2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Module 1 Unit 3教学设计 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Module 1 Unit 3教学设计 外研版一、教学目标1 认知目标(1)、新单词和短语: first, lesson, class, student, Miss, blackboard, year, open, close, match, write, read, listen, practice, eleven, twelve, thirteen, twenty-nine, fifty 基本句型: (重点、难点)Whats your / his / her name? How old are you / is he / is she?My / His / Her name is I am / Im/ Hes / Shesyears old. Where are you / is he / is she / are they from? Im / Hes / Shes / Theyre from (2)、语法方面:动词be与人称代词的强化 (重点、难点)(3)、功能方面:介绍个人信息(4)、语音方面: /i:/ /i/ /e/ / / 2 能力目标(1)、提高学生听说和读写的能力。听: 学生能听懂别人的自我介绍。 说:学生能进行自我介绍,并能向别人询问相关的信息如姓名、年龄、职业及 来自哪里。 读:学生能看懂不同人的自我介绍的文章。写:学生能写出他们的个人信息并编造出一个新的信息。(2)、让学生做到用中感悟,学以致用,把所学的词汇、语法知识运用到真实的交际中,提高学生交际能力。(3)、培养学生用英语思维的能力及辨析中英文之间的差异的能力。(4)、开发思维,培养学生的创新精神、合作意识及探究的能力。3 情感目标通过小组讨论、竞赛及探究性活动等,激发并强化学生的学习兴趣,培养学生乐于与他人合作的品质。4 文化意识二、学习策略:1、分层指导下的任务设计:面向全体学生,为不同层次的学生提供展示自己才能的机会。(分层、分组)2、根据学生的兴趣爱好设计活动,在学中玩,在玩中学,让学生在用英语“做事”并解决问题的同时锻炼自己的口语交际能力,即Learning by doing.3、形成性评价贯穿整个课堂,为学生“可持续学习”奠定基础,让学生拥有成就感。4、教法、学法交际法(municative Approach) 情景教学法(Situation Approach)整体语言教学(Whole Language Teaching) 任务型语言教学 做中学5、自学和小组合作互动以及竞争的形式进行学习 6、感知、体验、实践、参与、合作在中西文化对比中(询问年龄的禁忌、自我介绍的差异、姓名的区别等),加深对本国及外国文化的理解与认识,提高对中外文化异同的鉴别能力,提高世界意识。教材分析 (按整体模块分析) 三、教学流程:Warming-upTask 1 玩游戏,引新课:先玩一个猜测游戏:Whats his / her name?通过一系列的中英文名字的呈现,引出新课的内容:中英文名字的区别。然后列举了几个名字让同学们判断是中文名字还是英文名字,姓和名分别是什么。TeachersActivity: 1.show students some cards with names on them. . 2.ask them if them know the names .Students Activity: 1. Try to speak the names. 2.tell the differences between Chinese names and English names.In putTask 2 制作创意姓名卡。 所谓创意姓名卡就是随便学生发挥自己的想象,可以假设自己是某动画人物,也可以是某种动植物、食物、水果、名人、影星、政界要人等,只要自己喜欢都行,然后制作一张姓名卡。设置这一活动的目的主要是让小孩的天性如天真活泼、创造力、想象力不至于在现行的方方正正中规中矩的教育中被抹杀,反而得到更大的发展。TeachersActivity: 1. Ask students to make name cards. 2.Encourage them to imagine .Students Activity: Make cards.Practice:Task 3假设你在一个晚会上,遇到了许许多多来自世界各地的形形色色的人物。用上刚设计的创意姓名卡,去和他们聊天交朋友,并把他们的信息记录下来。最后以小组为单位进行汇总并汇报。由于学生本身所用的姓名卡是极其富有个性的,上面的信息不一定是他们本人的真实信息,从某种意义上说,有了一定的information gap,让他们有了更好的了解对方信息的欲望,更有积极性,上课注意力会更集中,效率会更高。TeachersActivity: 1.Let students use the cards to makes friends and write them down. 2.Get in groups .Try to explain.Students Activity: 1.Make friends using the cards information2. Try to explain in groups.Out putTask 3 Discussion and Practice 1、 将班里的学生分成若干小组,让他们讨论并写下他们刚在晚会上结识的最感兴趣的朋友的信息。2、 组员可适当进行分工:述说者、记录员、画画者、组织者、汇报者等。3、 讨论完毕之后,由各组的汇报者进行汇报。汇报时用上书本activity 1上的内容。4、 教师在这过程中应适时地提供帮助。TeachersActivity: 1.divide students in some groups . 2. Let students discuss the information .Students Activity: 1.discuss the information. 2. Get in groups .Try to explain.FeedbackTask 4 Match the words with the pictures.Exercises 通过一些练习来巩固本模块需掌握的语言点语法点。Homework周末上网查找你所感兴趣的名人的信息,并为他写一篇介绍性的文章。(布置依据)四、教学评价根据英语课程标准的目标和要求及其评价建议,应实施对教学全过程和结果的有效监控。评价主体是多元化的,它包括:学生本人、教师、学生小组、家 长;组织形式有他评及自评。初中生评价能力发展中的一个突出特点就是十分重视同龄人对自己的评价和看法,开始将同龄人的评价和成年人的评价同等对待,因此学生间的相互评价更是形成性评价中不可缺少的一部分。 附:评价表(小组成员之间进行评价,以星号 为标记,五个星为最高,但是必须小组全票才能通过生效)_小组同学姓名学习态度、习惯合作精神任务完成情况作业情况综合评价成绩小组长评语: 小组长签名:教师评语:教师签名:注:本表一堂课一张,一周有5张,结合评价手册进行评定,一周由小组长统计一次交科代表汇总登记,作为考试的加分依据。 时间:Module 1 Nice to meet you 检测题一. 用正确的be动词填空1. Ann _ in Class Three. She _ good at English.2. A: _ you Tom? B: I _ Jojn.3. Where _Tony from? I know his parents _ workers.4. We _ not from America, but we can speak English.5. How many apples _ there in the basket?6. There _ some bread in the fridge.7. There _ many people in the park.8What _ your favourite food? 二单词拼写1Its very nice to _(遇见) you here.2Today we are going to learn the _ (第一)lesson.3How many _(学生) are there in your class?4Its going to rain, Mary _(关) the windows.5I am _(十二)years old when I go the Middle School.6The old man can speak _(英语) well.7I dont know where he is _(来自)。8 Foshan is a big _(城市), there are many trees here and there.9I like _(看) books when I have time.10Our teacher lived here _(五十) years ago.三Kitty闯关。选择最佳答案(10 marks)() 1. Its very hot in _ summer in Guangdong.A. a B. theC. /() 2. I am a new student here, I am _ New York.A. in B. fromC. to ()3. My brother will have a birthday party this Sunday, he is five _ old.A. yearB. yearsC. day()4. The boy with yellow hair is from London, he is an _.A. EnglishB. EnglandC. America()5. Whats _ hobby, Tom?Watching TV.A. heB. hisC. she()6. _ is your grandmother?She is over eighty years old.A. How oldB. How manyC. Where()7. My mother works in a hospital, _ works very hard.A. sheB. herC. I()8. David Beckhams _ name is David.A. givenB. familyC. Chinese()9. Daming _ the Chinese book and reads the text to the classmates.A. openB. opensC. closes()10. Wang Hui and Daming _ good friends.A. amB. is C. are()11. Her name _ Lucy. A. am B. is C. are()12. Hi! _A. Hello! B. Nice to meet you! C. Goodbye!()13. Lingling is a good _. She is _ good student, too. A. boy, a B. girl, a C. girl, an()14. Jerry, _ is Rose. Rose, _ is Rice. A. this, the B. this, this C. the, she()15. _ Dad is a teacher. A. She B. He C. My四. 交际平台。(10 marks)16. 男:_? 女:My name is Song Yang.17. 男:_? 女:Fine, thanks.18. 男:_. She is my friend. 女:Hello, Miss Li.19. 男:_! 女:20. 男:Im Sara. 女:_(Mike).五. 看图完成对话。(图参考课本第二页)Teacher: Good morning, class!Students: Good morning!Teacher: Sit down, please. 21_ is your name?Student A: 22_ Meimei.Teacher: Good. 23_ are you, Meimei?Student A: I 24_ fine, thanks!Teacher: Those two boys?Student B: My name is Daming. And 25_ name is Xiaoming. 答案:一、1.is is 2.Are am 3.is are 4.are5. are 6.is 7.are 8.is 二、1.meet 2.first 3.students 4.is closing 5.twelve 6.English 7.from 8.city 9.reading 10.fifty 三、1-5四、is your name??HelloGood morning!My name is五.Im

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