2019-2020年七年级英语What time do you go to school教案 人教新目标.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语What time do you go to school教案 人教新目标Title What time do you go to school?TopicDaily routinesFunctionsTalk about daily routinesAsk about and say timesStructuresWhen questionsWhat time is it? (formulaic)Adverbs of frequencyTarget languageWhat time do you usually get up?I get up at six oclock.When does Alicia take a shower?She takes a shower at five oclock.What time is it?Its eleven oclock.Vocabularyget up, run, eat breakfast, go to school, eat dinner, do homework, go to bed, shower, oclockmorning, afternoon, evening, usually, pen palRecyclingNumbers 1-30Learning Strategies Role playingReflecting.Words and expressions: (n. 名词 v. 动词 prep. 介词 adj. 形容词 adv. 副词 conj. 连词)单词/短语词性词义讲解与例句what time几点,什么时候What time do you go to bed every day?你每天几点上床睡觉?go to schoolv.去上学Hurry up! Its time to go to school.快点!上学的时间到了。get upv.起床I get up at 6:30 every morning.我每天早上6:30起床。runv.跑Do you like running? 你喜欢跑步吗?showern. & v.淋浴Tony takes a shower every day before he goes to bed. 托尼每天睡觉前都洗澡。alwaysadv.老是,总是He is always busy these days.这些天他总是很忙。busyadj.忙的,繁忙的He is busy now. 他现在忙。morningn.早晨,上午Ill see you in the morning. 明天上午见。soadv.这么,那么Its so kind of you.你太好了。conj.因此,所以I stay so I can see you.我留下来以便能见到你makev.制作,做;使得,迫使He can make a model plane. 他会做飞机模型。She will make him happy. 她将使他幸福。I cant make the horse go. 我无法使这匹马走动。schedulen.时间表,时刻表Whats your schedule for tomorrow?你明天的日程安排如何?a train schedule 火车行车时刻表whyadv.为什么“Why are you late for school?”, the teacher asks him. 老师问他:“你为什么上学迟到?”becauseconj.因为I do it because I like it. 我做这件事是因为我喜欢。oldest adj.年纪最大的(old的最高级)David is the oldest student in our class.大卫是我们班年龄最大的学生。longeradj.较长的(long的比较级)The garden is 30 meters long and 20 meters wide.这花园长三十米,宽二十米。oclockadv.点钟Its five oclock now. 现在五点钟了。workn. & v.工作I like garden too, but I dont like hard work. 我也喜欢花园,但是我不喜欢辛苦的劳动。Everyone works hard in our class.在我们班,每个人都努力学习。hourn.小时Our business hours are from 9:30 to 20:30. 我们的营业时间是九点半到二十点半。afteradv. & prep在以后的时间或期间Ill call him after I get to the school. (adv.)我到学校以后就给他打电话。Please read after me. 请跟我读。 (prep.)practice v. & n.练习He practices his guitar every day. (v.)他每天都练习弹吉他。Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。 (n.)put onv.穿上Its too cold outside. Put on your coat, please.外面太冷了。穿上你的大衣。jacketn.短上衣,夹克She buys a jacket for her father as a birthday present. 她给父亲买了件夹克,作为生日礼物。go to workv.去上班My mother goes to work at 8:30 every day.母亲每天8:30去上班。get tov.开始做To get to work, he gets up early in the morning. 为了工作,他早上起得很早。hoteln.旅馆That rich man lives in a hotel. 哪个富翁住在一家旅馆。leavev.离开,离去;留下The train leaves (the station) in five minutes. 火车五分钟后开车。When I went to school, I left my books at home. 去上学时,我把书落在家里了。listenv.听Listen to me, please. 请听我讲。earlyadj.早;初期The early bird catches the worm.谚 捷足先登。news n.新闻,消息We listen to the news on the radio. 我们收听广播里的新闻报导。a piece of news 一则消息go to bedv.上床睡觉My grandmother goes to bed early every evening. 奶奶每天晚上睡的很早。tiredadj.疲倦的,累的I feel tired after work. 我下班之后很疲劳。happyadj.快乐的,幸福的She is a happy girl. 她是个快乐的小姑娘。Ill be happy to meet him. 我将高兴地与他见面。Happy New Year 新年快乐Happy Birthday 生日快乐mann.男人;人类(复数为:men)Man is taller than woman. 男人比女人高。Men have lived here for thousands of years. 人们在这儿已经生活几千年了。a.m.上午Its eight a.m. now. 现在是早上八点。afternoonn.下午,午后What are you going to do in the afternoon?你下午打算做什么?eveningn.傍晚;晚上We usually watch TV in the evening.晚上我们一般看电视。homeworkn.家庭作业Its time to do homework.该做家庭作业了。go homev.回家He often goes home late. 他常常很晚回家。lettern.信;字母I write a letter to my parents every month.我每月给父母写一封信。aroundadv.大约;在附近I e here at around 5:00 oclock.我大概五点来这儿。They look around but Mary is not there. 他们往四周看看,但玛丽已经不在了。startv.开始,出发If you are ready, you may start your work. 如果你准备好了,你可以开始工作了。wishv. & n.希望,祝愿I wish them good luck. 我向他们祝愿幸运。with best wishes for a happy new year祝新年快乐Saturdayn.星期六What are you going to do on Saturday morning? 你周六上午打算做什么?exercisen. & v.运动;锻炼;练习Here is your exercise book.这是你的练习本。You dont exercise enough. 你锻炼不够。surveyv.& v. 调查;考察a public opinion survey 民意调查lateadj.迟的;晚的Dont be late for class. 上课不要迟到。.Sentences and Phrases (句型与词组)Grammar FocusWhat time do you get up? I get up at six oclock.What time does he eat breakfast? He eats breakfast at seven oclock.What time does she go to school? She goes to school at eight oclock.本单元的重点: 1 时间的表达方法 (在此不做重点讲解) 2 介词的正确使用at 一般在具体的点钟前面使用in 在某年,在某月on 具体到某一天 星期几 具体到某一天的早上或者下午e.g.at five oclockin 1989, in May, in July, 1989, in the morning/afternoon/eveningon June 6th, on Friday, on Friday morning/afternoon/evening, on the morning of May 1st, xx, on the morning of FridaySentences from the passage(重点句讲解) e.g. 例子We only have one shower and its always busy in the morning.我们只有一个淋浴,并且早上一直很忙。in the morning 在上午in the afternoon 在下午in the evening 在晚上always adv. 总是,一直 (一般在一般现在时的句子中出现), 类似的表示频率的时间副词还有: often,(常常) usually(通常), sometimes(有时) seldom(很少), never(从来不)So we make a shower schedule. 因此我们制定了一个洗澡时间表。 make a schedule : 制定时刻表e.g.He always has a full schedule.他的时间表一向排得很紧。so: conj. 因此,所以 (表示原因,不能和because同时出现在一个句子中。)e.g.Because we only have one shower, we make a shower schedule.We only have one shower, so we make a shower schedule.Because we only have one shower, so we make a shower schedule. (在本句中,because和so同时出现,因此是个错误的句子。) I am the last one to take a shower. 我是最后一个洗澡的人。the last one to do sth. 最后一个做 的人the first one to do sth. 第一个做 的人e.g. He is always the last one to finish his homework. 他总是最后一个完成作业的人。He is the first one to get to school every day. 每天他都是第一个到学校的人。I like to sleep a little longer in the morning. 早上我喜欢多睡一会儿。like: v. 喜欢like doing sth. : 喜欢/喜爱做某事like to do sth. : 喜好/愿意做某事e.g.Do you like fish? 你喜欢鱼吗?He doesnt like swimming. 他不喜欢游泳。On Sundays I like to sleep late. 星期天我爱睡懒觉。He has a shower and makes his breakfast. 他洗完澡,然后做早饭。have a shower/take a shower : 洗澡(一般是淋浴)make breakfast/lunch/dinner: 做早饭/午饭/晚饭make sb. do sth. 让/使某人做某事make sb. +adj. 让某人 (后面一般跟形容词)e.g.My mother is making the bed. 我母亲在铺床。Can you make the tea, John? 约翰,你能沏茶吗?Can you make the horse go? 你能赶走这匹马吗?He makes everyone happy. 他让每个人都很高兴。What a funny time to make breakfast. 做早饭的时间多么滑稽啊! 该句为感叹句。感叹句的构成有两种方式:1.What a/an +adj. + n. ( 主语+谓语)!2.How +adj./adv. +主语+谓语!e.g. What an interesting book (it is)! 多么有意思的一本书啊!How exciting the soccer game is ! 多么激动人心的足球比赛啊!How fast he runs! 他跑得多快啊!After breakfast, he practices his guitar,then he puts on his jacket and goes to work. 早饭后,他练习吉他,然后穿上夹克去上班。practice v. 练习e.g. I need to practice my English before business trip. 我出差以前需要练习一下英语。put on 穿上 (强调穿衣的动作)wear 穿 (强调穿衣服的状态)e.g. Put on your coat, please. Its raining outside. 穿上大衣。外面在下雨。She wears a pretty dress. 她穿一套漂亮的衣服。To get to work, he takes the number 17 bus to the Santon Hotel. 为了工作,他坐17路公共汽车去Santon旅馆。 to为不定式,后接动词原形,表示目的。 e.g.To make his mother happy, Peter studies very hard. 为了让母亲高兴,彼得学习非常刻苦。take v. 乘,坐,搭(车、船)e.g.Shall we go by bus or take a taxi?我们是乘公共汽车去还是乘出租汽车去?He takes a bus to work every day. 他每天乘公共汽车上班。to take a train 乘火车People love to listen to him. 人们爱听他唱。love to do sth. : 爱做listen to sb. : 听某人说/唱e.g. Our Chinese teacher loves to tell stories. 我们的语文老师爱讲故事。The students are listening to the teacher. 学生们在听老师讲。He gets home at 7:00, and he watches the early morning news on TV. 他七点到家,然后看电视早间新闻。 home 是副词,因此其前面不用介词to,直接和动词连用。e.g. go home 回家get home 到家stay at home 待在家里He usually gets to school at 7:20 every day. 他每天通常7:20到学校。He goes to bed at 8:30, a tired but happy man. 他8:30上床睡觉,一个累但是开心的人。Thanks for your letter. 谢谢你的来信。thanks for doing sth. / thank sb. for doing sth. :感谢某人做某事e.g.Thanks for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。Thanks for helping me. / Thank you for helping me. 谢谢你帮助我。【同步达纲练习】. 单项选择。( ) 1. When do you have physics? We have it _.A. in the afternoon of TuesdayB. On Tuesday afternoonC. at Tuesday afternoonD. in Tuesday afternoon( ) 2. Ronaldo was born _ September 22nd,1976. A. on B. in C. at D. of( ) 3.You speak English very well. _.A. No, not good.B. I like French food.C. Thanks.D. You speak good.( ) 4. Simon has a brother and a sister. _ names are Paul and Sarah.A. they B. They C. Their D. Them( ) 5. Tony is always the first one to _ school.A. get B. gets C. get to D. gets to( ) 6. We only have one shower, _ we make a shower schedule.A. when B. because C. too D. so ( ) 7._exciting game it is!A. What an B. What a C. How a D. How( ) 8. _ fast Li Ming runs.A. What B. How C. What a D. How a ( ) 9. Students _ their uniforms(校服) every day.A. put on B. puts on C. wears D. wear( ) 10.On weekends, most students like to _ a little longer in the morning.A. sleep B. sleeps C. sleeping D. is sleeping( ) 11. They are listening _ the teacher.A. to B. in C. of D. with( ) 12. The American students teach _ friends English.A. them B. their C. they D. theirs( ) 13. On the way _, you can go _. A. home , to shoppingB. to home, shoppingC. home, shoppingD. home, shping ( ) 14. _ Sunday I go to swim _ my father. A. On, for B. At, for C. On, with D. At, with( ) 15.-Put _ my sweater, please. -No, thanks. Im _ a sweater.A. off, putting B. in, wear C. away, put D. on, wearing( ) 16. They are twins, but they _ look the same.A. arent B. isnt C. doesnt D. dont( ) 17. Lin Ping was ill, _ she didnt go to see the film.A. because B. so C. but D. if( ) 18. They felt very _. A. happy B. happily C. happier D. happiest( ) 19. They often go to school _ bike. But I go to school _ foot.A. by, on B. on, in C. in, in D. on ,on( ) 20. On the way _, she bought a dictionary. A. to the home B. to home C. towards home D. home.连词成句。1.does, go to, school, she, what time _?2.gets up, he, at, usually, 5:30 _.3.I, get to, the first one, to, am, always, school _.4.an, it, interesting, what, story, is _!5.please, tell, morning, write, about, and, me, your _. 用下列各句中所给词的适当形式填空。1.Our English _ (teacher) name is Mr. Green.2.They are _ (he) classmates.3.Are the four _ (child) your friends?4. -What are _ (that)?- Theyre photos.5.The Yellow River is the _ longest river in China.(two). 阅读理解。Man has a big brain. He can think, learn and speak. Scientists once thought that men are different from animals because they can think and learn. They now know that animals dogs, rats, birds can learn. Scientists are beginning to understand that men are different from animals because they can speak. Animals cannot speak. They make noises when they are afraid or angry. Apes can understand some thing more quickly than human. One or two have learned a few words. But they are still different from us. They cannot join words and make sentences. They cannot think like us because they cant think about the past or the future. Language is a wonderful thing. Man has been able to build a modern world because he has language. Every child can speak his own language very well when he is four or fivebut no animal learns to speak. How do children learn? Scientists do not really know. What happens when we speak? Scientists do not know. They only know that man can speak because he had a big brain.1.In what way are men different from animals?A.Men can understand things quickly.B.Men have learned to use language.C.Men can learn.D.Men have brains.2._ can think about the past or the future.A. Apes B. Animals C. Men D. Neither animals nor men3.An ape cannot _.A. make noisesB. understand thingsC. learn wordsD. speak like man4.Scientists now know _ .A.mans brain helps him to learn to speakB.why apes can lean a few wordsC.how children learn to speakD.what happens when men speak5.From this passage, we know _.A.apes have brains and languageB.apes can think, learn and speakC.animals cannot learn to speakD.both A and B are right. 完形填空。John works in a bookshop. Its far from his home. Every day he 1 to work in the morning and back home in the evening. One day, he came home late and didnt look 2 . His wife saw his 3 , then asked him, “Why arent you happy? Are you not 4 , dear?” “Yes, Im quite well. Im very angry, 5 the bus ticket was three pence last week. But today it is two 6 .” “ Thats 7 .” his wife said, “The bus ticket is cheaper now. You may save two pence 8 day.” But John said, “No, you are a 9 . I walk to work and back home every day. Last week I saved 10 pence every day, but now I have two pence less.” ( ) 1. A. runsB. wantsC. drivesD. walks( ) 2. A. happyB. angryC. strongD. sorry( ) 3. A. busB. ticketC. bagD. face( ) 4.A. lateB. wellC. hungryD. tired( ) 5. A. soB. orC. becauseD. though( ) 6. A. clearlyB. earlyC. onlyD. really( ) 7. A. goodB. trueC. wellD. terrible( ) 8. A. otherB. othersC. everyD. another( ) 9. A. driverB. womenC. workerD. fool( ) 10.A. twoB. fourC. sixD. three参考答案【同步达纲练习】.单项选择。 1-5 BACCC6-10 DABDA 11-15 ABCCD16-20 DBAAD.连词成句。1.What time does she go to school?2.He usually gets up at 5:30.3.I am always the first one to get to school.4.What an interesting story it is!5.Please write and tell me about your morning. 用下列各句中所给词的适当形式填空。1. teachers 2. his 3. children 4. those 5. second. 阅读理解。B C D A C. 完形填空。1-5 DADBC 6-10 CACDC


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