2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Module 11 National heroes教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Module 11 National heroes教案 外研版Language goals: Giving a talk about a hero.New languages:一般过去时的特殊疑问句用法;Vocabulary:bridge, build, engineer, foreign, government, museum, national hero, patriotic, railroad, tunnel, altitude, astronaut, Earth, flag, flight, land, orbit, pilot, read, rest, space, train, ect.Difficult points:1. Improve the students reading and writing abilities according to the reading materials.2. Do more reading to raise the ability of speaking.3. Raise the ability of talking people.4. The usage of past tense.Teaching aids: puter, video, recorderTeaching periods:Period 1: Unit 1Period 2: Unit 2Period 3: Unit 3Unit 1 What did Zhan Tianyou do?Teaching aims:1. Grasp the most important words and expressions:Key vocabulary: bridge, build, engineer, foreign, government, museum, national hero, patriotic, railroad, tunnel.2. Target languages: 1) To understand conversations about Zhan Tianyou.2) To get specific information from the listening passage.3) To talk about heroes with WH questions.3. Train the speaking and listening abilities.Teaching procedures: Step 1. Warming-upplete the passage with the words:bridge build engineer foreign government museum national hero patriotic railroad tunnel Zhan Tianyou is a _. He was the _ of a _ in the mountains with many _ and _. The Chinese _ wanted a Chinese engineer to _ it. They didnt want _ engineers. Theres a _ about him in Badaling. Its a very _story.Keys:national hero engineer railroad bridge tunnel government build foreign museum patrioticStep 2. Listening and readingListen to the tape carefully, and try to grasp the main idea of the dialogue between Daming and Tony. Have a free talk with your partner. Talk about: what do you think of Zhan Tianyou?Step3. ChoosingChoose the correct answer:1. A railroad is for trains/ buses.2. A bridge goes over/ under a river.3. A tunnel goes through/ over a mountain.Step 4. Answer the questions1) What did Zhan Tianyou do?2) When did Zhan Tianyou die?3) Where did the railroad start?4) What did the Chinese do when he died?5) Where did it finish?6) Why didnt the government want foreign engineers?7) When did Zhan Tianyou work on it?Step 5. Learning to learnWhen you write words in your notebook, underline the stressed syllable: foreign, government, engineerStep 6. PronunciationHow do you say these words?Put the words into the correct columns.engineer foreign government hero museum national patriotic railroad runnelStep 7. Grammar(一) 一般疑问句 Did主语原形动词其他成分? 1)Did you study English in 1990? Yes, I did. No, I didnt.2) Was he an engineer five years ago? Yes, he was. No, he wasnt.(二)特殊疑问句 1. Who did the experiment yesterday?2. Who taught you English in 1990?3. What did you do last Sunday?4. Where did your parents live five years ago?Step 8. Listening Listen and underline the stressed words.1. What did you think of the film?2. What did he do?3. When did he work on it?Step 12. Exercise1. I _ she _ in the room.A. think, isnt B. dont think, isC. not think, is D. dont think, isnt2. Could you help me _ English? Certainly.A. To learn B. to learningC. learning D. with3. The Chinese government wanted a Chinese engineer _ it.A. Built B. build C. building D. to build4. What do you think of the book? _.A. Its about Changs B. Very muchC. Its very interesting D. Its five yuan.5. _ is the spring? From March to May.A. When B. What timeC. How long D. How soon6. They are watching _ news on TV.A. The newest B. the must newC. The latest D. later7. Yang Liwei _ Earth after his journey into space.A. Returned B. returned to C. Returned back D. returned back toKeys: 1-5 B D D C A 6-7 C BHomework:1. Revise the vocabulary words in this lesson.2. Write something about a hero.Unit 2 He trained for five years.Teaching aims:1. To get information from the reading material about personal information. 2. To get a brief idea of newspaper articles.3. Main sentences:1) The spacecraft orbited the earth 14 times in October.2) On Wednesday people visited Chinas first spacecraft in a museum in Beijing.Teaching importance:1. Key words: altitude, astronaut, Earth, flag, flight, land, orbit, pilot, read, rest, space, train2. Key structures: Past simple.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Look and matchMatch these words with the photos.astronaut Earth national flag space spacecraft waveStep 2. Reading and vocabularyRead the newspaper article and find these four parts.1. The headline 2. The latest news3. The background4. Today Step 3. MatchMatch the words with their meanings.flight hero join land last orbit pilot reach rest train1. Someone who flies a plane _.2. To study and practice _.3. To return to the ground _.4. To take time _.5. A journey through the air or space _.6. To stop work and relax _.7. To go round the earth _.8. Arrive at _.9. To bee part of _.10. Someone who many people like _.Key: 1. pilot 2. train 3. land 4. last 5. flight 6. rest 7. orbit 8. reach 9. join 10. heroStep 4. Write questions for these answers1. Last Thursday. (When ?)_2. 21 hours. (How long?)_3. At 6:23am. (When ?)_4. In Inner Mongolia. (Where ?)_5. In 1987. (When ?)_6. Five years. (How long ?)_7. People on earth. (Who ?)_8. The Chinese national flag. (What ?)_Step 5. Writing Work in pairs. When was the first Chinese flight in space?days ago last month years ago yesterday Step 6. Pair work Work in pairs. Say what happened to Yang Liwei.eleven years later five years later in 1987 Step 7. Write sentencesHeadline: Shenzhou spacecraft in BeijingLatest news: On Wednesday people visited Chinas first spacecraft in a museum in Beijing.Unit 3 Language in useTeaching aims:1. Teach vocabulary words. 2. To summarize and consolidate past simple WH questions.3. Train the speaking and writing abilities.Teaching method:Formal and interactive practice.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Language practicePractice the following sentences in groups.1. What did he do?2. When did he work on it?3. How did he show his skill as an engineer?4. Why didnt they want foreign engineers?Step 2. Writing Write five questions.Step 3. Pair workWork in pairs. Ask and answer the questions you wrote in Activity 1.Put the words from the passage about Yang Liwei into the correct columns.altitude astronaut days ago Earth eleven years later five years later flight land last last month orbit pilot spacecraft the next year years ago yesterday spacetimeEarthlastStep 4. Writing Put the words from the passage about Zhan Tianyou into the correct columns.bridge build foreign government museum national hero patriotic railroad tunnelNationEngineerforeignbridgeStep 5. Module taskGive a talk about a hero.Work in pairs. Choose a hero. Write notes about: 1. Their life2. Why they are famous3. What they did4. Why you like themPlan what you are going to say about them.Start: something about his / her lifeMiddle: what he / she didEnd: why you like him/ herwas born lived worked When he/ she was 25 he / she in 1975 he / she I think he /she is great because Step 6. Work in groupsWork in groups of four.1. Give your talk while the others listen.2. Ask questions about the people the others talk about.Where did he study?In Harvard, USA.Step 7. ExerciseExample1:Iamatschooltoday. (was; avideoarcade; yesterday)Iwasatavideoarcadeyesterday.Example2:Heoftengoestothemovies(went;lastnight)Hewenttothemovieslastnight.1. Idomyhomeworkeveryday. (did; yesterdayevening)_2. Theyarebankclerks. (were; students; tenyearsago)_3. Isheapoliceofficernow? (Was; asalesassistant; inxx)_4. Thestudentsruneveryafternoon. (ran; justnow)_5. Sheoftentakesawalkaftersupper.(took; lastSundaynight)_6.Hehasaneggeverymorning.(had;two; thismorning)_7.UncleWangalwaysgetsupearly. (gotup; late; overtheweekend)_8.Theyetovisittheoldpeopleonweekends.(came;onJanuary1st)_9.Heiseatingabighamburger, now.(ate; amediumpizza; thedaybeforeyesterday)_10. Nightingalesingsverywell. (sanganEnglishsong;amomentago)_11. IamateacherataJuniorHigh. (was; adoctor; beforeIwenttoXiamen)_12. Doyouplayfootballeveryweek? (Did; twoweeksago)_Keys: 1. I did my homework yesterday evening.2. They were students ten years ago.3. Was he a sales assistant in xx?4. The students ran just now.5. She took a walk last Sunday night.6. He had two eggs this morning.7. Uncle Wang got up late over the weekend.8. They came to visit the old people on January 1st.9. He ate a medium pizza the day before yesterday.10. Nightingale sanganEnglishsong;amomentago 11. I was a doctor before I went to Xiamen.12. Did you play football two weeks ago?


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