2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Module 1 People and places教案3 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Module 1 People and places教案3 外研版重点、难点:1. 现在进行时态2. 词语辨析具体内容: 都是“现在”却不同比较一般现在时与现在进行时到现在为止,我们已经学过一般现在时与现在进行时两种时态了。这两种时态在叙述现在的生活时都能起到很大作用。那么,什么时候用一般现在时,什么时候用现在进行时呢?中学生Jackie正在拍摄一组有关自己的学校生活的DV。我想,在他的两段叙述中你就能找到答案了。 (1)As a student, I go to school on weekdays. I usually get up at half past seven in the morning and have breakfast. I go to school at half past eight and lessons start at nine oclock. We have three lessons in the morning. I like these lessons. 作为一个学生,我周一到周五去上学。通常我早晨七点半起床并吃早饭。我八点半去学校。九点钟开始上课。上午我们有三节课。我喜欢这些课。(2)Its half past three now. Were not having any lessons. Sara is switching off our puter. Karl is putting on his coat. We are all getting ready for leaving. We are going home. 现在3点半。我们没有课了。Sara 正在关电脑。Karl正在穿外套。我们正准备离开。我们要回家了。这两段叙述:一段是对日常生活的介绍,一段是对某一时刻动作的描述。稍加注意就会发现:在介绍日常生活时用了一般现在时,而描述某一时刻的动作就用了现在进行时。现在我们就对这两个时态在用法上进行区分。(一)意义1. 一般现在时可用来表示人或物经常性、习惯性的动作或状态。如:He goes to school by bus every day. 他每天乘公共汽车去上学。(经常性动作)I often lie in bed on Sunday morning. 我周日上午常躺在床上。(习惯性状态)也可表示主语现在具有的性格或能力等。如: They like sports. 他们喜欢运动。(个性)She speaks a little Japanese. 她会说一点儿日语。(能力) 2. 现在进行时可表示现在(说话的瞬间)或现阶段正在发生(进行)的动作(状态)。如: They are cleaning the classroom now. 现在他们正在打扫教室。(正在发生) We are learning something about the Spring Festival these days. 这些天我们在学有关春节的知识。(现阶段进行)(二)常用语境1. 一般现在时(1)说明性文章。如:Lions e from Africa. 狮子来自非洲。(可出现在介绍自然的文章中)Father Christmas gives presents to the children. 圣诞老人给孩子们礼物。(可出现在介绍节日的文章中)(2)新闻报道中对某人(物)日常生活的描述。如:Liu Xiang likes singing and he often sings with his friends. 刘翔喜欢唱歌。他常和朋友一起唱。2. 现在进行时(1)用于电话、网上聊天等非面对面的情况。如: Are you listening to me? 你在听我讲话吗?(可能是通话中) Yes, I am. 是的。(2)对图片、电视画面等进行解释说明。如:In the photo I am crying. 照片里的我正在哭。(可能是在对另一人讲关于照片的事情) 给动词加上-ing,并归类。Ask buy begin call check choose close e dance draw dress drink eat enjoy get go have invite learn leave lie listen look make meet play practise print put read ride run say shop sing sleep snow stand start study swim take talk tell think type use visit wait walk wash watch wear work 原形+-ing:_去e + -ing :_双写最后一个辅音字母+-ing:_特殊变化+-ing:_Answer:原形+-ing:asking, buying, calling, checking, drawing, dressing, drinking, eating, enjoying, going, learning, listening, looking, meeting, playing, printing, reading, saying, singing, sleeping, snowing, standing, starting, studying, talking, telling, thinking, visiting, waiting, walking, washing, watching, wearing, working去e + -ing :choosing, closing, ing, dancing, having, inviting, leaving, making, practising, riding, taking, typing, using双写最后一个辅音字母+-ing:beginning, getting, putting, running, shopping, swimming特殊变化+-ing:lying 什么动作在进行?(1)My sister _(read)a book in her room now.(2)What _ you _(talk)about?Im talking about my book.(3)She _(see)her doctor every week.(4)Tony _(take)photos and Liz is looking at him.(5)Look! They _(lie)in the sun.(6)Where is Betty?She _(wash)clothes in the room.(7)My friends _(not play)football on Sunday.(8)They _(not have)English class. they _(have)the art lesson at the moment.(9)What are they doing? They _(listen)to music.(10)Its five oclock now. some people in London _(run)for the trains. Answer:(1)is reading (2)are, talking (3)sees (4)is taking (5)are lying (6)is washing (7)dont play (8)arent having, are having (9)are listening (10)are running Put on,dress,get dressed,wear 的区别1. put on your coat, Lingling. Its very cold outside.2. Mother is dressing my little brother in the bedroom.3. At 6:30 the students in this school are getting dressed.4. My teacher wears a pair of glasses.(1)put on 表示动作,后面接衣物。Hes putting on his shoes.(2)dress 表示“给某人穿”,后面接人。Dont dress me. I can dress myself now.(3)get dressed 表示主语自身的动作,意为“穿衣”,后面可以什么也不接或者加in +衣物。Are you getting dressed?Get dressed in the blue coat. It fits you.(4)wear表示穿着或带着,强调状态。Shes wearing a blue skirt today.练一练: When we are starting our classes, students in Sydney _. Mary _ her little sister now. Today we _ our school clothes. At the moment they _ their coats.Answer: are getting dressed is dressing are wearing are putting on Buy 和shop 都有买的意思,用法不同。 I want to buy a postcard. He is shopping for a CD. Buy 后面是要买的东西,而shop后面得先加for 才能加要买的东西。另外,shop 也可以不加for和后面的东西。如:Were shopping now. Shop 当名词用,意为“商店”,如:He has a bicycle shop. leave, leave for 离开还是去?In London its five oclock and people are leaving work and are going home.I leave for school at seven twenty in the morning.Leave 离开,leave for去某地,/动身前往某地。【典型例题】1. My cousin is very busy with his work. He has _ time to read newspaper.A. littleB. fewC. a littleD. a few答案:A解析:题意为:我堂兄工作很忙,他没时间看报。Time 不可数,排除B、D两个选项。题意是否定的,故选A。2. Charlie cant go with us because he _a professor around our pany.A. showsB. was showing C. has shown D. is showing答案:D解析:题意为:查理不能与我们一起去,因为他正领着教授参观公司。考察现在进行时。3. Is there _ “m” in the word “mouse”?A. aB. anC. theD. /答案:B解析:m 发音为:/em/,元音开头。【模拟试题】(答题时间:90分钟)一. Choose the best answer 1. Hi, Mum. Im cooking the dinner. _?A. Thats great.B. OK C. ReallyD. Guess2. Can you send a postcard to my friend?Certainly. _me the name and address. A. SayB. Speak C. TalkD. Tell3. Wang Hui is _ his mother on his cell phone.A. drawingB. leaving C. callingD. dressing4. Are you having a good time?Yes. _, were going back.A. AnywayB. So C. ThenD. Because5. Dont talk here. They are _.A. walkingB. playing C. sitting D. sleeping6. In summer the sun is too hot at _.A. morningB. midday C. midnightD. evening7. _your new clothes and lets have a look.A. DressB. Put on C. Get dressedD. Wear8. _ the trip?Yes, we are.A. Does he enjoyB. Do you enjoy C. Is Sam enjoyingD. Are you enjoying9. My cat likes _ in the sun.A. singingB. reading C. lyingD. working10. There are many people on the bus. Some are sitting and _ are standing. A. the othersB. others C. allD. some11. The tiger _ breakfast.A. run for B. runs C. is runningD. is running for12. Some people are having _ at home.A. afternoon tea B. afternoons tea C. afternoon teas D. tea of afternoon13. _ are they having dinner?A. WhoB. Which C. Where D. What14. He usually sends _ postcards to his friend.A. a lotB. lot of C. a lot of D. a lots15. He _ on the grass and _ the sun. A. is lying, enjoy B. is lying, having C. is lying, enjoying D. lies, enjoy二. Fill in the blanks with a proper word.1. Betty is _ a school trip.2. Dont read _ the sun. Its bad for your eyes.3. Here is a postcard: Greetings _ Australia.4. He is waiting _ his mother.5. Families are getting together _ the moment.6. Do you go to school _ a car or by bus?7. Thank you _ you postcard.8. He is walking to a put and having a _.9. I enjoy the concert a _.10. Next Sunday is my sisters birthday, so now I am shopping for _.三. Reading.(A)Plans for the weekendKen:Right, this weekend we should get up early so we can do more things!Jack:We can go to the noodle shop at 8 a.m. for some food.Ken:Okay, and at 9 a.m. we can go to the stadium and play basketball. Then we are going to the park for a picnic lunch with my family.Jack:And then we are going to the puter center.Ken:Rightwe can buy some puter books, and then we can go to my house to check our e-mail and then watch television.Jack:Saturdays going to be fun, but what are we going to do on Sunday?Ken:I knowget up at 8 a.m., go to the park at 9 and go on the lake in a boat.Jack:Yes, we can have hamburgers for lunch!Ken:GreatI love hamburgers!Jack:Amy is having a party in the afternoondo you want to go?Ken:I cantI have a test on Mondayso I have to stay home to do my homework and then revise!Jack:Yes, I should study too. Oh, well, see you tomorrow四. plete the tableSaturday Sunday Get up (B)Rodney is a famous musician. Napoleon is an emperor. Rodney writes a lot of music. One day, Napoleon goes to Rodneys concert. He enjoys the music very much. He wants to see Rodney. So he asks others to invite Rodney to his box. Rodney is worried because he doesnt have full dresses. He says he cant see the Emperor like that. But when Napoleon knows that, he says, “There is no request between two emperors.” Then people call Rodney Music Emperor.1. Napoleon goes to the concert to _.A. watch a balletB. listen to music C. have a meeting D. see Rodney2. Napoleon wants to _ the writer of the music.A. seeB. tell C. teachD. find3. The _ is called Rodney.A. musicB. musician C. emperorD. opera4. The writer is worried because _.A. his music is not very goodB. Napoleon is an emperorC. he has some other things to doD. he doesnt dress very well5. Rodney is an emperor too, because _.A. his music is very beautifulB. Napoleon thinks he is an emperorC. he wants to be an emperorD. he meets the Emperor Napoleon.五. Cloze testHave you ever seen snow? A lot of people in the world have not. A lot of countries 1_ have snowor they have it only on the tops of very high mountains. In Scotland and in the north of England, there is quite a lot of snow every 2_, but in the south of England, there is usually 3_.When a student from 4_ country like Malaya or Indonesia es to Britain in autumn for the first time, he feels cool at first. There are 5_dark clouds, gray sky and cold rain in Britain in autumn, and most students from warm countries do not like this.But snow is different although it is very 6_ . Perhaps, after several dark mornings, the student wakes up one day, and there is a lot of 7_ in his room. He thinks, “Is it so late?” and jumps out of the bed. But no, it is not very late. He 8_ out of the windowand there is the 9_, on the ground and on the roofs of the houses and 10_. The light in his room came from that clean, beautiful white snow. 1. A. oftenB. neverC. onlyD. ever2. A. springB. summerC. autumnD. winter3. A. littleB. a littleC. few D. a few4. A. a coldB. a windyC. a warmD. a rainy5. A. noB. notC. oftenD. even6. A. dirtyB. badC. beautifulD. handsome7. A. lightB. darkC. windD. bright8. A. sees B. looksC. looks atD. reads9. A. rainB. windC. for D. snow10. A. somewhereB. nowhereC. everywhereD. anywhere【试题答案】一. 15 CDCAD 610 BBDCA 1115 DACCC二. 1. on 2. in 3. from 4. for 5. at 6. in 7. for 8. drink 9. lot 10. presents三. (A)Saturday Sunday Get up Get upGo to the noodle shopGo to the park and go on the lake in a boatGo to the stadium and play basketballHave hamburgers for lunchGo to the park for a picnic lunchStay home to do homework and reviseGo to the puter center, buy some puter booksGo to Kens house to check email and watch TV(B)15 BABDD五. 15 BDACC 610 CABDCModule 1 People and Places(B)重点、难点:1. 语言知识详解2. 本模块短语总结具体内容:1. Were on a school trip and were having a good time.(1)on a school trip 正参加学校的郊游My father is in Hong Kong on business.I dont live here; I am here only on a visit.Were going on a trip to the beach tomorrow.on sale / on leave / on duty / on holiday / on a walk / on a visit / on fire / (2)have a good timeenjoy oneself2. Were enjoying the school trip a lot.a lot very mucheg. Thanks a lot.He works a lot at home.They talked a lot about him.a lot of = lots ofWe spent a lot of money in that shop. There are a lot of eggs in the baskets.3. Shes shopping for presents.shop vi 买东西,购货We shopped all morning for new coats.We often shop in Wangfujing Street.4. Im taking a lot of photos.take photos = take picturestake a bus / take a walk / take ones seat / take place / take care / take part in / take ones temperature / take the medicine / take off / 5. Phrases in this moduleon the Great Wall / on a school trip / have a good time / take lots of photos / lying in the sun / send sb. a postcard / enjoy sth. A lot / write postcards / shop for presents / put on sweaters / wait for / at this moment / leave work / run for trains / have afternoon tea / have a drink / get dressed / at midday / call home / go to the opera / greetings from sb. / in front of / the Forbidden City / see you later / on the phone 【典型例题】1. 在乡下我们常常驾车出去。2. We often go for _ in the country.答案:drives解析:go for a drive / go for drives,去兜风,go for a walk去散步2. 这里所有的工人都享受公费医疗。All the workers here _ free medical care.答案:enjoy 解析:enjoy 享受,eg. The old man enjoys good health.3. 火车五分钟以后离站。The train _ _ five minutes.答案:leaves in解析:此句用一般现在时,也可用现在进行来表示将来时,in +段时间表示多长时间以后,和将来时连用。【模拟试题】(答题时间:60分钟)一. Choose the best answer 1. My uncle often _ me to the zoo on holidays.A. bring B. takes C. getD. carrying2. Look, the boy _ swimming in the lake.A. are B. is C. shallD. be3. This afternoon we are going to buy some tickets _ boating.A. of B. in C. for D. about4. He can do the work himself. He _ .A. neednt help B. doesnt need to helpC. neednt to helpD. doesnt need any help5. Must I go there? No, you _.A. mustnt B. neednt C. cantD. may not6. Lucy sits _ Lilys right _ the front of the classroom.A. on; on B. on; in C. in; in D. in; at7. What are you _? Im _ my bike.A. doing; looking forB. looking for; findingC. doing; finding D. finding; looking for8. Li Lei often loves _ this game.A. play B. to play C. playsD. to playing9. Are you good at _ a bike?A. riding B. is ridingC. ride D. rides10. Can you pass me an eraser? _.A. Thank you all the sameB. CertainlyC. Thanks very muchD. You are wele11. I think Susan plays basketball better than Mary because she is _ than Mary.A. short B. tall C. quieterD. taller12. Jack is Mikes twin brother, and they _.A. looks the sameB. look the sameC. looks different D. look difference13. Do you enjoy _ the music?A. listening B. listen toC. listenD. listening to14. Your bag is smaller than _.A. her B. she C. hers D. my15. Li Leis parents _ doctors.A. are all B. are both C. all areD. both are16. Every day his parents make him _ on the farm.A. to workB. worked C. workD. works17. This watch is _ than that one.A. more cheaperB. much cheap C. more cheapD. much cheaper18. She has a pen in one of her hands, but whats that in her _ hand?A. one B. others C. the otherD. other19. Kate isnt very _. She likes to stay at home and read.A. outgoingB. kind C. funnyD. quiet20. _ should get the job, Ruth or Rose?A. Who do you thinkB. Whose do you thinkC. When do you thinkD. Where do you think二. plete the dialogue.(A)A. Oh, I see.B. Theyre buying food and vegetables.C. Some people arent shopping.D. Why arent they shopping now?E. What are they doingDaming: Look. There are many people in the shop. What are they doing?Xiaoming: _1Daming: Yes, but _2. _3 in the shop?Xiaoming: They are choosing, talking.Daming: _4.Xiaoming: Because they are leaving for home.Daming: _5 (B)A: What are you looking at under t tree, Jim? The bird?B: N_, Im not looking at it. I cant f_ my cat.A: The white one o_ the black one?B: The white one, I know she likes to p_ here .A: Is she playing over t_?B: No, it isnt.A: Is she running under the tree? I t_ she likes to play l_ this.B: You are right. I think s_, too. But there are so m_ trees here. Could you e and h_ me ? A: OK.三. Reading.(A)Mr. Black, Anns father, works in a hospital. Hes friendly to the patients. So hes very busy all the time. Ann is seven and begins to be at school. She often watches TV at home. Some of her friends often go traveling abroad, but her father doesnt have time. He and his wife can only take their daughter to some cities in England.This summer Mr. Black has some time. Hes going to take his family to Iceland. Ann is very excited and tells her friends about it.“Why are you going to travel to Iceland, Ann?” asks a girl.The little girl does not know how to answer. She thinks for a few minutes and says, “Were going to see it before it melts.”1. Mr. Black _.A. is a cleaner in a hospital B. looks after sick peopleC. makes machines in a factoryD. teaches English in a school2. Mr. Black cant take his family to travel abroad because _.A. he forgets it B. he has not any moneyC. he doesnt like traveling D. he has little time3. Ann often _.A. asks her father to take her to Iceland B. goes traveling abroad without her parentsC. stays at home instead of traveling abroadD. talks about the cities in England4. The word “excited” may mean _.A. busy B. happy C. lovely D. tired5. Ann thinks _.A. they are going to live there B. Iceland is an English cityC. Iceland can soon melt D. they are going to see a ice and snow(B)My name is Sissy. I work for an airline. I say hello to people when they e on the plane. I give them food. I answer their questions. Today Im going to fly to Singapore. In Singapore I am going to stay in a nice hotel. Im going to do a little bit sightseeing, and then Im going to shops to buy some presents for my family. After that, Im going to have a swim, and lie by the pool. Then Im going to see my friend Alice in the evening.My name is Alice. I live in Singapore. I work in a travel pany and I am a friend of Sissys. In my free time I swim, read books, listen to music and go to the shopping centers. Where do you go in your free time? Today Sissy is ing from China. She is fun. We are going to go to Singapores night zoo. There are many animals that get up at night and sleep in the day. Tomorrow Sissy is going to Shanghai, but she es here once a month.T or F?1. Sissy lives in Singapore.2. Sissy flies to many countries.3. Sissy gives presents to her family.4. Alice is a teacher.5. Alice cannot swim.6. Theres a night zoo in Singapore.7. Alice and Sissy are friends.8. Alice is going to Shanghai tomorrow.四. Gap-filling (A)Mr. Johnson is a good man, but has a shorting. He doesnt like to get up early in the morning.It is half past seven this morning when he l_ at his watch. He gets out of b_ quickly, then he w_ his face and brushes his teeth. Then he puts on his clothes and l_ his house in a great hurry.He gets to his office and b_ to work. Mr. Johnson doesnt eat a _ in the mo

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