2019年高中英语 Unit 16 Lesson 1 Stories from History双基限时练 北师大版选修6.doc

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2019年高中英语 Unit 16 Lesson 1 Stories from History双基限时练 北师大版选修6.单词拼写1Sally was shocked by the violent scenes she had (目击)答案witnessed2They all regarded that he was an (令人敬畏的) king.答案awesome3I was going along the street looking for a place to park when the accident (发生)答案occurred4When she died I was filled with a sense of (丢失)答案loss5Our sgoes out to the victims of Wenchuan earthquake.答案sympathy6She felt sat the death of her lovely dog.答案sorrow7My door was opened, and Mr. Zhang bin.答案burst8We have taken measures to pour natural resources.答案preserve9People in the big cities have to live with the (典型的) noises.答案characteristic10I didnt feel (特别地) tired after my wholenight writing.答案particularly.单项填空1Gilbert_electricity, but Edison_the electric light bulb.Ainvented; discovered B. discovered; inventedC. found; invented D. found out; discovered答案与解析Belectricity(电)本来就存在,后来被“发现”。find则指发现、找到已丢的东西; discover指发现未知的东西; invent指发明以前不存在的东西。2The song Wheat Waves in Wind in xx Spring Festival Evening Party left me a lasting_.Aimpression B. sensationC. imagination D. action答案与解析Aimpression“印象”; sensation“感觉;知觉”; imagination“想象”; action“行为;举止”。由句意可知风吹麦浪“这首歌曲给我留下了深刻的印象”。3The cook who is_smoking in the kitchen will be fired at once.Amet B. caughtC. kept D. got答案与解析B本题考查catch sb. doing sth.(撞见某人正在做某事)的被动形式。而keep sb. doing sth.“让某人一直做某事”; get sb. to do sth.“使/让某人做某事”,均不合题意。4The whole world was in deep_at this news that Michael Jackson was killed.Asorry B. sorrowC. pity D. happy答案与解析B句意:得知迈克尔杰克逊遇害的消息,整个世界沉浸在极度的悲痛中。根据语境首先排除C、D两项,在A、B两项中sorry是形容词,而sorrow是名词。5My husband_with my proposal to move to a new apartment.Aresponded B. agreedC. sympathized D. reacted答案与解析C句意:我丈夫赞同我搬进新家的建议。respond“响应”,与介词to连用,表示“对作出响应”;agree“同意”,可以和with搭配,但后面通常接人,agree with sb.“同意某人的意见”;sympathize“赞同”,与介词with连用时,其后接“某人的意见、想法”等; react“反应”,与题意不符。.阅读理解A Personal names in Chinese culture follow a number of habits different from those of personal names in Western culture. Most noticeably, a Chinese name is written with the surname first and the given name second. For example, the basketball player who is monly called Yao Ming (whose name in the English order should actually be Ming Yao), would be called “Mr. Yao”, not “Mr. Ming”However, some Chinese people who emigrate (移民) to or do business with Western countries sometimes adopt (采纳) a westernized name by simply changing the “surname given name” order to “given name surname”, or adding a Western first name to their surname, which is then written in the usual Western order with the surname last. Other Chinese people sometimes take a bined name, consisting of a Western first name, surname, and Chinese given name, and keep it in that order.Traditional naming plans often followed a pattern of using a generation name as part of a twocharacter given name; however, this is less used today, especially in the mainland, where any given names use only one character. However, it is still the standard among the Chinese populations of Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Malaysia.When a generation name is used as part of a twocharacter given name, it can be confusing to refer to someone by the first part of their given name only as it will generally be their generation name. This should be the case regardless of whether the surname is used. For example,referring to Zhao Baoshan as Bao or Zhao Bao would be confusing as this could just easily refer to his brother (Zhao Baohai). However, this does monly happen in Western societies. The first part of the given name is frequently mistakenly used as the first name when the given name is not adjoined (靠近)In addition to the given name,many Chinese have various kinds of nicknames.1What does the passage mainly talk about?AHow a Chinese name is formed.B. What the difference between Chinese names and Western ones is.C. What a Chinese name means.D. In which way you can choose a name.答案与解析A本文主要介绍了中国人的名字是怎样构成的,A项符合主题。B项表示中国名字和西方名字的差别,C项表示中国名字的意义,D项表示怎样起名字,都没有反映主题。2The main idea of the first paragraph is probably that_. AChinese names are easier to remember than Western ones B. Chinese names are written in the same order as Western ones C. personal names in different cultures follow different habits D. there is a surname and a given name in both Chinese culture and Western culture答案与解析C这一段主要介绍了在不同的文化背景下,个人的名字遵循着不同的习俗。3According to the passage,which of the following statements is NOT true? AThere are three ways for Chinese who want to have a foreign name. B. At present many Chinese people prefer to have twocharacter names. C. Many Chinese people have not only a given name but a nickname as well. D. In Chinese traditional culture,there was often one character in a given name.答案与解析D由第二段的“sometimes adopt a westernized name by simply changing the surname given name order to given name surname, or adding a Western first name to their surname, which is then written in the usual Western order with the surname last. Other Chinese people sometimes take a bined name,” 可知有三种方法,所以A项正确,由第三段第一句中可得B项正确,由最后一段中“many Chinese have various kinds of nicknames” 可知C项正确。D项中的one character应是two characters。4What can be inferred from the fourth paragraph? AIn Western culture, the generation name is not used in the first part of their given name. B. Chinese people seldom refer to others only by their generation name. C. The surname should be used when referring to a person with a generation name. D. If the generation name is close to the given name, it will be taken as the first name.答案与解析B在第四段中,我们知道仅叫某人的generation name往往使人们产生误会,所以B项的结论符合推理。而A、C、D三项的意思与事实相反。BLast year, I lived in Chile for half a year. I lived with a Chilean family and had the responsibilities of any Chilean teenager. I had good days and bad days I didnt understand.Chuquicamata, my host munity, is a mining camp. When I arrived there, I was scared. It was so different from what I was used to. There were lots of dogs on the streets, and there was no downtown, few smoothly paved streets, and little to do for entertainment. Rain was not seen very often, earthquakes and windstorms were frequent.I had studied Spanish for two and a half years and was always one of the best students in my class. But in my first week in Chile I was only able to municate and needed one person to whom I could explain my shock. I couldnt speak the thoughts in my head and there were so many.Most exchange students experience this like me. Culture shock presents itself in everything from increased aggression towards the people to lack of appetite (食欲). I was required to overe all difficulties.As time passed, everything changed. I began to forget words in English and to dream in Spanish and love Chilean food. I got used to not depending on expensive things for fun. Fun in Chuquicamata was being with people. And I took math, physics, chemistry, biology, Spanish, art, and philosophy.But the sacrifices were nothing pared to the gain. I learned how to accept and to succeed in another culture. I now have a deeper understanding of both myself and others.5The author came to Chile last year with the purpose of _.Apaying a visit to Chile as a touristB. experiencing Chilean life as a teacherC. studying Chilean culture as a college studentD. studying knowledge as an exchange student答案与解析D根据第三段中的“I had studied Spanish for two and a half years and was always one of the best students in my class.”和第四段中的“Most exchange students experience this like me.”可判断作者是一名交换生。6On arriving in Chile, why did the author feel frightened?ABecause he did not know how to get along with the local people.B. Because it was full of dangers like earthquakes and windstorms.C. Because its living conditions were worse than what he was used to.D. Because it was not convenient for him to shop there.答案与解析C根据文章第二段:“It was so different from what I was used to.”,再从街道环境、购物环境、娱乐设施、自然条件等方面描写智利的比较差的生活条件,由此可知作者是因为智利的生活条件比他原先的生活差许多而产生恐惧心理。7In the first week in Chile the author _.Awas not used to eating Chilean foodB. had some friends to have a chat withC. couldnt municate with peopleD. couldnt express his thoughts in English答案与解析A来到智利的第一周,作者还在承受着“culture shock”的痛苦,根据第四段中的“Culture shock presents itself in everything from increased aggression towards the people to lack of appetite (食欲)”和第五段中的“As time passed, everything changed. I began to forget words in English and to dream in Spanish and love Chilean food.”可判断,不习惯智利的饮食是作者来到智利的第一周出现的。8What did the author most probably think of his life in Chile?AWonderful and worthwhile.B. Difficult but meaningful.C. Difficult and meaningless.D. Boring and disappointing.答案与解析B根据第四段中的“I was required to overe all difficulties.”和最后一段“But the sacrifices were nothing pared to the gain.”可知,作者最有可能会认为自己在智利的生活不容易,但尽管如此还是很有意义的,因为它让作者学到了很多东西。

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