2019年高中英语 10.1 A Material World随堂演练 北师大版必修4.doc

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2019年高中英语 10.1 A Material World随堂演练 北师大版必修4.doc_第1页
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2019年高中英语 10.1 A Material World随堂演练 北师大版必修4.doc_第2页
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2019年高中英语 10.1 A Material World随堂演练 北师大版必修4.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1Tom put his heart into the wildlife research, and finally, his efforts earned him _ great success and fame.答案与解析aearn sb.sth.“为某人赢得某物”, earn的宾语可以是金钱,也可以是荣誉、荣耀等。success在此为可数名词。2He was determined _ (enjoy) himself as much as he could though he had only a few months in this world.答案与解析to enjoy句意:他决心在仅剩的这几个月的生命里让自己尽可能快乐。be determined to do sth.相当于make up ones mind to do sth.,意为“下决心做某事”,符合题意。3 I cant help but feel very _ (concern) about the matter. Linda, my dear, tell me the truth. Oh, Mum, there is nothing between Tom and me.答案与解析concerned本题考查be concerned about sth.结构的用法,意为“对某事挂念的/关心的”。4 What will you do for the poor children? I am planning to give _ a large number of books to them.答案与解析awaygive away“捐赠;颁发;泄露(秘密)”,由题意可知“我”准备给贫困儿童捐赠大量书籍。5We must be clearly aware_ English has been a must in international trade.答案与解析thatbe aware that为固定句式,意思是“意识到”。6Were just trying to reach a point _ both sides will sit down together and talk.答案与解析where先行词是point,指地点,且关系词在定语从句中作状语,因此填where。7There is much chance _ Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race.答案与解析thatthat引导同位语从句,说明chance的具体内容。句意:Bill很有可能及时从伤痛中恢复过来参加赛跑。.短语填空1Someone who is _ does not have a job.答案out of work2The girl had to _ studies because of lack of money.答案give up3He _ most of his money to the poor.答案gave away4John _ the arts while at school.答案took up5The two girls _ each other and neither of them wanted to speak first.答案turned their backs on6I think I locked the door, but Ill just go back and _ of it.答案make sure7Theres _ we could afford that sort of money.答案no way8Well go for a walk if you _ it.答案feel like9I _ doing the same work everyday.答案am tired of10If we _ of high school, we will have trouble in finding jobs.答案drop out

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