2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Unit 6 复习学案 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Unit 6 复习学案 人教新目标版I. 重点短语集结号:1. 感谢你加入环球世界节目。 Thank you for joining Around The World show.2. 在度假 on vacation3. 一些另一些 someothers4. 照相 take photos5. 躺在沙滩上 lie on the beach6. 看这群正在打沙滩排球的人 Look at this group of people playing beach volleyball.7. 看起来酷 look cool8. 感到吃惊、放松 be surprised/relaxed9. 在这么热的天气里玩 play in this heat10. 穿外套带围巾 wear coats and scarfs/scarves11. 每个人都正玩得开心。 Everyone is having a good time/having fun/enjoying themselves .12. 看望她的祖母 visit her grandmother13. 开晚会 have a party II. 重点点拨:1. 风云变幻说天气Hows the weather in Shanghai?=_the weather_in Shanghai? 描述天气的形容词:刮风的 _ 晴朗的_ 下雨的 _ 下雪的 _多云的_晴朗的_ 炎热的_寒冷的_凉爽的 温暖的 干燥的 潮湿的 湿的 _回答天气也可以用 its+v.-ing,表示天气正处于某种状况。例如:北京天气如何?_在下雨。_Its _.(rain) now . It often _ (rain). Its often _ (rain).there is much _ (rainy) here today . 练习The weather here is sunny. _ _ the weather here? _ the weather _ here?2. 最近怎么样?_?好极了_.(1)答句有哪些:(2)go 在句中的意思是“进展”。例如:Everything goes well. 一切进展顺利。划线提问:一般疑问句及肯否回答:3. I am surprised they can play in this heat. surprised修饰sb;surprising修饰sth例如:听到这个消息我们很吃惊。We _ _ at the news. 这个消息令人吃惊The news _ _. 同样用法的单词有:”感兴趣的”_/_”放松的”_/_”感到无聊的”_/_”感到兴奋的”_/_例如:我对这个有趣的新闻很感兴趣。Im very _ in this _ news. 尝试练习(1)谢谢参加我们的访谈节目,我很惊讶今天来了这么多人。Thanks _ _ our talk show, I_ _ so many people e here.(2)听到这个令人惊奇的故事我感到很惊讶。I am _ to hear the _ story.4. Others are lying on the beach.lie (v.),”躺”。单三:lies,现在分词:lying例如:他正躺在草地上享受阳光。He _ _ on the _ to _the sunshine. 拓展迁移lie (v.)”撒谎”(n)”谎言”例如:不要说谎。Dont tell _. 5. Everyone is having a good time.everyone,anyone,someone不定代词,后用单数have a good time=_ _=_ _ 因此原句还可以这样说:_我们家每个人都喜欢看书。Everyone _ _ books in our family.6. there be句型加doing 表示:_例:有一大群人正躺在沙滩上,他们玩的很愉快.There _ a _ _ people _ on the beach , theyre _ _ . Test time for Unit 6( ) 1. “ ?”Hes playing volleyball.” A. What is he doing B. How is it goingC. What does he doD. How does he do( )2. Dont go out. It hard. A. snowB. snowyC. is snowingD. are snowing( )3. Look !There are many people on the beach. They are and happy. A. relaxed B. relaxing.C. relaxesD. relax( )4.- you the photos ?Yes,I am. A.Do;takeB. Is; takingC. Do; takingD. Are;taking( )5.“Im going to Shanghai for vacation.” A. Its good B. Youre rightC. Have a good time D. Goodbye( )6.There are many people in the small garden. Some are talking; are singing. A. othersB. anotherC. otherD. the other( )7.”Whats the weather like in Guizhou ?” A. Hot and sun B. Windy and cloudyC. rain and windyD. rainy and sun( )8.What Aunt Sarah and Uncle Jeff doing ?A. is B. do C. are D. have( )9.-How is your project going ? A. Hot B. Great C. Sure D. Of course( )10.What you when it is raining A. are ; doB. are ; doingC. do ;doD. are ; going to do 1.Everyone in our family (like) watching TV except (除了)my grandma.2.Whos the old man (lie) on the ground ?3.- Hows the weather in Changchun ?-Its cold and (snow).4.Swimming in cold weather sounds _(terribly).5.Thank you for (tell) me the good news.6.Mingming (not talk) on the phone. He (study).7.Look!The students _(have) fun in the garden .8. Our English (teacher) name is Li jie.9. Hes from France and he can speak _(France).10.There are a lot of (cloud) in the sky. Its (cloud) today. 1.He often reads English in the morning .(用now 改写)He English .2.There was a lot of wind last night .= It last night .3.Her birthday party is very terrible . her birthday party ?4.The people are drinking tea in the restaurant . are the people in a restaurant ?5. He is studying at home now.用often改写He _ _ at home.1. 济南冬天很冷吗?_ it _ _ in winter in Jinan?2. 夏季,澳大利亚有很多人度假。_ _ many people in Australia _ _ in summer.3. 海口天气怎么样?夏天很热。_ the weather _ in Haikou? Its very _ in summer.4. 我对打沙滩排球很感兴趣,我认为这是一项非常有趣的运动。Im very _ _ playing beach volleyball. I think its _ _ sport.5. 泰德正在穿衣服。他爸爸正在做饭。Ted _ _ _ clothes now.His father _ _.1.Im very_spraizdto hear the _ spraizinews 2.In winter people always wear _sk:vz3.The_we today is _ w:mand _hju:mid.4. They are really very _rilkst.5. Look at this _gru:p of people playing in this _hi:tAlex is going to study in Chicago for a year. Hes reading a travel book about the weather,which say: its usually cool in spring. Sometimes it rains. Its usually hot and sunny in summer. Its normally cool and windy in autumn. It gets very cold in Chicago in winter. He asks himself, “What can I do there during that time? Oh,I can have a lot of free time in summer. In autumn, I cant have a lot of free time because Ill be in school. I can play football. I cant go ice-skating, because I dont know how to ice-skate.then I can visit my family in Florida at Christmas and New Year and get some sunshine.”1. Where is Alex going to study?2. Whats the weather like in spring?3. Is it very hot in summer?4. What sport can Alex play in autumn?5. What can Alex do in winter?


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