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2019-2020年七年级英语下册Unit2Whattimedoyougotoschool(第4课时)SectionB(1a-1e)教案新人教版Teaching Goals:一、语言知识(常用词汇、短语和表达) half, past, quarter, homework, do (ones) homework, run, clean, walk, take a walk二、语言功能1、谈论日常作息习惯(Daily routines)。2、能就日常活动的时间进行问答(Ask about and say times)。(1)When do students usually eat dinner?They usually eat dinner at a quarter to seven in the evening.(2)When does Tom usually do his homework?He usually does his homework at half past five in the evening. ”三、学习策略1、进一步加强听前预测意识,根据图片和提示语句初步预测听力内容。2、引导学生观察、发现、总结英语时间的排列顺序,培养学生的语序意识。四、情感态度:培养学生合理安排时间,养成健康的生活习惯。(设计意图:目标引领,表述了本节课的知识、能力和情感目标。)Teaching and learning steps:Step1. Preview Phrases: Translate the phrases. (1) 上午六点半 (2) 下午三点十五 (3) 晚上六点四十五 (4)晚上九点四十五 (5) 上床睡觉 (6) 做家庭作业 (7)做运动 (8) 散步 Sentences: Translate the sentences (1)学生通常什么时间吃晚饭? (2)汤姆通常什么时间打扫房间? (3)她通常在五点四十五起床. (4)他们通常在晚上六点四十五吃晚饭。 Translate them into English, then write them down without looking at the text.Students check them together.(设计意图:通过对课本中的重点短语和句型的呈现,能够帮助学生有针对性的听讲,为下一步的教学做铺垫。)Step2. Warming up and lead-in.T: Look at the pictures. Do you know what time it is? (1)eight fifteen (2)seven thirty (3)eleven forty-five (设计意图:由上节课学习的时间顺读法热身导入,把学生很好的带入学习的情境之中。)T:Today well learn another ways of saying time. Look at the pictures above. We can say like this:(1) a quarter past eight (2) half past seven (3) a quarter to twelve(设计意图:用past和to进行时间逆读法的学习,让学生通过比较来熟练掌握两种时间表达法。)Then ask students to say out the times below. Give them help if necessary. (设计意图:学生可以把四种不同的时间表达都说出来,最后在一起呈现齐读一遍。)Task2. Enjoy the activitiesT: Do you know these activities?go home do homework eat dinner go to bedShow the activity pictures one by one, and then let the students read the activities after the teacher. Then dictate them in group.(设计意图:在学习有关新的日常活动短语的同时,可以适当复习一下上节课学习的有关短语,对后面听力活动的练习做好的铺垫。)Step3. PresentationT: When do students usually do these things? Match the activities with the time of day.Students do 1a by themselvesCheck the answers together. Let students pare the phrases and then find out the differences by themselves.英语时间排序 汉语时间排序half past six (in the morning ) (早上)6点30分 小时间在前,大时间在后 大时间在前,小时间在后 a quarter past three (in the afternoon) (下午)三点15分小时间在前,大时间在后 大时间在前,小时间在后 a quarter to seven (in the evening ) (晚上)6点45分 小时间在前 小时间在前,大时间在后 大时间在前,小时间在后a quarter to ten (in the evening ) (晚上)9点45分小时间在前,大时间在后 大时间在前,小时间在后 (设计意图:学生通过观察、比较,总结出:汉语时间是按照“由大到小”的顺序排列,而英语时间是按照“由小到大”的顺序排列。) T:Please look at 1a, when do students usually do these things? Prepare with their partners like the sentences in 1b.A: When do students usually ?B: They usually eat dinner at .First let students prepare their conversations.Then ask about three pairs to act out in class.(设计意图:本环节主要是对时间和活动的较正式的练习,通过前面的渗透和讲解,学生本环节的练习效果较好。) Step4. While-listening activities.1、Listen for the general idea听取大意Listen and choose the main idea of the conversation.T: Boys and girls, just now we talked about times and activities. Now an interviewer is talking to Tom. Please listen to the recording carefully and find out the main idea of the conversation.The general idea of the conversation is to talk about A. the times of Toms activitiesB. the places of Toms activitiesC. the ways of Toms activities(设计意图:为降低学生的听力难度,让学生感知听力内容的主旨大意。进行相关听力策略的指导,这样能提高学生整体理解听力内容的能力。)2、Listen for the specific ideas听取细节Task1. Listen and circle the activities that you hear.T: Look at your books, listen and circle the activities that you hear. Let the students look through the words and phrase quickly, then ask them to listen to the recording (just once) carefully and circle the things they hear.Then, check their answers.3. Write the times next to the activities you circled in 1c.T: The teacher could play the recording twice, the first time, listen and match the times and the activities .The second time, listen and check their answers.1.get up 5:30_ 6. do my homework _5:30 p.m._2. run _6:00 a.m._ 7. clean my room _3. eat breakfast _7:00 a.m._ 8. eat dinner 7:15 p.m._4. go to school _7:45 a.m._ 9. take a walk _5. go home _4:15 p.m._ 10. go to bed _9:00 p.m._(设计意图:本部分的教学中要提醒同学们注意时间的顺读法和逆读法,以准确判断时间。) Step5. Post-listening activities.1. Listen and repeat. First ask students to read after the tape, then underline the sentences about Toms activities and the times.Interviewer: Tom, I want to know about your day.Tom: OK.Interviewer: When do you get up?Tom: When do I get up? Hmm. Usually about half past five. Then I run at six oclock.Interviewer: You run at six in the morning?Tom: Uh-huh.Interviewer: And what time do you eat breakfast?Tom: Breakfast? Usually about seven. And then I usually go to school at a quarter to eight.Interviewer: Wow! And you go home at?Tom: A quarter past four in the afternoon.Interviewer: And what do you do in the evening?Tom: I do my homework at about five thirty, and I eat dinner at seven fifteen. I go to bed at nine oclock.Interviewer: Thats early! But then you get up early.Tom: Uh-huh.(设计意图:跟读模仿是初中学生学习英语的一条重要途径。多给予学生一些机会来模仿录音的语音和语调,对培养学生的语速、语调是很有帮助的。)2 T: Now we know Toms day. Can you tell us about Toms day? You can do it like this.First, let the students prepare the pairs, then ask about three pairs to act out in class. The teacher gives help if necessary.(设计意图: 通过“Tom的一天”的对话活动让学生练习了该句型的第三人称单数形式,这也是本单元学习的重点和难点。)3. Groupwork. T: Good job! Now can you fill in blanks according to your pairwork? Toms day is busy.He usually at half past five. Then he at .He eats breakfast at seven.After that he school at a to eight. He at four fifteen in the afternoon. And he his homework at 5:30pm, eats dinner at a seven,he goes to bed at nine. Four or five students in a group, discuss and write down their answers. Then ask one or two pairs to present their report to the class. (设计意图:在听力理解的基础上,通过对Tom的一天活动的学习,形成学生的语段意识。为本单元的书写表达打下基础。)Step6. Inquiry into knowledge by translation.一、时间的几种表达方式:1.表示“几点半”,可以用“ ” 或“ ” 如5:30 2.当分钟数小于30时,可以用“ ”。如:8:20 3. 当分钟数大于30时,可以用“ ”。如:3:50 4.表示 “十五分钟”,可以用“ ”如: 4:15 7:45 二、“go to bed”和“go to school”这两个词组意为 bed和school 是 词,故前面都加了介词to。go home 意为 home是 词。故前面不用介词to。Step7. Summary.T: Please think of what you have learned in this class. Then fill in the blanks.(口头叙述)gets up 5:30 amgets up at half past five five thirty in the morningruns 6:30 ameats breakfast 7:00 amgoes to school 7:45 amgoes home 4:15pmdoes his homework 5:30pmeats dinner 7:15 pmgoes to bed 9:00pm(设计意图:本环节仍是培养学生口头表达能力,通过具有代表性的知识引导学生更好地内化语言知识,达到更好的理解效果。)Step8. The end-of- class test 一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Tom usually (get) home at five thirty in the afternoon.2. When does Lucy (do) her homework? She her homework at eight oclock.3.Mary usually _(brush) her ( tooth) before going to bed.4.They usually ( eat) dinner at 7:00 pm.5.My father and I (run) every day.二、请翻译下列句子。1.学生们通常什么时间吃午饭? 2.学生们通常在六点四十五吃晚饭 3.他通常在七点半去上学 4.我通常在晚上七点十五做作业。 5.她每天晚饭后去散步。 Step9. Homework. 1.Preview the textbook on P12、P13. ( )2.Read the textbook on P90 again and recite it to your partners with the help of 1d. ( )3.Write a passage about your daily routine using the phrases in this lesson. ( )亮点:总的来说,我个人认为本节课的教学设计重在朴实和有效性。1、热身导入利用表盘图片形象直观,学生容易理解有感兴趣,既复习了上节课的知识又起到了自然过渡的效果。2、本节课为听说课,为了突出重点,突破难点,克服本课听力内容较难的障碍,我对课本进行整合,并设计出符合学生认知水平的,层层递进,不断深入的听力习题。输入环节之后,让学生根据所听内容,进行输出,多给予学生展示的机会。在教学过程中我仍然以鼓励为主,面向全体学生,尽可能地使学生保持学习英语的兴趣。3、采用分层作业,让不同层次的学生在本节课都有提高。使用建议:本节课的教学设计容量较大。为保证教学任务能顺利完成,最好使用多媒体或一体机教学。 答案:Step1. Preview Phrases: Translate the phrases(1)half past six in tne morning (2) a quarter past three in the afternoon(3) a quarter to seven in the evening (4) a quarter to ten in the evening(5) go to bed (6) do homework (7) play sports (8) take a walk Sentences: Translate the sentences (1)What time do students usually eat dinner?(1) What time does Tom usually clean the room?(3) She usually gets up at a quarter to six.(4) They usually eat dinner at a quarter to seven in the evening.Step3. Presentation 3 1 2 4Step4. While-listening activities.1、Listen for the general idea听取大意AStep5. Post-listening activities.3. Groupwork. gets up runs six thirty goes to quarter goes home does quarter pastStep6. Inquiry into knowledge by translation.一 1.thirty past 整点 half past 整点 half past five 2.分钟数 past 整点 twenty past eight 3.与下一整点子相差的分钟数 to 下一个整点数 ten to four4. quarter a quarter past four a quarter to eight 二上床睡觉;去上学 名 回家 副Step7. Summary.gets up 5:30 amgets up at half past five five thirty in the morningruns 6:30 amruns at six thirty half past six.eats breakfast 7:00 ameats breakfast at sevengoes to school 7:45 amgoes to school at a quarter to eight seven forty-fivegoes home 4:15pmgoes home at a quarter past four four fifteen.does his homework 5:30pmdoes his at half past five in the afternoon.eats dinner 7:15 pmeats dinner at seven fifteena quarter past seven.goes to bed 9:00pmgoes to bed at nine oclock.Step8.The end-of- class test当堂检测一1. gets 2. do does 3.brushes teeth 4 eat 5 run二 1.When What time do students usually eat lunch? 2. Students usually eat dinner at a quarter to seven in the evening 3. He usually goes to school at half past seven. 4. I usually do my homework at seven fifteen in the evening. 5. She takes a walk after dinner every day.

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