2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Colours and Clothes Lesson 15-Lesson 16教案 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Colours and Clothes Lesson 15-Lesson 16教案 冀教版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Colours and Clothes Lesson 15-Lesson 16教案 冀教版.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Colours and Clothes Lesson 15-Lesson 16教案 冀教版一、Teaching content1. Names of clothing: shorts, pants, shoes, socks2. Express ones likes3.Sing a song: understand the names of seven days of a week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday二、Teaching aims:1. Understand the meaning of the text2. Remember the mastery words: shorts, pants, shoes, socks3. Can express likes4. Understand and sing the song “He is wearing red pants”三、Teaching important points:1. Phrase: a pair of2.General Question: Do you like?四、Teaching difficult point General Question: Do you like?五、Preparation: pictures of clothing, real clothing六、Teaching aids: audiotape, pictures and real clothing七、Type of lesson: dialogue and song八、Teaching procedureWarming up and review1. Greetings2. Check the homework if necessary3. Review vocabulary for clothing (skirt, shirt, sweater, dress, coat and hat) and coloursReview “Whose _ is this?” “Is this your _ ?”For the revision, you can hold up clothing and ask questions about it.New lessonStep 1. No 1 Shorts, pants, shoes, socksDemonstrate: Hold up pictures or real clothing to introduce shorts, pants, shoes and socks. Say the words a few times with the class.Ask the students to point to the pictures and say the words several times.Explain the phrase “ a pair of” and make sure they understand the meaning. You can point to the pictures of pants, shorts, shoes or socks and say “a pair of” refers to two matching objects. Pants and shorts are “pairs” because they have two legs. Then explain “Shuang or Tao” in Chinese.Step 2. Listening and repeatingPlay the audiotape as the students follow in their books.Step 3. PracticePoint to a picture of coat and say, “What is it?”. Make them answer “ It is a coat.” Then point to a picture of pants and ask “What are they?” and lead them to answer “ They are pants.”. Make sure they know when to use “What is it?” and when to use “What are they?”. Practice the drills using pictures of clothing.Step 4. No 2 Do you like _? I like _ .Demonstrate: Take out of some markers and pick up the blue one and say “I like blue. Blue is my favourite colour.”. Show the markers to the class and say to student1 “What is your favourite colour?” Student1: My favourite colour is _ . Then you ask student1 again “Do you like _ (the colour he or she likes).”. Help him or her answer it correctly. You can ask other students the same questions.Step 5. e to Lesson 15 No 2.Talk about the pictures with the students. Make sure they understand the meaning of the dialogue. Explain the sentence “ Were the same”. You can say “If you like shirts. I like shirts, too. So were the same.”. Use Chinese when necessary. Step 6.Then play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.Step 7. PracticeYou may hold up the pictures of clothing and ask the following questions:What is this?/ What are they?Do you like it?/ Do you like them?Do you like the colour?What is your favourite colour?Step 8. No 3 Lets sing a songShow word cards with the names of seven days of a week or point to the words in the song and say them in order with the class a few times.Slowly read all the words of the song with the class. Talk about the sentences with the class to make sure they understand the meaning of the song.Step 9. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Step 10. Activity book.1.Match the pictures and words.2. Color their favourite colors. Class closing: sum up the text. Homework: 1. Finish the activity book2. Read the textSing the song.Lesson 16: Unit Review一.Teaching content1.Review all the letters2.Review colours, numbers and days3.Yes/No questions二.Teaching aims1.Understand and remember what is reviewed in the lesson.2.Have a clear idea of what has been covered in this unit.三.Key point: structures四.Difficult point: the verb be.五.Preparation1.Letters cards. Write the letters on the Bb. 2.Write the drills on the Bb六.Teaching aids: cards七.Type of the lesson: Review八.Teaching procedureStep 1. Warming up.1.Greeting. Sing a song in English. Step 2. Review.1.Show the English letters cards and ask the Ss to read them one by one.2.Sing the ABC song.3.Count the numbers from one to ten. Sing the song “ Ten little Indians.”4.Learn the seven days of the week. Sing the song about it.5.Learn the clothes by using the pictures or real things.6.Practice the drills:What are they?Are the _?What colour is it?Do you like_?I like _. And then make dialogue by using the drills.Step 3. Activity book.Play the tape and stop after each instruction to allow the Ss time to plete each exercise.Step 4. Role Play practice. Encourage the Ss to make up some dialogues and act them out.Step 5. Sb16, Part 1. Finish this pert to review vocabularyStep 6. Part 2. Grammar in use. Explain the usage of be to the Ss, then finish the exercise.Step 7. Part 3. Finish this part to review the drills.Step 8. Part 4. Putting it all together. Finish the exercise with the Ss. Then encourage them to make some more sentences.Step 9. Homework. 1.Read the dialogues in this unit. try to use them in your daily life.Sing the songs. Try to learn some more English songs.

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