2019-2020年九年级英语 Unit 5 Teaching Plan教案 牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语 Unit 5 Teaching Plan教案 牛津版Objectivesl To understand vocabulary relating to films and being a directorl To talk about different jobs in the film industryProceduresStep1 Lead-inTalking about students future plans.I would like to be I want to be I hope to be I plan to be I would rater beI prefer to be Step2 Wele to the unit1Talking about being a director.1)Most people like watching films. Would you like to be a director or a actor/ actress?2)Do you know what you should say when youre filming something?Stand by!Action!Take two !Good take!2 plete Part A by the students themselves.3 Check the answers and try to explain them.4 Read them together.5Practicing being a director. Director Sun Director ZhangGet ready for action! Stand by !Start ! Go ! Action !Another one ! (Once more!) Take two!A good job ! Good take!6 Would you like to join the film industry? What would you like to be? Read the dialogue together as a model.(Part B)7 Make a similar dialogue by students themselves.Step3 ic stripT : Do you think Eddie can be a superstar? 1. Read the ic strip and answer the questions.1) What does Eddie think of himself?2) What advice does Hobo give Eddie?3) Why does Eddie think he should be in Hollywood?3. Listen to the tape and imitate Eddie and Hobos pronunciation and intonation. 4. Read the conversation in pairs and try to act it out.Step4 Do the consolidation exercise. Step5 Homework1. Make up your own dialogues.2. Finish the xercises.Period (2&3) ReadingObjectives l To understand key vocabulary related to a profile of Audrey Hepburnl To learn how to describe ones life in the correct chronological(按年代顺序排列的) orderl To learn some phrases and expressions and try to use them fluently.Procedures 1. Step1 Pre-reading1. As we all know, most great films were made in Hollywood. Can you tell me some names of them?2. Lets learn something about Hollywood. Enjoy some pictures about it.3. Today well learn something about one of Hollywoods all-time favorite actresses- Audrey Hepburn.Step2 While-reading1 Watch some beautiful pictures and learn something about Audrey Hepburn. Oscar Best Actress Tony Awards2. Listen to tape and repeat silently, then try to find out some information about Audreys profile. humanitarian ballet Read all the new words after the teacher.3. Read the text again and try to find out Audreys works mentioned in the text.4. Find out the big events or achievements of Audreys by reading the text again.5. Read the new words after the teacher.Step3 After-reading1. Discussion: Why could Audrey be so successful and great? What can make a person be successful? Give the students some suggestions.2. Who do you know are also humanitarians?3. Read the text one paragraph by one paragraph.4. Check the exercises in the book.5. Analyze and practice the useful expressions.Language points:1)她不仅在美国,而且在世界的其它地方都有名。 She _.not only but also 不仅而且可连接句中的各种成分。当连接谓语时放be动词后面或行为动词前面。连接主语时谓语使用就近原则。He can speak _ (不仅英语还能说法语) .Not only his parents but also he _ interested in the film.Not only he but also his parents _interested in the film.He _( 不仅读过这本书,还记住了这个故事).2) 奥黛丽.赫本是好莱坞空前的最伟大的女演员之一。Audrey is _.One of +_ 最之一最可爱的孩子之一 _最美丽的国家之一 _Shanghai is_(中国最大的城市之一).3) 在她进入电影业之前,她把大部分精力放在芭蕾训练中。She _.a.had +done 过去完成时,表一个动作或状态在过去某时间或动作之前已完成或结束。b.put ones effort into 全身心投入/把精力倾注于As a Grade 9 student, we must _(全身心投入学习).c. enter v. 进入,加入,开始从事 enter this pany/university/the room/the race4) 赫本的美貌和魅力吸引了作者的注意。Hepburn_.attract ones attention/interest 吸引某人的注意/兴趣5) Colette坚持赫本是在剧中演主角的最完美人选。Colette _. a. insist + that clause. 坚持 He insisted that _(他是对的). insist on (doing) sth. 坚持干某事 She _(坚持帮我).b. play a role of 扮演角色 Now China _( 在世界上扮演重要角色).Gong Li _(扮演主角)in many films.6) 赫本赢得四次奥斯卡提名。Hepburn _.one more = another one, three more =another three,some more =another some再/更多 She stayed in Shanghai for _(又两天).Would you like _(还要些咖啡)?7)赫本想要提醒我们应该保护环境。 Hepburn _.remind sb. of/ remind sb. that 提醒某人 The photo _(使我想起我的大学时光). The dirty river _(提醒我们要保护环境).8)赫本的成就超越了电影事业。 Hepburns _. beyond prep. 超出外, 为不能及, 表程度 e.g. The house was beyond what we could afford._ He is such a naughty boy and is beyond my control._ 9) 因为她把她的许多时间献给慈善事业。 because_.devote sth. to sth/doing sth.为某事付出时间,精力,devote oneself to献身于He _ his job (他把他的全部时间都用在工作上了).Many writers_literature (献身于文学).9) 因为她在这领域的种种努力,她被授予很多荣誉。1992年,美国总统为她对慈善事业的工作颁发自由总统勋章。 She was _.In 1992, the President _. honour sb. with/present sb. with授予某人荣誉10) 在63 岁时,Audrey在睡梦中安然去世。_ , Audrey _. pass away 去世 比较委婉的说法。At the age of 23=when sb. is/was 23 He got married _(他在32岁结婚).6. Do some consolidation exercises.Step4 Homework1. Read the text again and again.2. Do some exercises.Period (4) Reading 3 &VocabularyObjectives l To revise the reading part and get a better mastreyl To use vocabulary to talk about different types of filmsProcedures1. Try to retell the text.2. Make a survey: Do you like watching TV in your free time? What about seeing films? 3. There are different kinds of films. What type of films do you like best?4. Lets learn something about the types of films. Finish Part A by the students themselves or in pairs.5. Check the answers together and learn something about them.6. Read the names after the teacher together.7. Read them one by one as quickly as possible. (Brain storm)8. Finish Part B together and check the answers by reading the names out.9. Free talk: What is your favourite types of film and why?10. Do Some consolidation exercises.1. Write down different types of films.1) People who fall in love with each other like to watch a _ film.2) Children always enjoy watching a _. 3) Perhaps a cowboy from the Western America prefers watching a _film.4) Those who have great imagination love to see a _ film.5) Jack Chens fans are sure to love an _ film, I guess.6) If you dont get scared easily, you can watch a_ film.7) Zhou Xingchi is famous for his _ films.8) Jurassic(侏罗纪) Rark is an excellent _ film.2Fill in the blanks. Use the correct forms of the given Chinese.1)In China, a lot of children are made to learn to play the piano _ (在) a very early age.2) I am really sorry that this Maths problem is too difficult. It goes _ (超出) my ability.3) The coach often helps us with our football _(训练).4) Bill Gates began his _(事业) when he was a college student.5) I recognized (认出) him _(立刻) at the sight of his red jacket.6) When Mao Zhedong died, the whole China _ (哀悼) the loss of a great leader.7) The old lady died in the early morning.Her _ (最后的) word was “God”.Period (5) Grammar( 1 )Objectivesl To use the past perfect tense to talk about past actionsl To use the past perfect tense to ask questions about past actionsProcedures1. Lead-inTranslate the following sentences into English.1) 自从他出生以来,他就住在这里了。 _2)我们已经住在这里四年了。_What is the tense of the above sentences? _2. Read the grammar explanation at the top of page 87. 1) Whats the Chinese meaning of Past perfect tense? _2) We can use the past perfect tense to talk about _3) This tense is formed with _.3. Fill in the blanks, then try to translate the sentences into Chinese.1) She _(put) most of her effort into ballet training before she _(enter) the film industry._2) Hepburn _(be) a model before she _ (bee) a Hollywood superstar._3) Hepburn _ already _ (win) an Oscar for Best Actress when she _ (win) the Tony Award for the play Ordine._4. Try to finish Part A1 and Part A2 on Page 87&88 and check the answers.5. Do Part A3 on Page 88, then check the answers and read it.6. Work out the rule on Page 88.7. Read the top of Page 89. Make sure you know how to ask questions using the past perfect tense. Also, you should know how to give short answers.8. Do Part A4 on Page 89. Then check the answers and practice the conversation in pairs.9. Fill in the blanks, try to remember the structure of the past perfect tense.a) StatementsPositives: Subject + _ + _Negatives: Subject + _ _ + _b) Questions: _ + subject + _Yes, subject _. / No, subject _.10. 4. Do the supplementary exercises on Page 46.(补充习题)


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