2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Is this your pencil学案4(无答案) (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Is this your pencil学案4(无答案) (新版)人教新目标版Language goal: 学习目标:Words: 写出下列词语的对应中文并背诵。(参看课本101页)at_, in_, the_, lost_, found_, lost and found_, please_, school_, a set_, of_Sentences:在SectionB 3a 中找出对应句子并背诵。 请给Alan打电话,号码为4953539。_ Alan _ 4953539. 请给Mary打电话,电话 235-0285。_ _ Mary. _ 235-0285.基础1. Lydia 捡到a pen, 她的联系电话为2243638请你仿照课文3a写一则招领启示。2.写出下列短语。失物招领处_ _ and _ _给Alan打电话_ _捡到_我的学生证_ school_ _ 请拨号6856034。_ _ _3.写一则寻物启示。Tony 丢了学生证,他的联系电话为6856034。提高 1. This is _ key and that is _ eraser. A. a, aB. a, an C. an, aD. the, an2. Is that a baseball? _ A. Yes, that is.B. No, it isnt.C. Yes, its.D. Its a baseball.3. Is this her pen? _ A. No, its my pen. B. No, its a pen. C. Yes, its my pen. D. Yes, it isnt.4. This is not _ watch. I think(认为) its _ watch. A. you, heB. she, my C. his, herD. me, his5. It is _. A. penB. my a pen C. a my penD. my pen 6. Is this _ English car? A. youB. IC. yourD. a 7. Whats this in English? _ a pencil case. A. ThissB. This is C. ItsD. Its 8. Your ring is nice. _. A. Thank youB. OK C. SorryD. Its not nice 9. Whats that? Its _ ID card. A. my aB. anC. theD. a 10. Is that your pencil _ the lost and found case? A. inB. atC. onD. of 11. Please call Mike _ 235-0285. A. forB. atC. toD. in _. A. Yes, it isntB. No, it is C. Yes, it isD. No, she isnt 12. This is _ eraser and thats _ gold ring. A. a, anB. an, an C. an, aD. a, a 13. _ this? _ a puter. A. Whats, ThisB. Whats, Its C. What, ItD. What, This is 14. _ Tom. This is _ book. A. I am, myB. I am, I C. He is, heD. He is, her 根据提示,连词成句。 1. that, a, is, school. _?那是一所学校吗? 2. ruler, it, a, is. _? 那是一把尺子吗? 3. English, this, in is, what. _? 4. his, it, dictionary, isnt._.那个不是他的词典。 5. you, do, game, how, spell. _? 你怎样拼写game这个词? VIII. 阅读下列启事,判断正(T)误(F)。 (1)Lydias telephone number is 442-697._ (2)Davids puter game is lost. _ (3)Lizas backpack is in the lost and found case._ (4)Elys ID card is lost._ (5)529903 is Elys phone number._IX. 书面表达假如你是David,你的电话是32356824。你的字典丢失了,请写一则寻物启事。

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