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06年10月高三英语第一次月考I. 单项选择题1. The moment you step on _ board the ship to the USA, you must have an opened mind towards _ new environment you face.A. a; / B. a; the C. /; the D. the; the2. - Have you ever been to the Opera House?- Of course. When in Sydney, I _ it twice.A. visited B. have visited C. had visited D. would visit3. He once worked in a pany, _ he went abroad for further study. A. after that B. to which C. after which D. for that4. Mary spent the whole weekend _ in her study, _ for the ing examinations. A. locked; prepared B. locked; preparing C. locking; preparing D. being locked; prepared5. - Why not tell me a few things about your hometown? - _ A. Because I cant tell you many things at a time. B. Im afraid I cant. C. Sure. What in general are you interested in? D. I dont know anything about it.6. Though a great deal of material has been printed, Im afraid there arent enough copies for each listener to have _. A. it B. them C. those D. one7. It has been announced recently that all the schools in our country _ not have students attend school at weekends. A. need B. shall C. could D. may8. His aunts e-mails _ of those beautiful days when they used to live together in his hometown. A. call him up B. call for him C. call him back D. call on him9. It was not until dark _ he found _ he thought was the way to solve the problem. A. that; what B. that; that C. when; what D. when; that10. The novel “Harry Porter and the Half-Blood Prince” _ a great success and was translated into many languages in xx. A. appreciated B. enjoyed C. won D. madeII. 阅读理解 AHave you ever wondered: Could I write a novel, paint something worthy of framing or interpret Bach(巴赫) on that hand-me-down accordion hidden away in the basement? The happy news is its not only possible, its likely- if we simply allow ourselves to try.“Were all spiritual, creative beings,” says Julia Cameron, who wrote the best-selling book on creativity, The Artists Way.” Creativity is as normal an attribute as having blood.” Being creative is not only natural, its good for you. Creative expression enriches our free time, reduces stress and brings better health, both mental and physical.Let it flowCreativity does not require an act of will or sweat on the brow. Many people e up with their best ideas while driving, bathing or cleaning the house. “Its sometimes useful to think of creativity as a form of spiritual electricity,” says Cameron.Get startedWhere does someone start if shes never considered herself creative? One school of thought says you already know, deep down, what youd like to try. Watercolours, perhaps, pottery, poetry, gardening, classic-car restoration or choral singing. Another strategy is to just begin trying things. So you take an art class and decide its not for you. So what? Try something else. The hunt can be half the fun.Some people remend exercises to get your mind exploring creative possibilities. Read books on creativity or check out Web sites on the Internet. Cameron suggests writing a list of wishes or dreams in quick succession so your inner censor has no time to pooh-pooh each one.“If you want to be more creative, you have to take more risks, I think thats what inhabits most people.” says Jim Adams, a Stanford University engineering professor who has taught creative thinking for 30 years. “But risk, is always better than safety, which can lead to cynicism(愤世嫉俗的态度), boredom and a well-worn chair in front of the TV.Do something differentCameron tells people to take themselves on a weekly artists date. Go to a concert, browse in an art shop or take in the sights and smells at a greenhouse. “These artists dates feed you in unexpected ways,” she says.“I always advise people to take a flyer for something theyve always wanted to do,” says Cameron. “Often that thing is consistent with your talents and abilities. Unfortunately, a lot of people live and die with that one wish unfulfilled.”1. According to Julia Cameron, _.A. people are born creativeB. people are spiritual, which is as normal an attribute as having bloodC. creativity takes our free timeD. creativity needs strong will and hard work2. What does the underlined word “well-worn” mean?A. well-dressed B. well-decorated C. worn or used for a long time D. fortable3. Which of the following suggestions about “to be creative” is NOT made by Cameron?A. People should write a list of wishes or dreams one after the other quickly.B. People should take more risks.C. People should often meet with artists.D. People should try to do what theyve always wanted to do.4. Whats the title of the passage?A. Do Something DifferentB. Set Free Your CreativitiesC. Get Started to be CreativeD. Are You Creative? BMadonna has an unusual range of creative talents and has achieved success in several different fields as a dancer, a singer, a songwriter, a choreographer (编舞者),a record producer, a “tour” artist and an actress.Madonna trained as a dancer. She really trained, for years, and it was her dancing skills that brought her to New York in the first place. This was no “disco-queen”, picking up a few steps at the local keep-fit class; her teachers were true professionals, some of them, Pearl Lang especially, at the summit of their careers. To be a successful dancer, one has to have a number of skills, but the key one has to be one of musical rhythm (节奏). All successful dancers are musical, and Madonnas years of dance training have contributed greatly to her success. They gave her a professional approach to choreography, and therefore the making of videos, and enabled her to dancer to a high standard when she was given the chance as well as sing. There can be no doubt that the physical daily discipline of dance training stood her in excellent stead when touring and spending whole days working in studios without a break, until she had achieved the sound she wanted.As a singer, Madonna soon took to writing her own material and her talent as a songwriter has also to be considered. Since she knew her own voice, and she knew the importance of rhythm and syncopation (切分) from her dancing, she was able to write songs that were both distinctive and tailor-made for her abilities. Based originally on dance-styles, her songs grew in depth and expressive seriousness so that on the one hand she is responsible for such classics as Into The Groove and on the other she was able to create something as pletely different as Promise To Try. Of course, by no means all of Madonnas songs are entirely her own work; she often writes together with others but such is her control over all aspects of the finished result that we justly talk of “her” material.If her music developed, so did her lyric-writing. Whatever lies behind her lines, some have bee phrases within most peoples vocabularly; on the Like A Prayer album her lyrics rose to new levels of subtlety and literacy.1. What does the author say about Madonnas dance training?A. Her early training was in New York.B. She learned to dance in a keep-fit class.C. Her training was thorough and properly supervised.D. Some of her teachers were professionals.2. Madonnas dance training contributed greatly to her success in that _.A. it gave her a sense of musical rhythmB. it gave her the chance to make dance videosC. it helped her to be successful in different areasD. it helped her to be independent when she went on tour3. Madonna has a good ability to write songs because _.A. she drew on her dance training and a knowledge of her own voiceB. she had the support and collaboration (合作) of others but had tailor-made music for herselfC. she had learned to play several musical instrumentsD. she is talented, distinctive and serious4. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the way Madonnas songs are written?A. They are all her own work from start to finish and are originally from dance music.B. Madonna writes a lot of material herself and is involved in her co-writers work.C. The songs are based on dance rhythms and classical themes.D. She is responsible for the classic songs but not for the others.5. The topic of the whole passage can be concluded as _.A. how to bee a superstar like MadonnaB. the great popularity of MadonnaC. Madonnas dance trainingD. What makes Madonna a superstar III. 短文改错I was surprised to learn that my old mother dare to drive 1 900 miles in a 12-year-oldcar to visit me. When asking how 2 she made that, shetold me that she had filled a gas tank and 3 didnt have money in a motel (汽车旅馆) room. “What did you 4 do?”I asked. “Well, ”she began, “I was driven throughthis 5 small town and feeling very sleepy. Apolicemanpulledhim 6 over and asked if I hadbeen drinkingWhen I toldhim 7 not,he wantedto know why I was windingall overthe road. I 8 explained to my situation. He ordered me to follow him. We then 9 drove to a motel whichthe nice officer paid for the nights stay. 10 IV. 书面表达 暑期即将到来,同学们纷纷打算如何过上一个丰富而又有意义的暑假。假如你是李明,你打算在今年暑假里安排以下内容:1. 外出旅游一次;2. 为上大学作些准备;3. 其他活动。 请你发一份电子邮件,告知在美国的笔友Frank, 并简要说明安排上述几项活动的理由。 注意:1、词数100-120; 2、邮件的开头与结尾已为你写好。Dear Frank, With the summer vacation drawing near, Im considering _Best wishes!Li Ming 2019年高三英语第一次月考下列图表反映的是你校xx年与xx年学生健康状况调查的部分数据。请你用英文为某报写一份报告,反映学校三年间学生健康状况的变化情况,并提出相应的改进措施。注意:1报告必须包括图表中的所有内容 2词数:100左右第一句已给出 (不计入总词数) A recent survey shows that the health of the students in our school has been going from bad to worse in the past three years. _KEYSI. 单选 CACDC DBAABII. 阅读 A) 1答案:A。本题是细节推理题,根据第二段引号内的内容可推出答案。2答案:C。该题为词义猜测题,该句意为:冒险总比四平八稳要好,四平八稳会导致玩世不恭、百无聊赖,会令人满足于久坐在破椅子上看电视的生活。3答案:B。该题为概括判断题,考生须看懂全文并对Cameron所说的话加以概括判断,同时须细心地分辨清楚哪些是Cameron说的,哪些是另外人说的。根据第五段最后一句可知A是她的建议,根据第七段可知C是她的建议,从最后一段可知D也是她的建议,而B则是Jim Adams所说,故答案选B。4答案:B。本题考查学生概括主题的能力。通读后归纳中心及根据文中的小标题得出本文题目。B) 1、答案C。此题为推理题,解此类题目的关键在于迅速浏览文章,找到文章中与此相关的部分。这一题目涉及麦当娜的舞蹈训练,相关的内容在文章的第二段。通过阅读该段我们会发现,选项A与文章的内容不符,因为文章并没有说她在哪里接受的舞蹈训练,只是说是她的舞蹈技能使她来到纽约。选项B与文章中“This was nodisco-queen,picking up a few steps at the local keep-fit class”这一句子的内容正好相反。选项D是一个较有迷惑性的选项,但并不是答案,因为根据文章的内容我们得知麦当娜的舞蹈教练都是真正的专业教练,而且其中的一些教练正处于他们事业的顶峰.因此本题的答案应为C。尽管作者没有明确提到这一点,但她的舞蹈训练有素,可从以下几个方面来看: (1)她接受的是真正的舞蹈训练,而非上一般的健美训练班; (2)训练的水平。2、答案A。此题为细节题,与此相关的内容在文章第二段的后半部分。答案就存在于“All successful dancers are musical, and Madonnas years of dance training have contributed greatly to her success”这一句中,前面一句指出a sense of musical rhythm 也很重要,因此本题答案为A。其它选项均与本题或文章的内容不符。3、答案A。此题为细节推理题,与此相关的内容在文章第三段的第二句“Since she knew her own voice, and she knew the importance of rhythm and syncopation from her dancing, she was able to write songs”,实际上本题就是把这句话的内容换一种方式表述。在这个句子中,since 一词表示原因,这里提到有两个原因:一是她了解自己的嗓音,二是她知道节奏与切分的重要性,这与选项A的内容相符,因此本题的答案为A。4、答案B。此题也属于细节判断题,涉及麦当娜歌曲的写作方式,相关内容在文章第三段后半部分。选项A说她的歌曲全部是她自己写的,这与文章内容不符,因为文章告诉我们她的歌曲有的是和别人合作的。选项B说她自己写了不少歌曲,也和别人有合作,这与文章的内容相符,因此本题答案为B。根据“on the one hand she is responsible for such classics as Into The Groove and on the other she was able to create something as utterly different as Promise To Try,”我们可以看出选项C和D都不正确。5、答案D。本题为文章主旨题,从整篇文章的内容来看,尤其是第一段,这篇文章介绍了麦当娜在不同领域的才能,解释了麦当娜何以成为超级巨星的原因。因此本题答案为D。III. 短文改错1dare改为dared。根据句子时态一致规则,此句应该为过去时态,dare为实义动词。 2asking改为asked。该句的主语是she,因为不是她问儿子而是她被儿子问,故当用过去分词;过去分词表示被动,这是过去分词置于句首作状语的一种语法现象。 3a-the。 4介词in改为for。付钱买东西或付钱住旅馆,我们常常用介词for。如:I paid for this puterFor也可用于表示等值关系。如:He sold it for twenty dollars 5driven改为driving。因为是她自己开车而不是别人为她开车,故不存在被动关系。而且was driving(过去进行时)形容她正在开车的情景。 6himme.7/。 8not改为no。这里的no实际上等于I had not been drinking。这是一种简略否定的表示法。又如:He said no to the proposal 9to去掉。实际上这是犯了思维定势的错误。explain后固然有时会用上介词to,但常常是to sb,而不会是to sth。explain的常见结构是explain sthto sb或explain to sbsth。 10which改为where。where是关系副词,意思是“in the motel”,作状语。which错在它既不作定语从句的主语(主语是the nice officer),也不作paid的宾语(pay后面可以跟sb表示“付给某人钱”,也可以跟sthbill,debt表示“付账,还债”。如:They paid me the moneyHave you paid the electricity bill yet?)。范文ADear Frank, With the summer vacation drawing near, Im considering making some colorful and meaningful arrangements. In the ing summer time Im going on a trip to some interesting places. It is necessary to make some preparations for going to college for my further studies. Besides, doing a part-time job is also my another plan. You see, summer is the best time to relax myself because in the senior school I hardly had any time to do so. And doing a paid job can also ease my familys financial burden. At the same time I can acquire some social and practical experience, which, I think, is of much benefit to a future college student. Do you think so?Best wishes!Li Ming BA recent survey has showed that the health of the students in our school has been going from bad to worse in the past three years.The number of nearsighted students has increased from 78.2% in xx to 92.5 % this year, while that of overweight students from 36% to 52.4%. Nearly 10 % more students lack sleep because of more homework to do. Besides, over 15 % more students bee mentally unhealthy.To improve students health, we call for less homework. Only in this way can students get plenty of sleep and meanwhile prevent themselves from being nearsighted. Proper diets and exercise should also be paid attention to so that they wont easily put on weight. With their heavy burdens removed, students can then keep in normal mental health.

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