2019-2020年七年级英语下册《Unit 1 Where is your pen pal from?》学案二(无答案) 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语下册Unit 1 Where is your pen pal from?学案二(无答案) 人教新目标版 学习目标 :1.熟练掌握本课的单词. Canada, France, Japan, the United States, Australia, Singapore, the United Kingdom, Sydney, New York, Pairs, Toronto, Tokyo, French, Japanese, pal, country, live, language, world, like, dislike.2能运下列句型 重点难点 学会谈论人们的国籍、居住城市及所说语言。 学习过程 一、知识链接写出下列城市所属国家,及该国语言 City country language Sydney _ _ New York _ _ London _ _ Toronto _ _ Pairs _ _ Tokyo _ _ Beijing _ _二、新课导学 自主探究3a Fill in the diagram “What language do they speak?” 合作探究练习下列对话A : Where is your pen pal from?B: She is from Japan.A: What language does she speak?B: She speaks English. 拓展延伸 1.Pen pal countrycitylanguageLi MingSelinaCanadaTorontoHis brotherTonyAmericaNew YorkHis cousinKenJapanTokyo Then practice in pairs like this:A: Do you have a pen pal, LiMing?B: Yes, I do.A: Whats her name?B: Her name is Selina.A: Where is she from?B: She is from Canada.A: Where does she live?B: She lives in Toronto.A: What language does she speak?B: She speaks English.2.Listening 2a Listen and number the questions you hear. 2b Listen again and write short answers to the questions in 2a.Then ask and answer in pairs.3.Play a game: Suppose you have a pen pal from , make a conversation.三、总结提升 学习小结本节课我们学过的句型是:1. 这是我的新笔友。2. 她来自澳大利亚。3. 她说什么语言?4. 她说英语。5. 它来自你的新笔友吗?是的。 自我评价 你完成本节导学案的情况为( ). A. 很好 B. 较好 C. 一般 D. 较差 达标检测(时量:5分钟 满分:100分)计分:1.Where does your uncle l_ ?Japan.2How many pen pals _ he _ (have )?3My uncle _ (live) in Sydney.4.The boys are from France. They speaks F_.5. What l_ does Ann speak?She speaks English.6. These friends e from many different c_ .Can you speak English? Yes, I can speak English _ (good ). ( )1. Do you speak English or Chinese? _ . A. Yes, English B. No, Chinese C. Chinese D. Yes, I do ( ) 2.The boy es from Paris. He is _ . A. France B. Japanese C. French D. Canadian( ) 3. _ you from England? A. Are B. Do C. Is D. Does ( ) 4.Sam is English. He is _ England. A. to B. on C. from D. at( ) 5. Tom speaks English very well, but he can speak_ Japanese. A. much B. a lot of C. little D. a few ( )6. _is Tokyo? Its in Japan. A. What B. Who C. Which D. Where ( ) 7.Paul is my brother. He _ English and a little Chinese. A. can speaks B. speak C .cans speak D. can speak( ) 8.John likes going to the movies with his friends and _ sports. A. to play B. play C. plays D. playing( ) 9.Where _ your pen pal live? He _ Tokyo. A. do, live in B. does ,lives in C. does, live in D. does, lives( ) 10.Andrew _ a pen pal. He_ Singapore. A. has, is from B. have, is from C. has, is at D. has, e from1我会讲一点法语.I can speak _ _ French.2她来自哪里?_ is she _ ?3我最喜欢的语言是汉语。My_ _ is Chinese.4我认为中国是一个非常有趣的地方。I think _a very interesting place. 课后作业 向你同学介绍一下你的笔友。


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