2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Its raining单元教案 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Its raining单元教案 人教新目标版 教学背景点击这一单元的中心话题是Describe the weather。语法现象是Present progressive tense。继Unit5 Im watching TV第二次出现了现在进行时态,是上一单元的延续。比较上一单元,本单元增设了一个日常生活中重要的情景Talking about the weather 。学生不但要具备并熟练得掌握现在进行时态的意识和技巧,并且要会运用这一时态描述在各种没的天气背景下人的活动。可以说任务重,难度大。在教学前我们是否适当地布置学生课前任务,从而更好得活用教材? 教材内容点击本单元语言训练的重点是(1)谈论天气;(2)描述正在发生的动作。重点语言结构是(1)How引导的特殊疑问句;(2)Yes/No问句及答语;(3)现在进行时的用法。Section A主要是听读说和基础语言运用,为目标句型提供分步示例和指导性练习;Section B知识扩展、新旧知识的运用,循序渐进的写作练习;运用所学的语言完成各种任务使学生能够对已经学过的目标句型运用自如:Self -Check自我评价,词汇知识的评价,语言应用能力的评价。 单元教学内容一、 学习内容本单元主要学习怎样打招呼和描述、谈论天气;学会描述在不同的天气背景下人的活动,时态主要也是现在进行时,是上一单元的继续。二、学习目标1、语言知识1)语音 了解语音在语言学习中的意义2)词汇 略3)语法 (1)现在进行时 (2)有关天气的特殊问句及答语4)日常交际用语Hows the weather?Its raining.Whats the weather like in Shanghai?Its sunny.What are you/they doing?We/They are watching TV.What is he/she doing?He/she is cooking.Hows it going?Great!2、语言技能1)能用英语打招呼和描述并谈论不同的天气。2)能用现在进行时互相交流。3)能用现在进行时叙述在不同地方的和不同的天气背景下人们能做的事。3、情感态度1)通过课文教学引导学生关注天气情况,爱护环境,保护大气等自然资源的良好意识。2)通过学习打招呼、谈论天气和所做的事时所用的交际用语,学会与人友好相处。3)通过学习和对比不同天气背景下人的活动,激发学生的内在情感,进行爱的教育。4)能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相到帮助,共同完成学习任务。4、文化意识了解不同地方和不同的天气背景下人们能做的事,互相交流不同国家的文化,对学生进行不同文化意识的渗透。同时让了解其他国家风景,风俗,增加学生的背景知识,增强学科间的交流。5、学习策略通过任务型的教学,让学生学会自主学习,归纳总结,培养主动学习的能力。尤其对所学内容能主动复习并加以整理和归纳的能力。三、任务设计1、结合课本内容学习有关天气的词汇和句型,收集课文中未出现的其他气候用语和招呼用语。2、争当最佳“天气接线员”,询问和回答东南和西北方向天气。3、为东南亚海啸灾区描绘一幅美好的家园。4、假设你是中央电视台Around The World show一位主持人,请介绍一个你的城市或你感兴趣的城市的概况:气候,风俗,人情。四、课时安排第一课时:P31 P33,3a P34,1a,1b第二课时:P32 PP33,3b P34,2a,2b,2c第三课时:P35第四课时:作文点评+Selfcheck+当堂检测第一课时一、教学目标1、知识目标1)单词:rain windy cloudy sunny snow Moscow Boston hows bad terrible pretty weather cool cold humid warm hot2)句型:Hows it going?Hows the weather?2、能力目标:通过此课学习,使学生能够学会打招呼和描述天气3、情感和文化目标:了解异地天气和异国招呼用语二、教学重点:掌握招呼用语和描述天气用语三、教学难点:掌握并运用Hows the weather?-Its四、教学设计Step 1 Greeting1)通过问:How are you? What day is it today? What is the date today? Hows it going?引出本课时的问候语。2)看图片 教会Not bad, Great! Terrible! Pretty good! 等问候回答语。3)完成P33,3aStep 2 Presentation(把SectionA la, SectionB la融合在一起教学天气用语)可以这样导入:让学生问老师:Hows it going, Miss Zheng?引出weather和Hows the weather today?然后在利用各种图片导出新单词。当然,新单词的引入尽量让学生自己讲出来,因为已经提前布置任务,进行课前预习和查阅。Step 3 Practice教完了新单词,我设计了以下三个步骤来加以巩固1)看图片进行问与答Hows the weather?Its2)天气图片和天气单词进行连线Match the words with the pictures(some words and some pictures)3)A guessing gameT: Tomorrow I want to go shopping, which kind of weather is the best?Ss: I think its(在猜猜的游戏中,不仅及时巩固和运用了各种天气的表达,同时复习了前一单元的知识点,也为下一个步骤做了铺垫)Step 4 Presentation1)T: You are very clever, tomorrow is fine, I want to take you to the beautiful cities. Where shall we go?Ss:T: Look, where is it?Ss: ItsT: How is the weather in?Ss: I think itsinT: You are right, its(Show the weather if it is right)2)Practice(去掉天气,让学生凭记忆问与答)S1: Hows the weather in?S2: Its(some pairs)3)完成P31,1bStep5 Task: Asking the weather让学生通过这个活动,把今天所学的知识进行巩固和拓展。步骤如下:1、四个学生上来当电话接线员2、其他学生组成四人一小组计划去旅游,分工如下:obvaso, recorder, reporter, helper3、教师分给他们不同的地图4、分工做事,讨论并派一人进行汇报天气和决定去旅游的地方。5、最后,教师对学生的表现进行评价或由学生互评。Step6 Listening text(了解异国天气,增加文化意识的渗透)Listening textA: Hi, Lucy!B: Hi, Bob! Hows it going?A: Not bad!B: Hows the weather today!A: Terrible. Its foggy.B: Oh, no, I think it will be sunny later on.T: Where are they from? How do you know?Ss: London foggy.T: Yes, its in London. Its foggy before, but not now. That was an old story. But it is still very humid.Step7 Homework巩固新教的单词及句型第二课时一、教学目标1、知识目标1)单词:cook study2)句型:What are you/they doing? We/They are What is he/she doing? He/she is.2、能力目标:运用现在进行时问与答以及简单描述人的生活。3、情感和文化目标:通过了解和比较不同地区人们的生活情景,激发学生内在情感,进行爱的教育。二、教学重点:运用现在进行时三、教学难点:综合运用现在进行时来描述天气和情景。四、教学设计Step1 Revision1)复习前一课的一些内容a)T: How is it going? Hows everything going? Hows the weather?b) Practise in pairs P33, 3b2)复习现在进行时,可以这样导入T: Its a fine day, isnt? What are you doing now?Ss:T: Now, look what is he doing? Guess!(Show some pictures)这样,让学生带着一种探究的心理,去猜图片中的内容,这样,可以使学生的语言和思维得到同步发展。 Step2 完成课文P32,2a,2b,2c1)Listen and number the pictures as you hear2)Listen and match the names with the activities3)Pairwork(以打电话对话的形式)4)Describe the picturesStep3 Who has a best memory设这一步骤的目的是使学生在具体、真实的环境中综合运用Hows the weather?What are they doing? Hows it going? 这几个句型。Watch the cartoon of the Snowwhite and the drawfs1)T: Now boys and girls, are you tired? Would you like to watch a cartoon? Lets have a rest, OK?Then get the Ss to watch the cartoon.2)T: OK, do you like it? How do you like it? Would you like to watch it again?Please answer these questions.Hows the weather?What are they doing?Hows it going?T: Lets say: who has a best memory?Ss:3)Fill in the blanksA: Hello, Kitty!B: Hi, Emma!A: ?B: Pretty good!A: Hows the weather today?B: ?A: What are you doing now?B: ?A: What can you see in the cartoon?B ?A: What are they doing in it?B ?设计这个活动的目的在于:通过以上几个环节,学生的听、说、读都得到一定发展的同时,再让学生做一个笔头练习,能进一步落实学生写的能力。Step4 Make a survey and Draw a nice picture让学生观看海啸灾区的情景,对比不同环境下人的活动,激起学生内在的情感,对他们进行爱的教育,鼓励他们为灾区献爱心,可以为灾区人们描绘一幅美好的家园。Step5 Homework关于海啸话题编写一对话。第三课时一、教学目标1、知识目标1)单词和词组:vacation lying group beach surprised heat relaxed winter scarf everyone man2)句型:复习前几课句型2、能力目标:学会用英语描述不同地方的天气和人的活动3、情感目标:学习不同地方的天气和人的活动,来对学生进行不同文化意识的渗透。二、教学重点:复习和运和本单元的单词及句型。二、教学难点:用英语综合描述不同的季节及气候背景下人的活动。四、教学设计Step1 Revision在这个复习环节中,我考虑在回顾单词、句型的同时,适当的融入一些新的、学生未知的内容,不至于复习好像是一项简单的“抄冷饭”式的工作。我设置几种情况,期待学生能在这个环节中自如地运用天气用语,一般现在时和现在进行时都得到复习巩固。Situation1T: Hows it going? Hows the weather now?Ss:T: What are you wearing?Ss: Im wearing scarf sweater, glovesT: When is it now?Ss: Its winter.T: What can you do in winter?Ss: I canT: Whats he doing in winter?Situation2T: Hows the weather in the picture?Ss: Warn.T: When is it?Ss: Spring.T: What can you do in spring?Ss:T: Look, what is he doing in spring?Ss:Situation3T: How is the weather is it?Ss: Hot/cool.T: When is it?Ss: Summer/autumn.T: What can you do it summer/autumn?Ss:T: Look, what are they doing?Ss:Ss: He is lying on the beach./ They are playing beach volleyball.T: Im surprised the can play in this heat. What do you think of them?Ss:relaxed.T: Where and when can they be so relaxed?Ss: When he is free, he is on holiday, he is on vacationT: But how do you know the different weather?Ss: From The radio/ the weather forecast/ the 114/ CCTV.Step2 完成P35, 3bT: Right, a program called Around The World show in CCTV often show us some beautiful cities. It tells us something about the weather and what the people are doing. Look Hows the weather in France and what are they doing?Ss: Fill in the blanks.让学生了解法国的天气情况以及那里人们所做的事情。Step3 完成P35, 3a考虑到前面是让学生通过边看边读来完成填空,为了避免教学步骤的单调性和调节学生的积极性,这部分的阅读我是这样做的:T: You know it is winter in France. What about in Australia?1)Listen and answer: Hows the weather in Australia? How do you know?2)Read the passage quickly and underline the things that people are doing. Circle the words that describe the weather.T: When it is winter in France, it is summer in Australia. So we know in different countries have different weather. 目的是对学生进行不同文化意识的渗透。Step4 Describe the pictures为了来拓展阅读教学,我让学生展示为灾区人们描绘的画,让其他学生欣赏的同时,要求学生四人一组合作讨论并派代表对画进行描述,时间限定为一分钟。T: Boys and girls, do you remember the tsnami in Southeast Asia? Did you draw a picture for the poor people after class? Please take out and show us, ok? Is it nice? Look, what are they doing? Hows the weather? Hows it going? Please talk about the picture in groups of four for one minute. Then I will ask one of you to talk about it?Ss:T: Who is the best?Ss:T: I think you are all very kind. I believe you can help others when they need help.Step5 Homework1)T: Your hometown is beautiful too. Can you write a passage about it? First you can make an interview. What the people are doing in different weather?NamesHows the weather?What is he/she doing?2)Write a passage about your hometown3)Collect the words about weather and clothes4)Collect the expressions about the greetings第四课时自我检查,自我评定Step1 Give a report(及时检查学生带回去的作业任务)Step2 Whose position is the best?(通过当堂写作文,使学生在单位时间内完成任务)1)Write the position in groups of four2)Read and enjoy the positions3)Check the students positions(通过这个朗读、欣赏、点评文章这个环节,使学生在单位时间内得到一定的提高)Step3 Selfcheck1(自我检测本单元单词的掌握情况)Step4 Who has the most words and expressions1)Write down what you dont know on your piece of the paper(通过自我归纳、自我总结来巩固和增加单词、句型的储备量)2)Finish selfcheck3 Step5 Have a test(当堂检查学生对本单元知识的掌握)1)Do the exercises2)Selfcheck with A B C(用等级评定来代替分数的评定)Step6 Arrange the homework in different level(根据学生对知识掌握程度的差异,布置不同的作业)1)Recite and copy the words and expressions2)Revise the text again3)Look for some more beautiful passages to read附表(一)语言实践自我评价实践活动1以小组形式进行活动,注意收看电视的天气预报,并作好记录,向小组成员简单介绍自己记录的当天全国及世界各地的天气状况。提示:Hows the weather today in Beijing?Its sunny/raining/windy/snowing Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!Here is the weather forecast!Today is Thursday.Beijing isGuangzhou is 实践活动2以小组形式进行活动,调查小组成员最喜欢的季节,要求介绍该季节的天气特征和习惯做的事情。提示:1.spring,summer,autumn,winter2.cold,hot,warm,cool,humid,foggy,windy3.What kind of weather do you like? What season do you like best?What are you doing in spring/in summer/in autumn/in winter?NamesFavorits seasonReasonActivity附表(二)姓名学号评估项目及内容评估情况单词和词组学习和运用情况ABCD语法掌握情况现在进行时用法及构成ABCD学会介绍天气情况,描述天气ABCD学会谈论天气情况的好坏ABCDHow引导的特殊疑问句的用法ABCD综合评估ABCDA. 很好 B.较好 C.一般 D.需努力姓名学号评估项目及内容评估情况单词和词组学习和运用情况ABCD语法掌握情况现在进行时用法及构成ABCD学会介绍天气情况,描述天气ABCD学会谈论天气情况的好坏ABCDHow引导的特殊疑问句的用法ABCD综合评估ABCDA. 很好 B.较好 C.一般 D.需努力附表(三)学生自我检查评价表Unit6 日期:姓名班级学号自 我 检 查 评 价1、我会读、能听懂下列的单词和词组:1、我还不会读、不能听懂下列的单词和词组:2、我已掌握了下列的单词、词组(习惯用语)2、我暂时未掌握下列的单词、词组(习惯用语)和句型3、能在实际情景中运用上述的单词、词组(习惯用语)和句型3、未能在实际情景中运用上述的单词、词组(习惯用语)和句型我准备 来改善提高我的学习效率。

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