2019-2020年九年级英语上册 Module2 Unit2 It’s still read and loved学案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语上册 Module2 Unit2 Its still read and loved学案 外研版Here is our monthly article on a favourite great book. This month, our guest writer is Mr. Jackson.My favourite great book is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. Tom lives with his aunt Polly in the quiet streets of St. Petersburg, Missouri. Hes a lively and clever young boy, and he finds himself in many exciting adventures. He runs away with his two friends, Huck Finn and Joe, to an island in the middle of the Mississippi River for several days. With Huck he goes looking for treasure, with Becky he gets lost in a cave, and finally, they find a box of gold.find oneself 发现了自己才能所在(能胜任某种工作)lively adj. 活泼的, 栩栩如生的 eg. a lively descriptionalive adj. 活着的, 活泼的eg. The fish we caught is still alive.get lost 迷路My favourite scene in the book is when everyone thinks Tom is dead. He decides to go to his own funeral. He hides and watches n. 葬礼,出殡for a time, and then suddenly he appears. Everyone is surprised to (for a time = for a period of time)see him but theyre also pleased to see him alive.surprised adj. 感到惊讶的eg. I was surprised to see him there.surprise vt. 使惊奇, 奇袭eg. You surprise me!surprising adj. 令人惊讶的eg. surprising newsTom is the hero of the story, but there are other important characters. Huck is an outsider and everyone is afraid of him. Becky is pretty with fair hair, Joe is Toms best friend, and Injun Joe is the bad man of the story.hero主人公character 人物outsider 旁观者The themes of the story are to do with children growing up and being more serious. It describes how strangers are seen in small towns of America. Finally, it talks about freedom, social rules and how people are punished for bad behaviour.do with 处理/ 解决 grow up v 长大,成长freedom n. 自由free adj. 自由的,免费的vt. 使自由Why do I think Tom Sawyer is a great book? Mark Twain wrote the story in1876, but its still read and loved by people all over the world today. And although its only a story, Twain wrote it in the everyday English of the Southern states of America in the 19th century, so it sounds very real. Today its thought to be one of the greatest books in American literature. Go on- read it! I know youll enjoy it, too.its thought to 被认为是被动语态的用法1. 构成:主语(动作接受者)+ be + 及物动词的过去分词 +(by + 动作执行者) 2. 句型:肯定句:主语 + be + 过去分词 + (by+ 动作执行者)否定句:主语 + be not + 过去分词 + (by+ 动作执行者)一般疑问句:Be + 主语 + 过去分词 + (by+ 动作执行者)特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词 + be + 主语 + 过去分词 + (by+ 动作执行者)【模拟试题】1. The children_ to swim last month and they can swim very well now.A. are taught B. were taught C. have taught D. taught2. Look ! What a nice garden ! Yes. It _ every day.A. has been cleaned B. is cleaned C. is being cleaned D. was cleaned3. It is said that potato chips_ by mistake a hundred years ago.A. invent B. invented C. are invented D. were invented4. How beautiful our hometown is ! Yes, trees and flowers _ everywhere.A. can be seen B. can see C. be seen D. cant see5. Some people think trees _ on Tree Planting Day only.A. should be planted B. should plant C. should be planting D. be planted6. Personal puters _in 1976. It has changed the whole world.A. have been invented B. are invented C. were invented D. invented7. Do you know who designed the CD-ROM Around the world in Eight Hours?Yes. It _ by Nancy Jackson.A. has designed B. designed C. was designed D. designs8. The window_ ten minutes ago, and the room is bright now.A. can be cleaned B. is cleaned C. was cleaned D. will be cleaned9. This kind of food_ cool, clean and dry according to the instruction.A. should be carried B. must be put C. should be placed D. must be kept10. Where did you go last night? I_ to go to Li Leis birthday party.A. asked B. am asked C. have been asked D. was asked11. I want to be a doctor. Doctors _greatly in every part of the world, I think.A. need B. are needed C. are needing D. will need12. The village is building a school. I hope it_ before August this year.A. finishes B. will finish C. is finished D. will be finished13. The young man who stole many bikes in our school_ the day before yesterday.A. was catching B. is caught C. caught D. was caught14. English _ by lots of people as their first language in the world.A. is spoken B. speaks C. is speaking D. spoke15. I was _ that our class meeting about Eight Dos and Donts would be held soon.A. talked B. spoken C. told D. said16. Children shouldnt_ to drive.A. allow B. be allowing C. be allowed D. to allow17. I know she wont e to join us unless she_ to.A. tells B. has told C. is told18. To make our city more beautiful, rubbish_ into the river. A. cant throw B. mustnt be thrown C. neednt be thrown 19. The persons under 16 years old shouldnt_ to go to the Internet bar. A. be allowed B. be allowing C. allow 20. Linda, the tea smells nice. Where _it_?A. is, built B. does, make C. is, produced D. is, used 二. 阅读理解Hello Sandy,We have just returned from our holiday. We went with our friends Edward Smith and his wife Tina to the Yorkshire Moors. This is a beautiful place. It is a natural park. There are lots of places to walk on the tops of the hills, miles of grassland with no people, just sheep and birds.Edward, who had just e out of hospital, could not walk as far as be used to. However this meant that we walked in the mornings, and then stopped at a cafe for lunch each day, before returning to the place we live. Edward and I slept in front of the fire all afternoon, while the ladies went for another walk. Very pleasant!I have taken lots of photos from the place we live, across the valley(峡谷)below us, of the morning sunrise, and the mist in the valley. Also, in England, the old steam powered trains(蒸汽火车)are very popular. I have taken many photos of the train and from it.Yesterday we had the first snow of this winter. It is very early(we usually expect snow in January). It rained all day, then snowed in the evening. Today we have bright sunshine!Both Jenny and I are well I dont know if I told you, in the last e-mail, that Jenny is now working in a hotel. Although she has to work hard, people there are nice and she is enjoying the work.Please write to us to tell us your news. Yours, Victor1. What kind of place is the Yorkshire Moors?A. A hotel. B. A natural park. C. A hospital. D. A cafe.2. When did the ladies take a walk?A. Only in the morning. B. Only in the afternoon.C. Both in the morning and in the afternoon. D. In the evening.3. They had _ snow this winter.A. an early B. a late C. a usual D. a big4. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 mean?A. The valley. B. Travel. C. The mist. D. The train.5. What do we know from this passage?A. This is the first time Victor wrote an e mall to Sandy.B. Edward didnt go traveling because he bad just e out of hospital.C. Jennys new job in a hotel is an easy one.D. People in England like the old steam powered trains very much.【试题答案】一. 单项选择15 BBDAA 610 CCCCD 1115 BDDAC 1620 CCBAC二. 阅读理解15 BCADD【励志故事】远山苏格拉底和拉克苏相约,到很远很远的地方去游览一座大山。据说,那里风景如画,人们到了那里,会产生一种飘飘欲仙的感觉。许多年以后,两人相遇了。他们都发现。那座山太遥远太遥远。他们就是走一辈子,也不可能到达那个令人神往的地方。拉克苏颓丧地说:“我用尽精力奔跑过来,结果什么都不能看到,真太叫人伤心了。”苏格拉底掸了掸长袍上的灰尘说:“这一路有许许多多美妙的风景,难道你都没有注意到?”拉克苏一脸的尴尬神色:“我只顾朝着遥远的目标奔跑,哪有心思欣赏沿途的风景啊!”“那就太遗憾了。”苏格拉底说,“当我们追求一个遥远的目标时,切莫忘记,旅途处处有美景!”

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