的时候出国的决定。这不是一个明智的决定。oppose反对,符合题意。approve同意,批准;insist坚持;appreciate欣赏,感激。3A句意为:由于下大雪,昨天断电了。in consequence of由于;in case of以防万一。4B句意为:房价持续上升,这导致了许多抱怨。go up上升;go down下降;go by时光流逝;go over复习。5C根据句意“已经十点钟了。我不知道是怎么回事,这么短的路程她迟到了两个小时。”知应选C项。e about发生;e over来访;e out出来;出版;e up走上前;被提及。6D介词by用来表示数量的增减程度。句意为:自从7天前下雨以来,河水上涨了半米。7Adoubt作动词时,在否定句和疑问句中,后跟that引导的宾语从句;在肯定句中后跟if/whether引导的宾语从句。8D“large quantities ofn.”作主语时,其谓语动词的单、复数由quantity的形式来决定,故排除B、C两项。由句意可知此处表示“水被污染”,故用被动形式。9A本题考查强调句型的应用。强调句的句型为“It is/was.that.”。句意为:我不在乎她批评我,但是,我反对的是她批评我的方式。10B句意为:尽管她一句话也没有说,我从她的眼神里看出她同意了。as though好像;even though即使;so that以便;no wonder难怪。.1.B由and前的句子可知极地的冰原和高山的冰川正在融化。由此带来的后果应是地球面临着被洪水淹没(flooding),而不是snowing (降雪),watering (浇水)和raining (下雨)。2A地球面临着被淹没的危险,这是一种特殊的灾难。因此本题应选择catastrophe (灾难)。luck运气;movement运动;existence存在。3D由该段首句中的“The ice sheets in the poles.are melting”可知此处应选择melting,表示“假如冰原真的融化了,那该怎么办?”4A据上周一发布的一项科学研究。according to.根据,为固定搭配。look forward to盼望着;used to过去常常;see to处理;照管。5Drenew再生;manage设法;await等待;disappear消失。本文谈论冰盖融化,最后的结果应是北极冰盖的消失,应选disappear。6B从unless看出,此处是否定的假设。increase增加;reduce减少;die死亡;raise抬起。北极冰盖的消失应在二氧化碳排放量不能大幅度下降的前提下。7Bsize大小,尺寸;temperature温度;length长度;weight重量。由下文的“rise seven degrees centigrade”可知此处谈论的是温度。8C到2100年,北极有可能上升7摄氏度。special特殊的;normal正常的;average平均的;abstract抽象的。此处表示北极温度正在以全球平均气温2倍的速度上升。9A介词by表示升降的程度。句意为:冰盖融化将导致全球海平面上升1米。10Cforce sb.to do sth.逼迫某人做某事。11Dpattern样品;modal形式;style风格;example例子,实例。北极熊是将在本世纪末灭绝的极地动物中的一个例子。12A从on the positive side看出,此处是转折关系。but表示转折关系,and表示并列关系,so表示因果关系,or表示逆向假设关系。13B现在冰盖并没有完全融化,海平面正在逐渐上升,新的渔场、油气资源等的开辟还没有展开,因此应用一般将来时。14B发达国家正在进行另外一项实验。carry forward结转;carry out开展,实现;carry on继续开展;carry about随身携带。15Csky天空;weather天气;climate气候;atmosphere大气。此处指长期的天气现象气候。16Aaccept接受;receive收到;get得到;push推,按。此处表示俄罗斯本月接受了京都议定书。17B句意为:而世界最大的污染源美国却拒绝加入该协议。从But推断出美国和俄罗斯的行为是相反的。18D为削减全球6种温室气体的排放量,许多国家签署了京都议定书。xx年包括中国在内的104个国家接受了京都议定书。B、C两项意义相同,故排除。as well“也”,后不接宾语。19Astudy研究;learning学习;knowledge知识;understanding理解。许多国家发起的应是对气候变化的研究。20D句意为:全球近30%的二氧化碳排放量来源于美、加等发达国家。who引导一个非限制性定语从句。从句中缺少主语,四个选项中,只有who可以作主语。


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