2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Unit 6 I’m watching TV(第1课时)New words and phrases教案 新人教版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Unit 6 I’m watching TV(第1课时)New words and phrases教案 新人教版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Unit 6 I’m watching TV(第1课时)New words and phrases教案 新人教版.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Unit 6 I’m watching TV(第1课时)New words and phrases教案 新人教版.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Im watching TV(第1课时)New words and phrases教案 新人教版Teaching and learning Goals: 1. 能争取学会使用下列词汇造句子newspaper,use,soup,wash,movie,just,house,drink,tea,tomorrow,pool,shop,supermarket,man,race,study,state,theUnitedStates,American,dragon, any, other, young, child, children, miss, wish, delicious, still2.能争取学会使用下列常用短语造句子read a newspaper ,make soup, go to the movies, drink tea, Dragon Boat Festival, living room ,eat out3.能认读下列词汇host, Steve, Laura4.理解、翻译并复述运用本节课的词汇所编写的故事。Teaching and learning steps Step 1Learn to read the words on P124-125T: Today well learn the words in Unit 6. Please look at the word liston Page124-125. 1. Read the words by yourselves and underline the difficult words.(2 minutes)2. Work in groups and try to read the difficult words.(2 minutes) 3. Choose one student to read, the others listen carefully and correct them. Take some notes if necessary.4. Listen to the tape and repeat.(设计意图:英语课程标准要求学生能够根据音标读单词,7年级学生在上册前三个预备单元已经集中学习完了48个音素,已初步具有这种能力。让学生学试读单词是一种学习习惯的培养,首先学生自己根据音标试读单词,并标出试读时有困难的。接着五人一组为单位解决遇到的困难,学生试读时,小组其他成员认真听,发现错误,及时纠错。教师巡视并听学生的发音,必要时进行点拨,最后让学生跟录音读以达到正音的作用,利用这些环节培养学生根据音标读单词的能力。)Step 2 : Learn to remember words T: Now Ill show you some ways to help you remember the words. Please work in your groups and try to remember them.一. Remember the words and phrases by guessing the meaning of pictures. T: Today we are going to learn some words and phrases .Look at the pictures and try to memorize the new words. newspaperread a newspaperHe is reading a newspaper.make soupsoup My grandma is making soup drink tea.tea She is drinking tea. raceThey are having a raceliving roomThis is a living roomsupermarketThis is a supermarkethouseThe house is beautiful.go to the moviesmovieI often go to the movies on weekendsmanpoolThe man is swimming in the poolthe United StateschildThe child is from the United StatesDragon Boat Festivaldragon May 5th is Dragon Boat Festival in China.(设计意图:利用图片教授新词,直观形象,先让学生猜测词义,可增加印象,使其轻松地把英语和汉语对应起来,通过授课,效果良好。)二. Remember the words by their similar pronunciations and forms.1. uniform-cute-usually-use ju: 2.cut-luck-bus-funny-just 3.many-scary- any e 4.big-quilt-live-miss-wish-delicious-still i (设计意图:利用已知元音字母的发音,让学生根据发音规则,自己试读单词,以旧带新,培养学生自主学习的能力。)三. Remember the words by conversion(转换) 、plex words (合成)and derivative(派生)1. news (新闻)+ paper(纸)-newspaper报纸2. super(超级的) + market(市场)-supermarket超市3. drink v.喝 n.饮料 4. shop v.购物 n.商店5. child 儿童 children (pl.)6. American adj.美国的 n.美国人 America 美国四. Remember the words by matching their similar meaning.1. other taste good2.tomorrow else 3. delicious not old4.young the next day(设计意图:通过英语释义让学生猜测新词组的含义,然后让学生根据其意思连线,以此给学生提供根据英语释义记忆单词的语境,培养学生在语境中学习新词的能力,符合学生语言的认知规律。)Step 3 Consolidation of words 1.Give the students a few minutes to try to memorize the words first . 2.Have a memory challenge.1)Show the pictures,let the students spell the words out as quickly as they can.2)Who knows the phrases?(设计意图:利用幻灯片闪现图片,让学生进行抢答,强化单词,激发学生的学习兴趣,通过授课,学生积极性很高,参与度很高,达到了预期目的。)3. Get the students to have a short dictation about the rest words and phrases. If they cant , dictate after class in groups. (设计意图:此环节为巩固单词。通过默写的形式来对剩余单词加以巩固。这一环节对少数学生有困难,需要利用晨读课或课余的时间让小组长跟踪检查,尽量能让所有学生顺利过关,在初始年级教师应关注全体学生,帮助他们树立信心。同时,教师还要及时督促、让小组长反馈检查的结果,做好跟踪检查。)Step 4 Read the story and translate it. Then try to remember the new words. Finally, tell this story to your friends or your family. Next morning let each group tell this story to the class. Im studying in the United States. My host family is nice.Today is the Dragon Boat Festival,so I miss my family very much.What are other people doing in my family? I use the puter to chat with them.My father is still in the living room, hes reading an American newspaper.My mother is making delicious soup.My sister is washing the glass,she wants to drink tea. My brother just wants to go to the movies,so he eats out.Whos that young man? Hes my uncle,hes watching the boat races on TV.Wheres the little child?Oh,hes in the pool outside the house. Wheres my aunt?Shes shopping in the supermarket. I wish I can e back to my home tomorrow! 译文:我正在美国学习。我的寄宿家庭对我很友好。今天是端午节,所以我很想念我的家人。我家的其他人都在干什么?我使用电脑和他们聊天。我爸爸仍然在客厅里,他在读一份美国报纸。我妈妈正在做味道鲜美的汤。我姐姐正在刷杯子,她想喝茶。我弟弟恰好想去看电影,所以他出去吃饭。那个年轻人是谁?他是我的叔叔,他正在看电视上的龙舟比赛。最小的孩子在哪儿?噢,他在房子外面的游泳池里。我的姑姑在哪儿?她在超市购物呢!我希望我明天就能回家。(设计意图:在学生基本掌握单个单词的基础上,教师把一个单元的生词编成一段逻辑性强的短文,让学生学习单词有了语境,在语境中了解词汇的意义和词汇的表意功能,这为学生学习、实践和运用英语创造了条件,有助于学生有效记忆和使用英语词汇。)Step 5 Retell the story according to the mind mapT: I can see you have understood the story well. Now lets try to retell it according to the mind map. First listen to me carefully.Ss listen carefully. Then they try to retell in groups. Check the retelling.go to the movies,eat outmake delicious soapwash;drink teayoung man,racesliving roomread an American newspaperI .the United States wish,tomorrowWhataremy familydoing?shop ,supermarketpool,house(设计意图:本段文章是以端午节作者的家人在干什么为话题,巧妙地把本单元的词汇融入其中,用知识树的形式呈现既直观又实用,能很好地帮助学生把故事串成一个整体,这样既巩固了新单词又锻炼了学生在语境中理解和记忆单词的能力,也体现了词不离句,句不离篇的教学理念。)Step 6 当堂检测1. 翻译词组1. 看报纸 _2. 做汤 _3. 看电影 _4. 出去吃饭 _ 5.喝茶 _6 .美国 _7. 端午节 _8.客厅 _9.洗衣服 _10.两个小孩 _ 二 用所给词的适当形式补全句子。1.Mary_(read)her newspaper every day.2.His mother is good at _(make)soup.3.Look! She _(exercise) on the playground?4.Does your father like _(drink) tea?5.My mother _(wash) the clothes now.三根据汉意补全句子。1.See you _(明天)evening.2.My father goes shopping in the _(超市).3.The boy is from _(美国),he is _(美国人).4.The soup is _(美味的,可口的).5.My aunt has two_(孩子).(设计意图:练习是由易到难,步步深入进行设计的,通过习题的检测,考查学生对单词掌握情况,使学生学会在语境中理解并使用单词,提前将难点突破,也是对教材的一种有机整合。)Step 6HomeworkYou must: Remember the new words and have a dictation(听写) in pairs.You can: Use the new words and phrases in Unit7 to make up your own story.【亮点】 1.语言学家吕叔湘先生说过:“词语要嵌在上下文里头才有生命才容易记住,才知道用法。”本课利用图片和故事在语境中学习单词,有利于学生整体感知。 2.本课注重了学生自学和小组合作能力的培养,同时通过各种训练形式,既加深了单词的识记,又巩固了单词的用法,取得事半功倍的效果,同时也让学生养成一种良好的学习习惯。3.课上对学生分层次要求,让每一层次的学生都有成功感。【不足之处】 故事偏长,对于七年级的学生当堂要求复述有难度。【使用建议】 由于本单元单词特别多,一节课多数学生掌握不了全部单词。建议老师要求优秀生尽量记住全部,而后进生只需要记住本节课反复运用的单词就可以了。分层次要求学生,努力培养他们的自信心才会收到良好的教学效果。


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